Sunday, September 25, 2005

If I had a Million Dollars...

A few years ago, there was a popular song in which the group had all kinds of wacky ideas of how they would spend a million dollars. How would you spend a million dollars?


Anonymous said...

if I had one million dollers, i would give some of it to cherity. Mostly the hurricane funds right now. I would also give some to the church. I would bye my self, first th e things i need, then i ould see how much i would have left, if i would still ahv equite a bit then i would give some to the needy and home less. I would put alot of it in my college found, and save some of it for whhen i ge older. I would start a business so ii can hopfully make some money back. Last i would thatnk God for whatever got me that money cause he did it for me.

The End

Anonymous said...

If i had ane million dollers,I would buy my own private jet. I would fly in it every day. i would fly to hawaii alot. i would go swimmingind. i would try to surf and knowing me i wouldnt be able to do it. Another thing i would buy would be a alien ware computer not because it is the best becaus it looks cool.i would buy a better phone that i have now. i might give some to charity. i would buy a bussness then i might make even more money than i have now(one million dollers). I would probaly pay a college early if i could then i would have nothing to worey about getting a scoller ship.

thats what i would do with one million dollers.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars, I would give some to cherity. I would also give some to group homes. I would also buy the Pheonix Suns. I would make a business. I would call it Leonardo & company. It would be a food company. I would buy a huge mansion with a 1,000 foot pool. I would put an island in the middle of it. I would also own a city in California right by the beach. I would get a really cool phone with all sorts of gizmoes and gadjets. the rest I would put in the bank.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would buy the Lego Company. Then with the money that is left I would give to First Immanuel Church and school, Red Cross, 4-H Clubs,and medical research for Parkinsons Disease. Also give a fund for Gander Mountain.
I would want to provide scholarships funds for needy kids.
Then I would buy a Newfoundland Dog, a Chevy Corvette, and a scholarship to Florida University,or (UFG). Other than that I really don't know what I would do with a Million Dollars.
But I really think I'd be just fine with out a million dollars.
But even if I did I think I would have to Thank God For it.
And thats what I think I would do.

Anonymous said...

Way to go brett and anynamos. I would donate some to charity also.(I'd like the lego company too)

Anonymous said...

if i had one million dollars i would do alot of things.i would go on a HUGE shopping trip.i would buy a plane so i could go anywhere i wanted to.i would have a hummer!i would give some of my money to my family.i would buy a nice car for my two best friends[not saying who].i would put most of it in my college fund.i would buy a beanie baby store, and make more money to spend84.i would give money to childrens shelter and hurricane reliefe.thats what i would do if i had one million dollars.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars, I would first give 10% to the church. I would buy my own private island that had electricty. I would buy a mansion on the island. I would then donate money to the hurricane victims. I would then give money to the 4-H Club. I would pay one of the best trumpet players in the world to teach me how to be a master. I would give some money to my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, to my friends, and to my grandparents. I would buy most of the state parks. I would thank God every day for this money. That is what I would do with a million dollars.

Anonymous said...

Cory, why wouldn't you just buy Hawaii?☻

Anonymous said...

If I had one million dollars, I would give one thousand to charity. If I had the money now I would give some to the hurricane people in New Orleans and Texas. I would also buy a BIG house, a limo, and a house and nice car for my parents and sister. I would not give them a limo like me because I earned that money and i wount give it up. I would just give it to people in need and some to family members. I would also get a jet and a person to fly me places. The last thing i would spend my money on is a good school for me and me kids if i have any at this point that i am talking about. That is how I would spend one million dollars.

Anonymous said...

If I had a millon dollars I would buy a hummer limo. I would buy the huge house, by my house.I would give some of it to the church. I would buy a koala. I would have the hummer limo be limegreen of course. With my limegreen hummer limo I would buy a limegreen convertavle punchbug.I would take out the elevators and put in a escalator instead,because i hate elevators. I would also buy a gym to play vollyball,basketball too, then I would make I scooer filed and a baseball filed.Thats what I would spend one millon dallers.

Anonymous said...

If I had one million dollers I would give five thousand,nine hundred fifty five dollers to cherity. I would give five thousand, nine hundred ninety five dollers to church. Then with some other money I would buy a horse farm. I would have two dogs, two mares, and two stallions. What is left from the one million dollars I would use for the horses and dogs so they would have a nice barn and a nice little house for me. The house would be made of brown and black bricks. The barn would be made of metal. It would be heated and air conditioned to keep the animals happy. The dogs would come and sleep in the house with me. I would buy my mom and dad a nice little cabin in Alaska.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would first give to needy people, hurricane places, and church. After that would come The things i need. I would save some for college and things like that. Also I would love to have a basketball court in my yard too and a volleyball court and net. If I still have some left it would be for my car and SHOPPING. Also I would give some to my family too. Maybe even a few friends. So that is what I would do if I had a million dollars. After all of this I would Praise God for sneding me this wonderful gift he decided to give me.

THE END!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would spend a millon dollars on first I would spend some on the needy. Then I would give some to Noah. Then the victoms of hurricana catrina. Also I would give most of the money to churchs that don't have as many things as we do. Also I would give some for oferings at chaple and church. I would also save some and put it into savings. I would also save some for a scallor ship for school. Also I would give some to school so then we could have better learning ways (not that we don't already). Then there would be the things in general. Like goaly gloves, goals, animals,food, cloths, fairs, vacations,Noahs Ark,and more things. Well thats about it yep thats how I'd spend a millon dallors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would give some to the hurricane victoms. I would buy A bowling alley just for me and my friends.I would live on the beach in Hawaii and I would have my own privite hula dancers.A private baseball field and A indoor basketball court. A huge indoor and outdoor pool with A ton of water slides.I would give some to church and I would put some in my retierment fund. I would have every game systom and every game made from 2004 to know I would have because I could not have A old game.I would buy the most expensive cell phone in the world and the one that looks the coolest. I would drive A convertible with tinted blue windows,A sky roof, and funky tires. I would have Zoey 101 going 24-7 in every room and that is what I would spend with A million dollars. Oh ya and A funky computer too.


Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would go to the mall and by all the clothes I want!! I would buy a lot!
I would go to the mall of America!!
I have always wanted to take a cruise and this would be my chance!
I would go with all my best friends
and it would be a private cruise ship. I would by a normal sized house but with very modern furniture and different things. I would care for many dogs since they are my favorite animal. I would donate to a whole bunch of charities and Hurricane Katrina victims. That is what I would do if I had a million dollars!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If i had a million dollors i would by a mantshion so i would get my own room and whatever i needed for it. I would also get a pool in my back yard. Then i would get a Alioin Ware computer with a dell monidor. I would have my own privet football stateum my own basketball floor and also my own baseball park. I would also give some of my money to charity and the most important thing of all i would bye the Microsoft compiny.Thats what i would do if i had a million dollors. Thats all for now. Bye! Bye!

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would give 3/4 of it to F.I.L. I think that would help the church and school do more for others in bad situations. It could help pay for hands on activities for children to learn more.
With the money leftover I would buy presents for other people. I would also buy items for myself but not get too greedy. Some examples would be, clothes, games, toys, pets, and fun things for in my bedroom. I also would buy art supplies. If I would have enough money left over I would buy a cabin in Eagle River( One of my favorite places). That is what I would do with a million dollars.

Anonymous said...

If I had million dollars I would give 100,000$ for my friends to split, 100,000$ to my dads side of the family, 100,000$ to my moms, 100,000$ to disasters, 100,000$ to charity
And the poor. 200,000$ for my intermediate family, and the rest would go to church. Half the money would be to buy things like food, clothing, and toys. The other half would go to my bank account for college. I would buy toys like legos, toy cars, games, and other items. I would take my class on a trip to Noah’s ark. I really want 1 million dollars!

Anonymous said...

if i had a million dollars i would buy all the clothes i wanted in the latest fashions. i would also buy a car. i would want either a lime green or orange buggy car. for the clothes, i would buy jeans and lots of tops,belts,shoes, and accesories. i love to have my own styles. i would also save some of my money to go to colege. i would want to go to colege because i want to become a fashion designer. i would also want to give some money to all the hurricane victems. i would really like to help them out. that is what i would do if i had a million dollars. THE END

Anonymous said...

If I had one million dollars I would spend it all on video games and legos.
I would buy all the video games I want like battlefront2 and jak3 and many others. For the legos I would buy all the star wars legos and most of the random pieces to make my own ships and battles. So if I ever get one million that’s what I’m going to do. Other things I would do would be send some to charity or be a member on or buy runescape. I would buy a ps3 and I would buy computer games. Big and more TVs yay goodbye!

Anonymous said...

Peoples dont put your full name it gets people to do bad stuff to your computer

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would give some 1/4 to charities and then I would create a new store like Target so I could make more money. After, I would try to buy the Milwaukee Brewers with the rest of the money(the team would cost about 400 million dollars). I would also give money to chuch, school,ect. I might give some to my friends, too. Then, I would buy myself a Porshe 928. If I had more(which I probably wouldn't), I would give it to Hurricane relief efforts. That is how I would spend my $1,000,000 if I had it.

Anonymous said...

if i had a million dollars i would give most of it to the needy. Then i would buy tickets to the busch race and the nascar rase to she jimmie johnson.cutie.i would also buy a house.and i would give some money to the hurricane victums. i would get two dogs.i would also give some to family members. i would also give lots to the church. i would give some to charity. i would also get a car. i would go to lots of movies.that is what i would do if i had a million dollars.


Anonymous said...

jimmie johnson luvr is meeeee


bi bi

Anonymous said...

Well, well money. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. you know that is an inturesting topic but hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. i would not really know what to do with it i would give some to my mom and dad but i would save some to buy a fereri f1 spider and tons of legos viedo games and ect. but i would set some aside for the chuch as it says in the bible and i could do some stuff but i wouldn't want stuff to change much so i would stick with most of the stuff i have now and i would also give 1,000 to all my friends and well that was a pretty hard question i also think that i could buy better stuff for MY OWN computer and i could get an I POD nano and some cool technolegy stuff but money for me is too out of control i view it as a tool and something i don't know what do with so i think we should leave that kind of thing to the adults and let us kids earn our own money. (phew that was one hard question)

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would buy an Arena Football Team. I would name them the Wisconsin Muskies. The team colors would be green and blue. These are me and my Dad's favorite colors. My Dad would be the Head Coach and I would be the General Manager. My Mom and sisters would help to. I would also give some of my money to the church and other charities such as the Salvation Army because they are christian and help people. I would also use some money to buy MVP Baseball 2005 for my gamecube. I would also buy season tickets for the Brewers and the Colorado Avalanche, ha, ha it would also be nice to go to Admirals games. That is how I would spend my one million dollars. Ben

Anonymous said...

MIllion dollars need

Anonymous said...

I would give it all to Miss Miller and let her decide where it goes!!!