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Imagine that a fire was ripping through your house and you could only grab one thing to bring with you. What would it be? Explain why that one thing would be your top pick! (You need to assume that all family members and pets have already exited the house-so you cannot choose a person or pet).
In chapel on Friday, Mr. Roeske talked about filters and how God filters sin out of our lives, but also how He wants us to use a His filter (a God-filter) when we live our lives. (filtering out the bad things such as movies, music lyrics, innapropriate language, etc...)Do you think that many things in today's pop culture need a filter? Have we, as Americans, taken God out of everyday things and replaced them with wordly/sinful things. Which areas are hardest for you to filter out? (Perhaps it is hard for you to not listen to a particular band whose lyrics have a lot of swear words).
Now that you have talked to your parents about their childhoods, take your same assignment and apply to your grandparents. If you are unable to talk to your grandparents, find an older neighbor (50 years old or more) and ask them about their childhood. What games did they play? What did they do to stay busy? Do they have any funny stories to share? Report on what you learn in your blog. Read the first entry to learn about my grandma!
A few weeks ago, we talked about what life was like before technology. This week, you need to talk to one of your parents and ask them what their childhood was like. What games did they play? How did they spend their time? What was their family dynamics like? What activities were they involved with? What were their favorite subjects in school? Did they have any funny stories from school? Basically just take some time to learn something new about your parents and what they were like many years ago. In your blog, report upon what you learned about your mom or dad.
Yahoo! You are all back at school and we can get back to business in the classroom. I can hear you all cheering as you are reading this! ;0) Now that Christmas has come and gone, share the funniest thing that happened over your Christmas break. If your life has become extremely blase (boring), talk about the most enjoyable thing that happened over break.