Friday, October 07, 2005

Iron Man

In Chapel on Friday, Pastor Raasch showed us the video about the father and son who participated in the Iron Man triathalon together. While the father pulled, pushed and carried his disabled son along, he said that his son was really the one running the race. It was a pretty amazing story. Talk about your feelings after seeing the video clip. Did it inspire you? Were you amazed? Did it make your challenges in life seem smaller? Did it remind you that God will carry you through all of life's hardships? Share your thoughts!


Anonymous said...

hey profesaura i was just coming here to tell you that im exited for the sleepover. i guess ill see you on monday. i studied for the re-take, if there is one... your so nice. so im sure you'll do a re-take. but not for the kids who re-took the last one 4 times and still failed. it's ok, we're not all like that. exept leornardo, he's bad news...

Anonymous said...

This story made me almost want to cry. I thought with two people it would take longer to finish, but I was wrong. I was amazed at their story and that if you set your mind on something it will always be possible.
When they came across the finish line I was so happy for them and wanted to be there cheering them on. I also saw how people with disibilities can do almost everything that we can. The boy even graduated from collage! I learned that we need to appreciate what we have. I felt alot stronger and happier after the movie. I was just plain amazed and proud and happy and wanted to be a helper and a better person.

Anonymous said...

This movie was great. It made me feel good to see a father helping his son. I know that there are others that can help me. Not quite the boy but in other ways. The movie makes me want to help other people with their needs also. I don’t think I could do the same thing as that father though. The clip makes my wants and needs seem like nothing because it was so big and mine are little and sometimes silly. Now I understand that God carries me through hard times. I have learned a little from this clip and I hope that you have learned something new about helping to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss.Miller I think it was amazing how the father would just keep running for his son no matter what. It was awsome to see the boys face when he sat in the boat, bike ,ect.I don't I could that far and do all that stuff and that is without carrimg or pulling someone behinde me.When I try to run the mile I get sick.It is also awsome when I found out that the boy could talk by using a cumputer. It was funny how the boys first words on the computer were GO BREWERS! At first I could't understand why Pastor Racsh was showing the movie. Or what was going on in the movie but at the end it all made sense.All in all is that is an amazing story and life for that boy and his dad .
Love Mal-Gal

Met said...

A similar video about these people was displayed at LWHS quite recently, I remembered this so I'd thought I'd mention it.