In Language Arts class, you will all be reading the novel Bud, Not Buddy. In this book, by Christopher Paul Curtis, Bud has a set of rules on how to live his life. For example, rule #328 says:
"When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it. If you wait, you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place."
Make up a list of 10 rules, that you could use in your life. They can be humorous or serious. (This blog does not need to be 100 words)
1. If you enjoy doing something then don't stop because it takes up too much time.
2. Don't give up if you can't do something. Just keep trying to do it.
3. Pray to God WHENEVER you need help, not just sometimes.
4. WWJD? Think about that when you are in a conlflict or something and do the right thing.
5. consentrate on school work or just your job instead of like partiing the night before.
6.don't fight with your brother/ sister. Even if they did something mean.
7. wear sunscreen all the time in the summer even if it isn't sunny you could still get sunburned.
8. when you are sick, go to the doctor right away so you can get better ASAP.
9.if you have the chance to do something physical then don't hold it off. what's better for your body? watching TV or doing something physical? PHYSICAL!
10. When you are a teenager don't fight with your parents all the time.
11. eat healthy so you don't get un healthy.
( I just did 11 because i was bored)!!!!!!!!!
My rules for life would be...
1) Be as nice as possible to each other so you don't fight.
2) Try to stay organized for school so you don't have to stay in or get bad grades and can't go out for sports.
3) eat healthy so you don't get sick
4) Think about what Jesus would want you to do
5) Go to church every Sunday so you learn about God
6) Support the holidays that come up, maybe if you don't even celebrate it.
7) Take the time to do your homework and don't hold it off.
8) Help out at the nursing home, to help people but do it for fun and not for money.
9) Help out with the chores around the house so you don't have to do them later and forget about them and eventually you will get in trouble with you parents.
10) If your friends are mad at you ask them why they are mad at you instead of just not having friends for a while.
1.Never give up on yourself because if you do then you will never feel good about yourself.
2.When you need help ask GOD or family members.
3.You shoulden't like something just because your friends like it, just be yourself.
4.If you are mad at someone then comly and quietly tell them and hopefully they will stop.
5. If you want to play with your friends, do your homework first so then you don't worry about it later.
6.You should do healthy things for your body like eat write and exersize.
7.Always thinh would GOD or my parents be happy if I did this instead of this.
8.If you want to feel speacial just do your homework, study for tests, and be nice to family and friends.
9. If you know that you are bothering someone STOP and THINK about what YOU are DOING to the other PEOPLE.
10.If you are sick on school days don't get up and watch TV stay in bed and then do your homework, make shoure you eat chicken noodell soup instead of chocalate
1. If you are worried about what other people think of just say this to yourself. "I don't care what others think of me because they can think what they want to think.
2. Pray when you’re worried.
3. If you think that you are terrible at something. Practice.
4. God solves all problems.
5. If you think your dumb just think about how much smarter you get each day.
6. When you do the best you can good things will happen.
7. If you can't get along with somebody no matter how hard you try, don't give up; make an honest
attempt be patient and meet others.
8. If you are worried about
embarrassing don't be worried and yourself just be yourself.
9. If you can't handle stress then don't cause it.
10. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vein conceit.
These are my rules of life.
The End
1. If you want to do something, don't hesitate, just do it.
2. Listen to your heart.
3. Always examine your conscience.
4. Don't freak about your body, it is still in progress.
5. If you need peace and quiet, get rid of all outside distractions.
6. Don't stay up too long, you might sleep through your alarm.
7. Always pray, God will listen.
8. Exercise, you will get stronger.
9. Use the golden rule.
10. Love yourself first before you love others.
1. Think before you act, think logicly and ask yourself WWJD?
2. Don't ever take anything for granted, appreciate every moment you have.
3. Be independent, you can rely on others but make sure you are able to rely on yourself first.
4. Talk to God, just don't say a 30 second prayer when your sick, pour your heart out to him.
5. Choose the right friends, one trustworthy friend is better then 100 friends who you can't trust.
6. Get priorities straight, don't have a tie between your family and video games think of what will matter in heaven.
7. Be a good thinker and analyzer, the war heros get the glory but the engineers build society.
8. Never focus on one thing, learn to take in every thing, analyze the situation and do the right thing.
9. Evil is short and easy but good lasts forever and rewards you with satifaction and a good feeling.
10. Do what's best for your temple that God gave you (your body).
1) put God first in everything you do
2) When you have and idea, do it before you think it’s dumb, because you will never know if you don’t try it.
3) Don’t sit there saying your dumb or stupid, because you could use that time to make yourself smarter
4) Be nice to everyone the first time, because you may need them along the way
5) Don’t lie because if you do it will be hard to get out of
6) If someone is making fun of you think of the good qualities God has given you, and you know you have at least one
7) Don’t hold things back because you think you are bragging, because if your not in your heart your not in Gods eyes, and that’s all that matters
8) Don’t say you will fail or you will be to worried about that you will fail
9) Control your anger, especially with your parents, because you will regret it someday
10) Do all your homework the best you can even if its just a B or C because you learn from all your mistakes, the people who don’t try don’t get any smarter
1) You should treat others the way you want to be treated. Follow the
Golden Rule.
2)If you don't succeed and get frustration at what you are doing,
don't stop. It just means that you are missing a piece of information
and don't understand quiet yet.
3)Listen to your parents. Even though it may seem unfair at the time, they are always right.
4)On a HOT summer day eat a popcicle. It will keep you cool.
5)Always trust in God even through
hard times may come keep a strong faith.
6)When you are in a bad mood and something is bothering you don't blame it on someone else and be crabby to them. They will think you are mad at them.
7)When you are feeling blue and low
on energy... DANCE!! If refreshes
your body, mind and soul.
8)In winter you should have at leas one cup of hot chocolate. If not, that is pretty sad.
9)Take trips! You will have a lot of fun with who ever you go with, and it is a way to get out of your
ordinary routine.
10) You only have one life to live so I say live it like a party. It is good to have rules to stay on top of things, but when you have a chanse...PARTY!!
1. Don't let anyone tell you what you are going yo do with your life.
2. Always look to God for help. Don't look to drinking and drugs.
3. Listen to your heart.
4. If you get into an argument, think about what is right, not who is right.
5. Don't change your personality for your friends. If you have to, then they're not your friends.
6. The one that makes you cry isn't worth your tears, the one that's worth your tears would never make you cry.
7. Take care of your body.
8. Don't get fat.
9. Don't let others make up YOUR mind.
10. Respect others, don't treat others like dirt.
1. NEVER EVER give your hot lunch to someone else because you don't like it. Lunch is very important.
2. If you are nervous, stay cool and don't freak out, or you will complete mess up (trust me, I know)
4. When you get a bad habit like twisting hair and stuff, get rid of it as soon as possible by putting bandaids on your fingers.
5. Take insults (like someone says you are bad at something) take it as helpful criticism and have it help you to get better.
6. If you want to get good grades, and you have homework over the weekend, and there is a question like "what was your favorite part of this book", don't think about it over the whole weekend (espesiolly if it's a whole assignment your thinking about) because there is a 99.999999999999999999999 chance you will forget about the worksheet.
7.If you are bad a t football and you are doing it in gym, (just and example) try to play as hard as you can and don't refuse to let your teammates pass the ball to you.
8. If something bad happens, like you forget your line in a play, try to maybe adlib or something and get back on track, don't stand still and try to remember it.
9. Playing sports in school help get you better grades
10. Always do as fast as you can (without hurting nouns or proper nouns)what teachers or parents say
1. NEVER EVER give your hot lunch to someone else because you don't like it. Lunch is very important.
2. If you are nervous, stay cool and don't freak out, or you will complete mess up (trust me, I know)
4. When you get a bad habit like twisting hair and stuff, get rid of it as soon as possible by putting Band-Aids on your fingers.
5. Take insults (like someone says you are bad at something) take it as helpful criticism and have it help you to get better.
6. If you want to get good grades, and you have homework over the weekend, and there is a question like "what was your favorite part of this book", don't think about it over the whole weekend (especially if it's a whole assignment your thinking about) because there is a 99.999999999999999999999% chance you will forget about the worksheet.
7.If you are bad a t football and you are doing it in gym, (just and example) try to play as hard as you can and don't refuse to let your teammates pass the ball to you.
8. If something bad happens, like you forget your line in a play, try to maybe adlib or something and get back on track, don't stand still and try to remember it.
9. Playing sports in school help get you better grades
10. Always do as fast as you can (without hurting nouns or proper nouns)what teachers or parents say
1.Spend every minute of life like it is your last
2.Ik alot of people did this but think about WWJD
3.Be friendly and youll get whats commin to ya
4.Always pray
5.Never Just give up keep on trying
6.Listen Before you speak
7.Listen to your heart
8.dont just pray to god when your hurting pray to him like your hurting pray to him seriously
9.Think about school it our job rite now
10.Finally Love every one before yourself
1. If you have a good idea, write it down, because if you forget it, you'll be pretty mad at yourself.
2.If you like something or someone and others think differently about it, do it anyway, don't let others control your life.
3.Never give up, if you or others doubt you, who cares.
4.Be content with all that you have, or be happy with what you get.
5.Follow your heart.
6.Do whatever you want, even if people make fun of you.
7.Be yourself.
8.Listen to elders, not people who think they have power over you.
9.Don't let people push you around.
10. Stand up for what you believe.
1. In the summer where SUNSCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Dont try to be something your not.
3. Trust in God no matter what anyone says.
4. Study for tests and dont let your grades drop!
5. If your mad at a friend tell them why right a way, DONT HEZITATE!
6. Dont just sit at home do things that get you exercised.
7. Talk to your parents if your haveing problems
8. Dont be a brat to your parents and then go to school and be a angel to your friends
9. Eat healthy!!!!DONT BE A PIG YOU WILL GET BIGGER!!!
10. Belive in yourself dont let others bring you down!
The End
1. before you lie think it out.(Consequences)
2.if you're trying somthing new and can't seem to get it down try try agin.
3. if you're waiting in line or wating room don't get up and leave because it's talking so long.
4. if you need any help at all ask God or someones advice.
5. if it's a hot day stay inside
6. if you eat pizza wait for it to cool down
7. when making mac n chees hold on tight to the pot.
8 when cuting poteatoes try not to cut yourself
9 when on google don't type in random stuff it can have bad things on them
10 try to be nice to sibling/s
1. Don't try to do everything at once. It'll just cause you stress and physical pain.
2. Always trust in God, not your own judgment.
3. Do your homework the day you get it.
4. Treat others like you would want to be treated.
5. Pray frequently, God will answer.
6. Never break a promise, and never make a promise you can't keep.
7. Try to be healthy and exercise as much as you can.
8. Don't worry about little things.
9. Try to not cause conflict.
10. NEVER give up.
1.Talk to God if you need help at any time any place.
2.Don't give up hope in anything you do.
3.Always be yourslf, don't be like sonething you don't want to be.
4.Enjoy your life and don't let anyone or any thing hold you back.
5.Don't be someone you don't want to be.
6.Don't fight or hurt your brother or sister.
7.Get your homework in on time so you get better grades.
8.Don't talk to strangers and don't believe them ethier.
9.Be kind to others and they will be kind back to you.
10.Always brush your teeth.
1. Always do homework be for anyother activities.
2. Always say prayers before you go to bed
3. Try to always work everything out with you brother
4.Be a good example to others
5. Always look on the bright side and alway be chearful
6.Don't give up you can always achive if you put your mind to it
7.Whatever you do don't litter
8. Don't let others let you think of you, you are always a winner
9. Always remember peacemakers
10.Never get hooked on junkfood
1. live life as it goes along or in other words take it one step at a time.
2. don't worry so much God has it all planed out!
3.Be kind to others and they will be kind to you.
4 Please and thank you take you a long way
5.Your better off not fighting with your brother or sister because when you both get older you have only good things to remember. (even though some may be funny)
6. Always do your homework first then you'll have great grades and have a great summer plus your parents won't yell!:)
7. Eat your veggies they may tastes grose but they make you strong!
8. Listen to your parents they know what they are talking about
9.Even if you get in a fight forgive them no matter what.
10. Friends and Family are the most important thing aside from God!
Go SPANISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rule number 1:
Always run when you are being chased.
Rule number 2:
If you live in a glass house dress in the basement.
Rule number 3:
When shooting a gun,
AIM! (that goes for other weapons too, you might hit someone)
Rule Number 4:
If you go to a restraunt with an all you can eat buffet, Order it.
Rule number 5: If you go to place with free food never pass it up.
Rule number 6:
If your your being bullied just yell Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! or HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAH!
and strike a Karate posture
Rule number 7:
If you see a mafia killing run away. Mafias hate witnesses.
Rule number 8:
Rule Number 9:
Don't smoke
Rule number 10:
If you for some strange reason are not a Christian become one!
1. You should never give up!
2. Look to God in times of need.
3. Include everyone
4. Have scoolwork come before other activities.
5.Do not smoke! It is harmful to your body.
6. Be respectful to your family and friends.(Even though it's hard sometimes!)
7. Brush your teeth every day. I don't think that you want cavities.
8. Think before you speak or act.
9. Pray every day!
10. Trust in God to lead your life!
That's all for now!
Brandon’s Rules:
1) Try and listen to your parents. They always say they know best.
2) Use what the Bible teaches you to do.
3) Never do anything stupid on purpose. It gets you in trouble most of the time.
4) Get your homework in on time. If you don’t you could get held back for bad grades.
5) Esteem the old. (Respect your elders.)
6) Always tell the truth and don’t dig yourself a bigger hole by lying.
7) If your parents ask you to do something you should do it right away.
8) Don’t say anything like I hate you to your family because that could be the last words you say to them if something were to happen.
9) Never correct your teacher in class.
10) Don’t do drugs.
Rule#1: keep trying no matter what the cause
#2: pray to God always
#3: do what you want to do right away, don't hesitate
#4: think for yourself
#5: pick good and smart friends
#6: eat healthy
#7: exersize every day
#8: stay cool when in a bad situation
#9: when eating at a party, eat as much as you want (same goes with soda)
#10: Man who has one chopstick, shall not eat
1 Don’t stop doing stuff even if u knows u cant do like on videogames... (Unless it’s gambling then stop.
2 don’t really do mean stuff to people unless they hurt for no reason but like don’t hurt them bad make them a little afraid or something…
3 Trust in God to help you.
4 Keep trying to find away even though somebody said no.
5 If friends are mad at you try to make them not because when you go to different schools you might never see them again so you want them to remember you in a good way.
6 Don’t worry about future it will come out good with God’s help.
7 Do what your parents want or you will get in trouble…
8 people like you when you’re nice not mean… so be nice…
9 Don’t think you’re the best. eventually somebody will be better.
10 don’t get cocky over stupid things or cheat to be good so you get cocky.
These are my 10 rules for life…
1) Live life like you were dying, because you should love every day like it will be your last on earth.
2) Never wish your life away. You will get what God give’s you.
3) “This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it”.
4) Decisions may seem tough until you make one.
5) You are only a hero if you have POWER… in God.
6) If you keep God in your heart you will go far.
7) Books can take you far.
8) Parents are usually right!
9) God has a plan for you.
10) Singing let’s your soul run free.
1. Don’t eat more than you can eat.
2. Pray to God When you need forgiveness and go to church
3. Get plenty of friends so that if you lose one you will still have more.
4. Treat everybody and everything kindly (except my brother)
5. Try to do all my homework and study for tests so I get good grades.
6. Don’t brag, Show off, or make fun of other people.
7. If you fell sick go to the doctor or get help from another adult so you will be safe and healthy.
8. If you know something is not right (not answers) get out of there right away.
9. Get plenty of exercise and sleep.
10. Think before you speak.
#1: Always trust in God
#2: Don't get bad grades at school
#3: Pray to God if you need help
#4: At lunch, you get seconds everyday
#5: Get good grades at school
#6: Don't do stupid things that will get you in trouble
#7: Always be nice to friends and enimies
#8: Always have good sportsmanship, even if you lose
#9: You should always read books because they will eduacate you
#10: Don't cheat on anything
1 You shall not be boring
2. You shall only accept success
3. Failure is not an option
4 There is only victory and victory is all
5. A loss is only a small setback from crushing your opponant
6 If you lose try again until you are not the one who is failing.
7. Food is good you never know when it is your last meal.
8. plan for victory so even if you fail those who come to the victory party can help you plot your opponants downfall
9. Laugh in the face of those who you can defeat...
10. flee from the rest.
1 You shall not be boring
2. You shall only accept success
3. Failure is not an option
4 There is only victory and victory is all
5. A loss is only a small setback from crushing your opponant
6 If you lose try again until you are not the one who is failing.
7. Food is good you never know when it is your last meal.
8. plan for victory so even if you fail those who come to the victory party can help you plot your opponants downfall
9. Laugh in the face of those who you can defeat...
10. flee from the rest.
1. Ask for help on the things you need help with.
2. practice more and more to get it right.
3. have more faith in yourself so you can accomplish the task.
4. think to yourself WWJD?
5. concentrate more on getting it done than other things like video games.
6. Pray for the help of God.
7. don't concentrate on other things that will easily distract you.
8. ask for guidence.
9. work in a place where it is quiet.
10. don't get your parents made or you won't be able to concentrate on your school work.
1. Follow the ten commandments.
2. Don't eat a jelly filled doughnnut while watching t.v.
3. Follow what your heart tells you.
4. When you have to do something make sure you do it. Don't put it off for a week.
5. Always do your best at/on everything.
6. Don't think of what's best for you.
7. Like the one in the book. If you wanna do something go do it before you change your mind.
8. Accept failure, but don't accept not trying.
9. When it's snowing wear a coat.
10. Don't try to be cool, or you'll act the fool.
My rules are
1) ALWAYS be your self not somebody else
2) If you like something keep doin what you doin because its what you like
3) Never change your favorite things even if your friend hates it
4) Live by what you think is right except if God says NO
5) IF you think you should do it then DO IT
6) Never take stuff other people ALWAYS defend your self
7) If you are mad at someone first cool off then confront them
8) Never do behind someone back NEVER
9) Go all out in life because you only have one
10) Be true and obey God and your parents
#1 Do NOT hurt any cats... not even if they are ugly or mean!
#2 Enjoy life as it is (treat every day like your last)
#3 pray, praise, and give thanks all the time and not just when you need help
#4 NEVER give up on anything... life is short and if you don't make it then who else can?
#5 don't pick a fight... if someone chooses to fight you (well that's their problem)
#6 if you have to go to the bathroom at school or at a friends house make it quick or hold it in!
#7 if The Human Torch (Alan M. Plumeau) tries to get you, run or act like you just don't care
#8 If you are feeling lazy... then take a nap, play on the computer, eat junk food (and get fat), and other things like that (ONLY ON LAZY DAYS!)
#9 when your having a part... make it fun and loud... you could play games, make fun of eachother, and best of all, make noise and music!
#10 don't listen to some of these rules... you may get into deep trouble, get fat, become a bum, and other things like that!
NO Wait...
PS: #s 1,2,3, and 4 are the most important rules and the ones that you won't get hurt on!
when i said having a part... i forgot the y party was what i meant to say... sorry!
1. I would say that you didnt have to go to work and still live in a fancy house if you wanted to.
2. If you wanted to go some were but you didnt want to get in trouble SUCK IT UP!!
3. You also could go party when ever you wanted
4. you couldnt kill any animals not deer, cows, PIGS, ect.
5. If you did kill an animal you would be sentanced to life in jail.
6. If you fought with anyone you would be tourchered for a long time.
7. You could have your birthday all year long.
8. You could have guns and other weapons whenever you want.
9. You could also have a credit cord when your 6.
10. Dont listen to #s 6 or 2
1. do not give up at something.
2. never get mad when you lose.
3. love your neighbors as your sefves.
4 do not give false testimonys against your neighbor.
5. never make up rules.
6. kiss your girlfreind after you go out on a hot date.
7. do the right thing when you are in conflict.
8. do not hurt other peoples feeling because it is fun.
9. love yor mom and dad.
10. always go bowling.
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