Travelling is one of my favorite things to do when I have free time and spare money. I have had great trips that took me far away and nearby as well. Someday, I would like to travel to every continent. So far, I have been to Asia (China), Australia, and of course North America. Share about your favorite family vacation (even if it was in Wisconsin-some of my best travels have been no further than an hour or two away!)(Don't forget to check grammar/spelling as well as your 100 words!)
The greatest trip I ever took was to California was a mouth before September eleventh. After the five or six hour flight my family and I got off of the plane. The fist thin we did was go to the beach with my cousins because they live in California. Then we went to their house so we could go to sleep. The next day we went to universal studios. Then we went on Jurassic Park water ride then we went on Back To The Future. Then we called it a night and went to sleep. In the morning we went to the airport and my cousins said good bye and we flew back to Milwaukee.
The best trip I ever took was when I got to go to the Grand Canyon. We went on a plane it took four hours. When we finally got there it was so hot we decided to go into the Venetian (our hotel) pool right away. The next day we went on a tour of North Grand Canyon. We also went to Zion NP (Nation Park) we even got to go on a Gondola they were really good singers. The inside of the Venetian was like you were outside they painted the ceiling so that is that there were clouds and a blue sky it was beautiful. I hope I can go again sometime because I was having such a great time.
My greatest trip ever was to California. My family and I went to San Fransisco where we saw the huge Golden Gate Bridge. We walked along the beaches and went to the different piers. After a few days in San Fransisco we drove down to San Diego and Anahiem. It took about 11 hours. There we went to Sea World, Disneyland and the San Diego Zoo. There were so many amazing animals. I had such a good time. We were so sad when we had to g back to Wisconsin. I felt like I good have stayed there for the rest of my life!
The most fun trip I ever had was to Switzerland. Although hardly anyone there could speak english it was very beatiful with all the moutians and stuff. We stayed one week in the German speaking part and one week in the French speaking part. When we were in the French speaking part I got to play football with a bunch of french kids (what americans call soccer) I couldn't under stand a word they were saying but it was still fun. One of the coolest things was that the airplane we took there and home had tons of video games that would go for almost any language, it was pretty awesome. Overall my vacation in Europe was the best I've ever had, I hope to go back one day.
I've had a lot of really good vacations. It was very hard to pick which vacation to choose but in the end I chose our vacation to Florida in June 2006. The plane ride was 2 hours and when we got there it was HOT!! We got all of our luggage and then took a bus to the rental car place, we got our Pacifica and then drove to Grand Horizons Marriott. After we got checked in to the villa,took a quick swim and then had a poolside dinner at the hotel. The next day we went to Islands of Adventure. We had a blast there going on all the biggest roller coasters.We were all wiped out so, we had a quick dinner and then went to bed. In the morning we went to Universal Studios, our favorite ride there was Return of the Mummy. That night we had a great time cooling off in the pool. We enjoyed another poolside dinner and then went to sleep. The next few days were spent at Disney World, MGM, Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Our favorite rides there were Tower of Terror, Rockin' Roller Coaster, Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain. After we spent 5 days in Orlando we were ready for the relaxation part of our trip. We dorve down to Anna Maria Island and stayed in a little beach house about 50 steps away form the ocean. We enjoyed eating at the ice cream shop across the street, Swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, Making sand castles and most of all just sitting on the beach and listening to the waves crashing against the shore. The ocean was pretty calm until Tropical Storm Alberto came then the waves come and the wind. Some people were evacuating the island. We left just before the storm came and arrived safely in Wisconsin. I will always remember our trip to Florida as the best trip ever.
Sixth grade is the best
My favorite trip was when I went to Daytona Beech. That was my favorite trip because we stayed at the coolest hotel. There was a D.J. who played music and did contests with all the kids. I won the limbo contest and for a prize I got a really cool postcard that had dolphins on it. We went by the race track where they have the Daytona 500. It was so cool! The hotel was the coolest because there was a big pool and you could walk down a path and right there was Daytona Beech! I loved it! I never wanted to come home but soon the dreaded drive home came! Even that was pretty cool!
The greatest trip I ever went on was when I went to Colorado two years ago. We went to go visit our friend Megan. The first day, we went shopping in Denver. Morgan and I both got our ear’s pierced, I got mine double pierced on one side, Morgan got hers pieced for the first time. The second day, Sunday, we went to an outside service for Megan’s church at the park. After church we played in the fountain at the park. Then we walked around and had lunch at Michelle’s, a restaurant sort of like the Chocolate Factory. On Monday, we went to a place called Seventh Falls. It was really fun. The falls were beautiful. We also got to climb some of the mountain trails. On Tuesday, we went to Pikes Peak. On the way up, about halfway, we saw a ton of mountain goats, probably a hundred yards away. That was cool. When we got to the top of Pikes Peak, Morgan and I were freezing. We had to cover ourselves in towels. Then, on the way back down, we saw some marmots. Then we also went to this place that had all these reddish-colored rocks that we climbed on. It was really hot on those. On the last day we went to Zio’s, an Italian restaurant. There, I had some noodles. They were delicious. On the drive home, we went through South Dakota and saw Mount Rushmore. While we were there, a huge storm hit. We also stopped in a place that was kind of like a ghost town. It got really windy and dark (it was really freaky), and so we decided to leave. Then, in the morning we had reached La Crosse, and so we stopped at this breakfast place Mom and Dad had been too and got some breakfast. I had this huge cinnamon roll. It was as big as my plate! Although, they did give me a smaller one than dad. I had some much fun on that trip. I wish I could go again!
Was when I got to go to Canada for a wedding? It was my best trip ever because I got to see Niagara Falls on the New York side. I also liked the trip because I go to meet a lot of new relatives that I had never met before. I also got to see some of my relatives that I hadn’t seen for awhile. Some of the people that I had never seen before were Devin, Katherine, and Jodi. Crystal and Lisa are my second or third cousins that I had never seen in awhile. I played with Devin a lot because he was around my age. At the wedding it was very hot but you got use to it. After the wedding we went to the reception. The food was really good. I wish I could go to Canada next year so I can see my relatives again!
One of my favorite vacations was my trip out West. It took three days to get to our main destination. I’ll see if you can guess which states I stayed in. The first night, my family and I went to the Corn Palace. The palace is made out of real cornhusks and corncobs!
The next day, we went to the Badlands. The park looks like a bunch of canyons all together. The cliffs there can be up to three-hundred feet! Soon, we rode up a mountain in our car. It was called the Big Horned Mountain. What was unique about this mountain was that the road was red instead of black!
Later on, my family and I reached our main state and we stayed in a place called the Snow Lodge. This might give this state away, but our lodge was very close to Old Faithful Geyser. As we were walking to the geyser (through the parking lot), we saw a coyote. It was so close, only about thirty feet away from us! I was so amazed by it! When we reached Old Faithful, we had to wait a while until a few spurts of hot water came up. All of a sudden, a big burst of burning hot water came flying up from the geyser. The water probably went about one-hundred and fifty feet into the air!
While we were at the Snow Lodge, there was a snowstorm, and you never would have guessed, but it was June! My family and I had brought along some jeans and short-sleeved shirts and jackets (thinking we were prepared), but we had to buy some sweatshirts to get us through! It was SO cold and snowy!
Later on in the week, we went to an Old West Cookout and ate delicious steak, baked beans, potato salad, corn, coleslaw, and warm apple crisp. Mmmm . . . ! There even were cowboys there! While we were eating, we spotted two black bears playing in the distance. It was so cool!
Finally, we went to our last place in this state. We drove to Grand Teton National Park. We went on lots of hikes, and gazed at the beautiful mountains. All too soon, it was time to start heading back home to Wisconsin. through Minnesota If your state guesses were Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wyoming, you were right. I hope I can go back someday!
The greatest trip we took was to Seattle, Washington. We flew to Seattle airport, but when we got there some of our luggage was missing. We missed the ferry so we had to drive around the Puget Sound. We stayed in the hotel in Port Angels which is right on the Pacific Ocean.
The first day we went to Victoria Canada. We took a big ferry across the Ocean. I had an artist draw a portrait; my parents bought me a pink sweatshirt. We crossed back on a small ferry which was very rocky.
The next day we drove to Hurricane Ridge was very pretty. We were able to get really close to two deer. We also drove to the rain forest. It isn’t a tropical rain forest but it rather a very raining spot in Washington.
The next day we drove to Mount Rainer National Park. Mount Rainer is really a volcano. We went hiking near the top. The path was covered in snow. My brother and I had a good time sliding down. My mom thought we were going to break our necks.
Later in the week, we drove to Seattle. We went to the Space Needle which had an awesome view. We also went to Science Fiction museum and the music experience. The music experience museum was really fun.
We came back thru Los Angeles because our plane had engine trouble. All in all this was an exciting experience.
My favorite trip was when I went to California. I had the best time ever. I went to gift shops and at one of the gift shops I got a California key chain. I went on lots of rides and roller coasters. One of the rides goes up a big hill and back down really fast. My brother didn’t want to do it because he doesn’t like roller coasters, but he still did it.
We stayed at a hotel. It had a continental breakfast in the morning. I had fun swimming in the pool. We also got to see a parade at Disney. It had a train with Mickey Mouse, Miney Mouse and lost of other characters. I got to get autographs from some of the Disney characters, and pictures with the characters too. It was very fun.
One of my favorite trips was to my family's cabin. Our cabin is four hours away, in Lac du Flambeau. We went up there to spend our vacation with my aunts, uncles and cousins. We went swimming, sailing, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and biking. One day when we were swimming, I went under water with goggles on and saw something shiny. I thought "Yeah a nickel, I am five cents richer". I went back under and picked it up, but there was a hole in it. I looked at it and it was a ring. I brought it to shore so all my cousins could see. We found out it was a 14 karat ring. We brought it to the resort's lodge and they said if nobody called in for a missing ring before summer was over I could keep it!
enjoy your 6th grade year!!! it is wayyyyyyyyyyy better than 7th... = ]
My favorite family vacation is when we went to Florida. We went to Disney World, Sea World, and Gatorland. When we went to Disney World we started out going to Magic Kingdom. At Magic Kingdom my favorite ride was Space Mountain. I liked Space Mountain because you go so fast. The second day we also went to Magic Kingdom. Then the next day we went to Animal Kingdom. In Animal Kingdom my sister and I were sad that Expedition Everest was still being built and we couldn’t go on the ride. After Animal Kingdom we went to Epcot. I loved the ride Soarin’. I thought it was cool and the pictures were pretty. I liked being up in the air. The next day we went to Gatorland and Sea World. Gatorland was cool too. Did you know that gator meat tastes like chicken? When we went to Sea World we pet the slimy stingrays, looked at the dolphins, and saw a play. Then we were sad that we had to go back home.
My favorite vacation was to.... (that’s a hard one)FLORIDA. I went to Disney with my cousin and parents and my cousins parents. We had lots of fun. It was hurricane season, and Charlie was headed our way. We made reservations at The Caribbean Hotel, but, because it was a one story, if Charlie came, we possibly could have a flood. So, instead, they sent us to Coronado Springs. The next day, we ate muffins outside, and threw bits of them to the birds walking around. Then, we went to Epcot, and spent the day there. The next day, we went BACK to Epcot, and did the things we didn’t do. After that, the next couple of days passed, and rides were rode, food was eaten and we were beat. Then, we had to go home. I really had fun though; my cousin and I want to go back again...maybe soon!
The best vacation I ever had was to Six Flags Great America. From where we live it takes about three hours to get there. I went there with my cousins. First we got some weird things that let us go to the very front of the lines, which is very convenient. Iwent on my first roller coaster with a loop there! When we went out of the park to eat, we realized my cousin Michel was missing. We were there almost till the park closed. The only bad thing there is that the merchandise is waaaaayyyyy too expensive. I love going to Six Flags!
6th graders are lucky
why are they lucky????
The greatest trip I ever took was to Door County. First we packed our stuff and we hit the road. After three long boring hours we finally reached our hotel in Fish Creek Wisconsin. We brought our stuff to our room and got our suites on and we raced to the pool. We swam for a few hours. Then we went to one of my favorite resturants called Not Licked Yet. We left and hung around the hotel for a bit. Before we knew it it was time for bed. The next day we ate breakfast and we caught the ferry to Washington Island. We had a terrific time there. On Monday we went hiking in the sand duenes and spent sometime on the beech of Lake Michigan. That night we went to Mission Grill. We were eating outside when it started to rain really hard. After it started to clear up we saw the most beautiful sunset over the Lake. We had an awsome time biking in the Penninsula State Park. We biked to Eagle Tower it was just so cool to see all the sail boats and jet skies from that high up. That night we went to Girbraulter Grill and then we went mini golfing. We alwayes do a little golf tournament with just my family called the Door County Open of course my Dad and brother tied for the win. The next day we had to leave which was o.k. because I can alwayes look forward to next year! The End
Mike Woelky said......
The best trip I took was to Arizona. It was the first time I can remember going on an airplane. I was very nervous about flying. I almost lost my cookies. We stayed at my aunt's house. It was so much fun. She has a pool and hot tub. We also went to a Diamondback's game, the Grand Canyon. We also climb White Tank mountain. My Dad, brother and I made it to the top. While we were there, my Grandma from California also came. It was fun because it was the first time I saw my cousins, Logan and Samuel. I can't wait to go back to warm, sunny Arizon.
The best trip I've ever taken was to florida. We drove because my parents like to stop at other states on teh way. When we got unto Florida we checked into the Holiday Inn Familyh Suites (which is now the nickelodeon suite). The hotel was HUGE!!! There was a game arcade, a hair salon for girls (I got my hair done), restaurants, two huuge pools, themed rooms with TV's Playstaitons and seperate rooms for adults and kids, a kitchen,a living room, and in the little pond that they had next to teh breakfeast patio they had two really pretty swans. The next day we went to Disney World's Magic Kingdom we stayed until it closed we had alot of fun.
My favorite ride was The Buzz Lightyear Adventure. The next day we went to Sea World. That was so much fun. We got to pet stingrays, feed the dolphins, and go to the Shamoo and Dolphin show, we sat in the splash zone seats because it was boiling hot! On our way back home we stopped in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We stayed at a Best Western hotel it was even bigger than out hotel in Floruda we found huge shells on the beach.
All in all that was the best trip I have ever taken.
My favorite vacation is when we went to Florida. We went on Rock and Roll roller coaster, Tower of Terror and the Kraken. My favorites were Rock and Roll roller coaster and the Kraken. I love rides. When you do loopty- loops you can't even feel it. It just feels like you are going straight. We stayed at the Nick hotel. Everything looks like Sponge-Bob or other characters. We ran into Ben, Becca and their sister Rachel by total chance at the Jurassic Park Ride in Universal. At the end I was happy to get home to my friends, but I really liked Florida.
My best trip was when we went to South Dakota.Ilearned how to lasso and shoot a six shooter. Then we went to a dinerin a old train that doesnt work any more.After that we went to the Sioux Falls and jumped on rocks .The next day we went to Bear Country USA. That is a place that has wolfs, bears, coyotes, cougars and buffalo walking all around the park while we drive through it . One of the bears jumped on our car and so did a coyote. WE didnt get scared though because there was a man in a tower watching everything and he had a gun. We did a lot of other cool things too on this trip. It was the best trip ever.
One of the best vacation I ever took was to Washington D.C.. The hotel we stayed in was really cool. The hotel had a pool on top of the roof. It was so cool seeing all of the city from a bird's eye veiw. There are alot of memorials in Washington D.C.. My favorite memorial was the Lincon Memorial it was amazing seeing all that stuff made from just stone. Did you know that every step leading up to the building stands for one year of his life. The George Washington memorial was neat to. Did you know it was never finished. There also is alot of different museums. My favorite museum was the areospace museum. It was amazing seeing all those planes and spaceships that made history. It was so cool seeing all those things that you would read about in history textbooks.
When I went to Florida with my family I had a ton’ of fun! The first day we were in Florida we went to Epcot. The second day we went to Magic kingdom. We went so early we got to see all of the Disney crew {Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Pluto] get into the parade float, it was so cool! The third day we went to MGM studios. While we were there we went to Indiana Jones. They asked for some volunteers, who ever raised their hand the highest, MY MOM WAS ONE OF THEM! So they take her up in front of hundreds of people! And make her scream as loud as she could. After that she got costumes on. The show was so cool! There were real explosions! After the show we all got his autograph. The fourth day we went to Animal kingdom. When we were there we saw the tree of life. It was huge! The fifth day we went to epcot again. We went on all the rides again and the next day we started home. On our way home we stopped at Tennessee and stayed there over night and left the next day. When we got home all of our cats said they missed us. The next day we had to go back to school. My brother and I both had piles of homework.
Florida was awesome!!!!!!!!
Miss.Miller the 7th graders are picking on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My best trip ever was when I went to Florida. We drove because my parents like to stop in other states on the way. When we got to Florida we checked into our hotel. The name of our hotel was the Holiday Inn Family Suites. It was so fun the hotel had an arcade, a hair salon where girls could get there hair done (I got my hair done there), two really big pools, a breakfast nook, a patio, a bar, a TV room and other really fun things. The next day we saw two swans in the pond next to the patio when we were eating breakfast. After we ate breakfast we went to Disney World’s magic Kingdom. My favorite ride was the Buzz Lightyear adventure. For supper at Magic Kingdom we had Turkey Legs I thought they would be gross but they were really, really good. We stayed until the park closed. The Electric Light parade and the fireworks were really cool also. The next day we decided to go to Sea World. That was really fun also. We got to pet dolphins, feed dolphins, and go to the dolphin and Shamoo shows. We sat in the splash zone seats because it was really hot that day. On our way back we stopped in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We went to a Best Western hotel which was bigger than our hotel in Florida. On the beach we found huge shells. All in all I had a great time in Florida and that was my best vacation ever.
My favorite trip was to Colorado. I had the best time. When got up early March 25, 2004 and started to drive to the airport. When we got there we called my Cousin, Uncle, and Aunt to see where they were in the airport. I called them and they said “we just got though where they check if you have any weapon.” I said “ok”. When my Aunt, Cousin, and Uncle got to the gate to get in the airplane we got on the airplane. When we arrived at Colorado we had to wait for my Oma and Opa to get off the airplane when they did we got a rental car and drove to Copper Mountain. When we got there it was almost mid-night so we went to bed. The next morning we went skiing that was a blast I fell off a small 6ft cliff!!!!! When it was time to go home after the week we had fun on the Mountain we had to pack our bags and head back to Wisconsin.
mol said...
Miss.Miller the 7th graders are picking on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/21/2006 8:34 PM
HAHA OH NO!!!!!!!
Hi Ms. Miller. My favorite family vacation is probably the vacation my parents took my sister and I on over the summer. We hitched our camper up to the back of my mom's truck and pretty much decided to wing it.We had one map and ended up driving from Wisconsin down to Illinois, Iowa, then to Nebraska, through Wyoming, and finally to Colorado National Park. We'd stopped every night after driving eight hours during the day to sleep in the camper. We camped in Colorado for almost a week, then headed up through Black Hills, South Dakota, and Minnesota back to Wisconsin. Going through all those states and seeing all of natures beauty... It was so perfect. We also got to see lots of elk, moose,deer and prairie dogs. At one point in Colorado, my sister and I got out of the car to pet dome wild burros that were wandering by the road.
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