
In chapel on Friday, Mr. Roeske talked about filters and how God filters sin out of our lives, but also how He wants us to use a His filter (a God-filter) when we live our lives. (filtering out the bad things such as movies, music lyrics, innapropriate language, etc...)
Do you think that many things in today's pop culture need a filter? Have we, as Americans, taken God out of everyday things and replaced them with wordly/sinful things. Which areas are hardest for you to filter out? (Perhaps it is hard for you to not listen to a particular band whose lyrics have a lot of swear words).
I think there are many people/things that could be filtered out of my life. Michael Jackson could be filtered out of my life because he is setting a really bad exapmle for a lot of people! Also things that could be filtered out would be like songs and like movies and stuff. There are some movies and shows that have a lot of wear words in and also killing and stuff. Yes, those are nbad things but i don't really think that I will ever kill/murder people. Also theres a few songs that have like one or 2 swear words in it. That was really cool how Mr. Roeske filtered that dirt out of the water so he could drink it again. That is an example of how God filters all our sins away. Just like how we should filter all the bad things out too. Even though that is impossible to filter everything out but you can try to filter some things out. Those are one of the things that I could work on. Thank you and GOOD BYE!!!
good luck 6th grade girls and boys in the tournament this weekend!!!!!!!! GOOOOOO WILDCATS!
These are the things that should be filtered out in any body's life.
1.Music that contains swears,
disobeying the commandments,hate,
and worshiping Satan.
2.Movies that contains bad lanugage,adultery,murder,glorifyingthe darkside of Satan.
3.T.V Programs, video games, books and magazines that have all of the bad things I wrote above.
4.When you talk to one another don't use bad language or say bad things about each other or about others. If you do you stop now and start to use God's Speech Therapy.
5.Dress appropriately, just because the T.V and Magazines show you what is HOT, doesn't make it right.(The T.V. should not be your parent)
In my home my parents and I really make a effort to watch only T.V shows and movies that are educational and funny without the bad things.
Maybe for some people they are not Christians or just don't use good judgement. We should always try to help them to make good choices and tell them why.
I think that there are a few things that could be filtered out of my life, like
1. lyrics to a song. The song my be a good song, but songs have limits, they don't need to be swearing.
2. Television shows. Some television shows are getting a little out of hand, like American Idol, it's funny when people are adutioning, but if they don't make it they might show what they said afterwords and they sometimes swear up a storm.
3. Movies. Movies are good, but only to a point. That point is where things get scary, like worshipping false idols or worse, the devil. That point also stops when they swear and/or use God's name in vain.
also Michel Jackson can be out of my life, he scares me.
Yes, actually i think that many peeps use different kinds of language that they dont need to. and that peeple do listen to music that they shouldent that have bad lyrics or dont have bad lyrics but are talking about rong stuff that they dont need to be singing about.
I do listen to KISS and there are bad songs that i dont need to listen to but they get real ketchy after a while and i like the music that they put behind the song.
But some peeps think that rap is always bad when not all of it is alot of rappers talk about there lives and how they feel and just exspress it in a different way.
EVEN though they do say foulty words. and i do think they can chaange them in to difernt words.
I think that we all could use a GOD filter every day. like if you listen to bad music and start to sing that song that is a sin. or if you are mean to others you could use a filter.or if you try to corect someone when they are doing their best that is bad.i am not saying that you can't help out but if you are being meen about "helping" you should stop it right away,because when people are meen to me i tell my mom and she sometimes will tell me to try to talk to them but it almost never works i'm not going to say names but if you are bothering me PLEASE STOP! and if you are mad at me please tell me and i'll try to work on it.
Some things that I think should be filtered out is pop stars and magizenis because thay say bad thing and teach us some bad things. Also some people that swear alot or maybe even kill people. It may be someone we know or someone we heard about. Also songs like thoes rap songs that you cant undertand, but the only word you can hear are all the swears in the song and other thing that should be filtered out would be movies they have the worst movies coming out now. The last thing I would have to say would be M.J. like Jessie said Wow good thinking Jessie
HI guys
There are a lot of things that could be filtered out of society.
1. Rap music (no offense) because most of it is about girls and other innapropriate things.
2. A Bad Role Model, MICHAEL JACKSON as other people have said because he...."does things" with children.
3. Athiests because they don't have a religion and they perposly make fun of God, and our beliefs.
4. Bad T.V. Shows such as South Park, Family Guy, and (sorry to say) The Simpsons. Although these show may be funny, they are bad and fill our mind with garbage.
5. and revealing clothes because some skirts may be a little north of the knee, and some guys pants sink down halfway to their knee, and girls' tank tops because the end of the shirt may reveal a lot of skin above the waist. That's why we have a strict dress code here, so the students don't dress like that.
i think there are many things i could filter out. like movies with swears, murder,killing,driking, and bad stuff like that. i also could filter my music. its not all bad but some are bad with swears and some just aren't appropriate. i thought is was cool what mr.Roeske did with the water.i think it is cool how God can filter us from sins. Hes awsome. i am going to try hard to filter out all the bad stuff. and god will help me too.tose are some things i could filter out.im going to filter as much as i can
lol Niko
I think there are 3 main things that can be filterd out of my life
1.Lyrics in song singers(focising on Michel Jackson)
2.Movies that have swears and unChristly things
3.T.V. Shows with swears and killing people and every thing
And i think it is cool how we can filter those stuff out and we can move on.I also think its cool that mr.raske filterd the water evan tho i couldnt se it happen :( but i wanted to drink some to i was thirsty and i could fit the rocks in in any order cause im skilled.
And Genna that is so oceous u put HI guys cause it was a couple minutes away!
i spelled Oveous wrong o well
The areas that are hardest for me to filter out would be music.The rappers get so much money for haveing songs with swears in them.I love kissFm but they say bad and innapropreit things.Also tv because tv shows that you might like may have swears in them.Or bad things.I love to do gymnastics so i dont get to watch much tv.When i am home and i hear a swear it makes me want to turn it off but i dont or do turn it off.I love how God is our filter.But we need to be filters too.
I think that there is alot of thins that if i could I would try to filter out. first of all TV shows, there are alot of bad languige and unpleasent sceces and such. HTey could make shows more appropriate. also alot of hte music i listen to have bad words and bad topics. Another big thing I would like to filter out of the world just because i hate being around people who do it is the over use of alcohol and smoking. Those things can harm the person using it and the people around them. I wish every one could filter these things out of there lives so it doent rub off into mine.
w/e brina
I think i should fliter out of my life bad things on T.V. like really violent shows or bad video games or music containing swears. Sometimes I will play bad video games but i know that shouldn't be part of my life. On T.V. there are all thoose channels deticated to celiberty gossip(not that I watch em)which is pointless. WHO WANTS TO KNOW THAT SO AND SO IS PREGNAT! COME ON! IT'S POINTLESS I TELL YOU,POINTLESS!(see what I mean)Now about the radio here's what I have to say:WHO WANTS TO HEAR SOMEONE SINGING THE WORD #@%*
AND OTHER SWEARS!(as you can see i'm proving my point) That's wat I have to say.
Amen Niko!
There are many things in this world that need to be filtered out. Many songs, movies, and magazines have things in them that are not acceptable. Some things are hard for me to filter out. Some include watching TV and also being a procrastinator. The world uses alot of swears and harsh words today. Lots of people put God away in their lives and go for the opposite way. What is sad is that not alot of people care that they watch bad stuff or say bad things or that they put God down. God is our giant filter that cleans us and we need to be thankful for God's amazing and saving love. If more people pray to God and filter out the world we would not have to worry about the bad things anymore.
i think that first of all bad tv shows sould be filtered out of some peoples lives. those bad tv shows fill our minds with JUNK!!! oh yeah, don't even get me started on the latest "HOT" fashions or music. i mean, some people just take it to the LIMIT!!!!!!! i ask you, what is the point of having swears in music? it just puts a bad and unchristian influence on peoples lives. also, who would want to wear clothes that show WAY TOO MUCH!!!!!! i would totally not want to! also, even though AI (american idol) is a really good show it is starting to get a little on the wild side. i am so glad that GOD filters our lives. thats it!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that there are alot of things in this world that need to be filtered. For an example some bad movies are setting the wrong example by showing bad things (like the un-rated stuff.) Some songs have bad words in them and they can also set the wrong example. Some books and posts are showing things and again setting the wrong example. Some kids are too little to see these things. also some things are making people bad people. They start to not care and they feel like they can do whatever they want to. Mr. Roeske set a good example to all the kids and adalts in the church. He showed to just wipe those bad things out of your life and put God in it. If people would do that to the songs and movies then we would be pure like the filtered water and like God. We could have less sin in our lives. We should follow this example!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You. By: Emily S. Plumeau
Some things that could be filtered out of my life are bad lyrics to songs. Such as Rap and Rock. Another ting that can be filtered out of my life are Bad movies with murder and swears and other sins that sould not be said on the computer. I also think that drugs and alchohal could be filtered out of everybodies lives. I also think that Michael Jackson could be filtered out of my life becouse he has done some unnecessary things in his life and has ruined other peoples lives. Some thing else that could be filtered out of my life are swear words. The are hurtful and not very pleasant to the ear.
I think there are many things that should be filtered in our sosciety today. There are many things that try and move us away from God like bad music or rated R movies or even television ads. I think if I want a good relationship with God I need to filter these sinfull things. I know God wants me to have a good relationship with me66. There are many people who I think should be filtered and have God put into their lives to help them. that is what I think about being filtered out. think you should try filtering out bad in your life.
Some Things that I should filter out are from the good are;
1.evil shows with bad word[some people will start using them}Because
They have bad actions and unwise words and God would not like us
to copy what they do.
2.bad songs with swars.Alot of songs now a day have bad words like for instance
rap or some rock songs.We should not listin to these things
3.a lot of magazines have inapropreate pitures and words.Magazines give us a poor self image like a lot of fashin magazines.they make us feel bad about are selves.thy tell us what e should look like!
I think that many poeple today could use a filter in ther lives. Lots of the celebraties set thet bad example and it is wrong because some poeple have celebraty role models and choose to act that way! So then by using a filter it could take all bad and "dirty" things and turn it into clean "water." I think that I need to filter the way I sometimes treat my sisters and show them that I can be a good role model because I know i can act like one. THat is what i think about how people should "filter" their lives.
one thaning is my opinion is that all swears should be filtered out of every thing everywere its practicly pointless to swear. Swearing in movies is something I would especially like to filter out the most because there are some great movies that have swears and it runes the whole point of watching the movie. Like my dad I love music a lot and i listen to a lot of it. Most of my faviorite songs are clean but there are four of them that are good that really need to be completely cleaned they are 1. Boulevard of broken dreams 2. Wake me up when September ends (I had to buy the concert live version so there were no swears) 3. American Idoit 4. 1985 so there it is i do really want a filter to just throw the bad things out so when i get to heaven i will be real happy about that see yah!
I think that some songs should be fillterd out of people and my life. Then kids start saying things that their parents don't want them to. Along with that I think that some movies should be filtered out of lives. They don't have the best language in the world eather. Many people I think should get filtered(If you know what I mean) such as Michael Jackson,and not just famous people there are other people such as durck drivers, people who smoke and people who try to steal anything, people like that one man who was 50 and was doing that thing(6th Grade Girls know what I'm talking about) and people who polute, even if it's just a candy bar on the ground it is still litering. These are just somethings there are lots more and it could take days to list them all so see you later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The End
I think that lots of stuff in today’s culture should be filtered out. Movies and television shows are getting very inappropriate for kids our age to watch. A lot of Movies these days are being rated R but kids still want to see them. A lot of television shows are bad but kids watch them anyway. A lot of commercials are bad too. Music is another thing that could be filtered. A lot of rap and hip hop have swears and inappropriate things in them. Another thing is magazines that have inappropriate pictures and articles in them. These are some things I think should be filtered out of my life.
I think that most music and movies today need to be filtered. The people who are making music do not seem to care about the influence that there songs have on kids these days. They sing about killing people and cheating on people and all kinds of other not so nice things. Just like music, there are many movies and television shows that should be filtered. My mom and dad always try to watch what shows we watch, but lately there are more and more shows out there that are bad for us. I think that if everyone would just follow the guidelines or rules that God set for us in the Bible, that we wouldn't have to have so many filters in our lives.
I believe that there are multitude of things that could be filtered out of today's society. First, I think many music groups and bands use inappropriate language in their songs and are immitated by many others, who are immitated by others, so the evil just keeps spreading. I also think that many video games use inappropriate language and are way too violent. I think that we should remove all destruction of other people and violence from video games, especially realistic violence because games like Grand Theft Auto have a lot more evil killings in it than in games like the original Donkey Kong.
Many TV shows imprint badly upon today's children with violence, killings, and even rudeness.
Of course, Jesus came to earth and died on the cross, filtering out all the harmful effects of sin, allowing us to enter his kingdom and be with him forever more.
Here are some things that I should filter out of my life. Possibly for others, too.
1. T.V. is usually a big thing for most people. I mean now days T.V. has really bad things that we don't need to see. They are sex,killing,cursing, and other things.
2. Music is another thing that people listen to that is bad. I do this too but, singing songs that talk about girls and other inapropreate things.
3. A bad thing is not believing in God. Then us Christians can come and tell them about God.
4. Taking off clothing and to little of clothing. Being a Christian I know that you shouldn't have sex until your married, so theirs really no point of wearing so little clothing
I think that today's pop colture has taken allot out of there faith in Jesus. Out of 100 there is only 50% that have Jesus in there everyday projects. I think everyone can put at least 75% more into Jesus than other stuff like music or movies. I myself sometimes put other things in front of Jesus like some other people do. I put movies, music and sports in front of Jesus. Rating myself from 0 to 100, i put myself at 50%. I could pray before each and every game, and I could listen to more Christian music. That way Jesus would be a bigger part of my life.
Some things that are hard is sleeping in on Sundays because u have to get up earlier to go to church. Things like videogames that have bad stuff and TV shows and movies that have stuff that have swear words and things that don’t have God in the at all example little Buddha wasn’t about God it was about Indian history which we don’t know is the right religion. Stuff like bad people on the internet making you do bad things and junk mail where people just send stuff to annoy you. The problems with hurting other people and stuff.
I think that the one big thing that should be filtered out is inappropriet commercials. There are some bad ones on some bad channels(MTV). There are also some on local channels like Fox, NBC, ABC, and CBS. I think that some movies should be filtered out. The ones with language, violence, and other stuff. These are the things that should be filtered out.
I think that we should pay more attention to the movies and commercials that contain God's word.
good words Brett! lol
Anonymous said...
lol Niko
1/24/2006 5:21 PM
^ cory u said that!
i did not mean to write my name on that! above! lol
I think alot of things need to be filtered or changed in todays society. For example mmusic, music is nice but not when all you hear is swearing throughout the whole song. (especially rap; BLEH!!!) T.V. is another thing, there are some good shows on T.V. like SPONGEBOB, POKEMON (YAH), ect.
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