
We are celebrating Lutheran Schools Week starting on Monday and it is a time for us to be sincerely thankful for the great school that we have. In this week's blog, tell about the things you like best about FIL. The ideas could range from our solid Biblical foundation, to a specific class, to a sport, to your friends and the people here, to a certain activity, and many more. Be specific about what you like and why you like it!
The best thing about F.I.L is The teachers. They are really nice. I have alot of friends and math is really fun. i Like The computer lab is cool. Guym is the best subject i think but i don't really like Art. The sports here are really cool basketball is awsome Track is awsome with mr. Redierer and cross country with mr Rederier.
sosial studies is really cool because we get to learn abut ancient was/cultures.That is really cool. Science we get to do really fun experiments. and Lutherans school week is the best because you get to dress up in pajama's and were awsome clothes. That is what I like at F.I.L.
I would have to say just about everything. We get to have a seperated gym and cafeteria unlike most of the other schools in Cedarburg and we get to change what teacher and classroom we have instead of staying in the same room for seven hours. It's also fun to go to school here because we get to have pep rallies and fun dress-up days. I know that at other school they don't have many rules and kids can say and wear what ever they want but I think that could lead to hurt feelings and injuries if it was like that here. IT's also nice to have so many teachers that care. I think third grade was my favorite year because none of the girls fought as much as they do now and we all got along. FIL is a great place to grow!!!
The thing I like most about F.I.L. is the teachers and the way they do classes. There is switching classes, which I like a lot. I like F.I.L. I like F.I.L. a lot. My favorite year is probably 6th grade the teachers are nice and do fun stuff. I also like cross country in fall I’m pretty good and I have a lot of fun running with others who do it. I love that they have cross country. I’m also glad that there is basketball in the winter. Basketball is lots and lots of fun especially when there is nothing else to do. I like F.I.L. a lot and I’m glad I go there.
numero 3
What I like best about First Immanuel is that all the people there are very kind and understanding. They are very humorous ex: like Mr. Reiderer, when you ask him to go to the bathroom he will “say no you cant go in here” then we will say “then can I go in the bathroom” then he will say “for what”. He is awesome because he messes with your mind. Miss Miller she likes to joke around. Mrs. Robinson Is the very kind and understanding. Miss Kohn is like Miss Miller she is funny and laughs at allot of stuff. But the things I love are all of my friends who have gotten me to where I am right now they have made me who I am in building me up. The other thing I love is memories. The teachers and friends have made allot of memories for me like basketball and making a scrapbook for a friend with the name of Mr. G. and Mrs. Valdez is the one who gave the idea of the scrapbook. That reminds me of another thing I like is that all of the teachers are friends and they fool around in the halls, and it’s awesome. The thing I love the absolute most is that we get the opportunity to learn about our Lord Jesus Christ.
The things I like most about FIL is all of the teachers like Mr. E, of course you Miss Miller and all of the middle school teachers and don’t forget MR. G a elementary teacher which is retired. Another thing I like is hanging out with all of my friends like Zach, JB, Coleton well you know what I mean. I do like our 6th grade basketball coaches Zach’s dad and uncle. I like all the school activities like the sock hop, pepper ally’s and more, but the most important 2 things are all of the teachers and hanging out with all my friends and getting in trouble.
my fav thing about fil is my wonderful teachers. i like my teachers because they are completly devoted to helping us in our school work and can tell us what we need to study more. i also like all the projects and activities we do. i like my teachers because they are also very nice. my favorite thing about my teacher is that in every assingment, activity, project, or anything else, like class, is that it's all based on a very good christain foundation.
The things that I like about our school are the sock hop/ hop in your socks, the race of faith, the book fair, and also peprallys I alos like to hang out with my friends. I like all the teachers that care for us and I like the special fun stuff that we do during classes and I like the special opportunities that teachers give to us. I like the feild trips that we go to like chicago (wich my mom wuold like to chaperone for) and I really like that we start school early and get out early right in time for spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that is what I like about our school.
My Favorite thing about First Immanuel is how fun Gym is. Our gym class is awsome flag football, bad-mittin, pickle-ball there all really fun. Mr.E. is cool to. I like geting to run around and get all sweaty and stuff. Our school is huge. Pre-K Through 8th grade seprate gym seprate lunchroom it's awsome. gym is awsome. Some of my other classes are cool to. Like science, Mrs. Walker is cool and good at science i shoudn't say good but great. I think My school is really cool and fun but EXPENCIVE! That is what i really love about my school and classes and teachers and stuff. mainly like gym
My favorite thing about First Immanuel is all of the books we have available to us. Like the Book Fair is one of my favorite things I wish all the books were free and we could take as many as we wanted to but then all the books would be gone by the first day. One of my favorite classes is science know that we are doing the weather unit I like working in my group and having to pay attention to the weather I am very happy that Mr. Baden is coming in to talk to us. I also like all of the teachers. In fourth grade my favorite thing was doing the chickens even though my did not make it very far I still liked it. One thing I like about 6th grade so far is kindergarten Buddies. Those are a few of the things I like about first Immanuel
There are a lot of things that I like about FIL. First I like that you get a good christian education. I also like all of the wonderful teachers. They take so much time into making sure that we are well educated and that we are always happy with ourselves. They say such good stuff about us. It really makes me feel great. I also like How we have so many extracurricular oppertunities. My favorite are volleyball, band, and student council. Last, But certaintly not least, I love how I have great friends. I know I can trust them for everything. They support me in everything that I do. I LOVE FIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best thing about fil is that we have lutheran schools week. I love the comfy day but i have no idea how to dress up as my favorite book character?! Any way i also like fil because of the nice teachers friends and principal. I like gym alot. I cant stand Math, or art but art is WAY better. (sorry Mr.E but i cant do math) I like Basketball and track. Next year im going to miss mr groppe because his the best coach im also going to like it because get to have Jeff. I wish i could stay at FIL for ever!
BRETT FARVE IS NEW PUBLIC ENEMY #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I like about F.I.L. is the great teachers and activities we do. Like Lutheran schools week or labs in science and the projects in Social Studies. I also like the poem cafe and peacemakers. In gym class there is fun games that help us work as a team. Working as a team and building each other up is what F.I.L. is mostly about. We want to help each other grow in faith, knowledge, kindness, goodness, godliness, perseverance, self-control and love. We try not to tear each other down and destroy are schools body in Christ. We want to be a healthy body and not have a "broken arm or leg", because that’s what slows the body down. We can repair body parts though as a body and become healthy again. That’s what I like about F.I.L.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The two best things about F.I.L are the teachers and that we get to learn about God. I picked the teachers as 1 because most of them usually make the classes fun in their own different ways. I also like the religion part of F.I.L because at public shools you dont get to learn about God and thats really bad. If I had a third choice it would be the sports because the coaches help us get better and make them really fun to play.Mr.Riederer makes Cross country fun because you get to go all different places and run,Track too.Mr.Groppe makes basketball fun to because we play games and work on our skills.
I would have to say that my favorite thing about F.I.L. would be the teachers.I'll start with the 6th grade homeroom teachers.Mr.E is the all-around sports guy who just loves basketball and is extremely good at math(let me stress the word extremely for you,EXTREMELY!)He is also really good at pickle ball and he's a really good and creative P.E. teacher.MISS MILLER JUST WON'T STOP SMILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's either that or she won't stop calling me Claribou the Caribou!She's good at really good at what she does and is awesome at making things creative. The 7th grade teachers are Miss Kohn and Mrs Walker.Miss Kohn has a good sense of humor and also likes to make things creative. Shes also really nice.Mrs. Walker also has her fare share of comical skills and always seems to keep on going like she never stops.She's very nice and friendly and I like coachish personality too. She's really good at science and is really dedicated and hard working(The proof is in the concordia Hall of Fame,top shelf,right case)The 8th grade teachers are awesome!!! Mr Riederer is the ultimate dude who is really fast! I don't even want to take a guess at how many trophies he has in running because theres probaly like a gazillion! He is also very friendly and likes to say "good morning" to people even if it's 5:00 at night!He knows alot about history and i LOVE history and I find the Civil War very interesting, so I can't wait to see what it's like to have hime as a teacher.Mrs.Robinson is really nice and is very creative at language arts. I love to write so it's gonna be awesome too have her next year also.She is really fun and is really good at her job.I like the way shes really friendly in all the classes she teaches and is ready to always help someone. It's like her energy never wavers!I also love the sports.MEGHAN, IF YOU READ THIS, I'M REALLY GONNA MISS YOUR DAD AS A COACH! I THINK HE HAS A GREAT SPIRIT FOR THE GAME, AND BOY, DOES HE KNOW HOW TO COACH AND HOW TO WIN!MR. GROPPE,YOUR AWESOME!I HOPE YOU COME TO OUR GAMES NEXT YEAR!Don't get me wrong,I'm think Jeff is going to be a awesome coach and I'm really excited to have him as a coach next year.I LOVE FIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like many different things about FIL. For starters I like the fact that everyone who attends FIL is a Christian. That means that nobody does anything super wrong or inappropriate. I also like the fact that they started cheerleading. It’s always nice to have someone to pep up the students and show support for our team. Another thing that is great about FIL is Gutenberg. Gutenberg is a great place to learn about computers while you are helping your school with projects. The final thing I like is art class. Art class is thee BEST class you could ever take. I was so exited for art class this year because you actually get to learn about artists instead of just cutting paper into snowflakes. I could go on and on and on about things I enjoy about FIL.
OOOps! I'm very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry that I forgot to mention the extremely wonderful, positively perfect teachers. And they defiantly deserve our thanks so . . . . . . . . . .. THANK YOU!!!!! (very very very very very much)
If I had to pick my most favorite thing that I like about First Immanuel Lutheran I would have to say that I like the gym program the most because of all the different things we do except for ballroom dancing. I like having a Christian foundation and being able to speak freely about what my faith is and not getting made fun about it. I also like having tight relationships with friends. Every one is polite and nice to you even though you may be very different from them. Sharing my faith with other people makes me happy.
Some of the stuff that i like about F.I.L is gym class it is so fun i always look forward to it and reses is always fun another thing that i like about it is that the play ground is fun the equipment is nice the class rooms are nice and i always look forward to the book fair the thing i like about the book fair is the posters i also like the teachers and the way they do the classes so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and thank you so much for every thing.
Andrew continued
The thing I like most about fil is that the teachers are nice and they don't yell at you that much and don't give alot of homework to the class and they are always there if you have questions to ask. My favorite class is probaly gym because mr.E is so nice and he always lets us do such fun things in gym and I love recess cause all of my friends are fun to play with and it's always a time to get away and have fun SO THANK YOU TEACHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and I almost forgot about the great food!!!!
The best thing about F.I.L is the teachers the Christian education, and the athletic programs. The thing I like about the teachers are that they are so nice and caring and they help you with your homework they also explian things very throughly and don't just tell you how to do it they EXPLIAN! The thing I like about the Christian education is that I can keep my faith and still have a lot of fun. The thing I like about the sports program is that they have wonderful coaches and they really teach you about the sports and they encourage you to do a lot of good things. They clap when you get a homereun or a basket or a spike or KILL! These are all the things I like about F.I.L
I like lots of things about F.I.L. I like the teachers and I like that it is a Lutheran school. I think that the classes are really fun and I really enjoy the classes. The teachers make everything fun. I enjoy switching classes and I enjoy the brakes between classes. I think that it is cool that I can have Lutheran friends that are nice. I like that it is cool that I can have religion classes and that we can talk about God at F.I.L. I am glad that our school has a basketball team that I can play on with my friends
What I like about this school is all the teachers ( of course I like every teacher but I will list a few the I just think are extremly hard working ( I guess hard working ) but also fun at well most times including no homework) No particular order #1 Miss.Miller for this awesome website and all the less homework she has given us #2 Mr.E for the help of math homework and the cool gym activities #3 Mrs.Robison for the help with Religon and no homework almost ever #4 Mrs.Valdez for all of the help and all of the great things she has done for the class and I thank every other teacher for the help oh I almost forgot #5 Mrs.Walker for the cool science ex. and help and all of the really cool science activities and all the school sports and activities.P.S. This is Nicks
MY favorite thing about school is that we all are CHRISTIANS. I love most of the classes except for math, but I still like Miss.Koehn. GYM class is amazing because it is with Mr.E. I like all of my friends and having lockers to put things in. Sports are really fun but basketball is my favorite of all! I really like SS with Mr.Riederer and the science experiments with Mrs.Walker and even though I like to read but not langauges arts class I still think Miss.Miller your A good teacher! The food is Okay (Asi Asi!) WE get a tone of homework which stinks but most of it is pretty easy. FIL IS A ALAROUND AMAZING AND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL which means I couldn't think of a better school to go to!!!
One of the best things about F.I.L. is that we have caring teachers. No matter what grade you are in you have a loving teacher who is always there for you and to help you. The most caring teachers that I have had would be Miss Miller, Mrs. Walker, Mr. Reiderer, Mr. Schaubs and Mrs. Valdez just to name a few. I love the great teachers I have. Another great thing about First Immanuel is that I have caring friends that are always there for me. I am glad that I have wonderful Christian friends. I am so happy that my friends build me up rather than tear me down. I love my friends. The absolute best thing about F.I.L. is that we can learn about Jesus Christ. I think that is very important. It helps us grow in our faith more to have teachers and friends who care about us. I love my First Immanuel and think it is the best school ever.
There are many things that i like abut F.I.L. First of all I like the fun events we do like: The Rainbow olympics, pep rallys, Field trips, parties at school, the race of faith and the sock hop. Another thing is sports at F.I.L. Basketball soccer and track. Those are the sports I do. The most IMPORTANT thing I like about First Immanuel Lutheran school is that we get the oppertunity to build a relationship with Jesus. One last thing is that I get to hang out with my friends baisically every monday tuesday wedsday thursday and friday. I pesonally think that is one of the VERY best things about F.I.L.
There is one thing i like about F.I.L is that we get to spend 7 hours with all of a friends i school. I also like the sports that we do Mr.E is an awsome gym teacher because he does fun things every class period. And all of the other middle school teachers are awsome because Ms. Miller teachs peoms and i like poetry. Miss. Walker teaches science which is one of my favorite subjects and Mr. Reiderer has awsome hair i like the way in sticks up. And there are so many things to like at F.I.L.
This one is kinda hard, but I think that there is two things that I love about First Immanuel,
First of would be the fact that Jesus Christ is the ceneter and creator/savoir here, in Socail Studys we learn about other religions but not, "Two atoms in space clided and everything went boom and there was earth and there was billions and trillions of years spent evalving." We may learn this but they our teacher just say that is what others believe but God really made us and the earth. Second, The people, friends, teachers, and office people,custodions,ect.. They are really nice and it's great that you know everyone in the school, so you can talk to them and know them. Those are my two favoirt things about F.I.L.
I love it at FIL because we get to grow up learning about Jesus unlike most schools. We also have the best teachers, they are very friendly and make everything fun. They always want to help you and will encourage you to do the right thing. It is nice when you can learn will having fun playing games or goofing around. I also like how at tournaments we always have fun cheering on our team or friends. We have a really cool athletic program because we can do what ever sport we would like. This is what I like about FIL and enjoy going to school here.
Like Miss. miller teaching me how to write First Immanuel is the best school ever because of the teachers who teach me everything I need to know. poems and what the Chinese culture is. Mr. Everts teaching me integers and having us play the most fun games. Mrs. Rank making us paint beautiful fun paintings. Mrs. Walker letting us know what weather is and always keeping us in line. Miss Kohn is a fantastic German teacher. Mrs. Robinson doing a terrific job teaching us the Bible like most teachers and telling us to be nice to others in peacemakers. Mrs. Grabenhofer teaching us how to sing and the Chinese music culture. So the teachers are good and so is the environment. In Sports there are terrific coaches and the assistant coaches for the boy’s red team are the best!
Like Miss. miller teaching me how to write First Immanuel is the best school ever because of the teachers who teach me everything I need to know. Like Miss. miller teaching me how to write poems and what the Chinese culture is. Mr. Everts teaching me integers and having us play the most fun games. Mrs. Rank making us paint beautiful fun paintings. Mrs. Walker letting us know what weather is and always keeping us in line. Miss Kohn is a fantastic German teacher. Mrs. Robinson doing a terrific job teaching us the Bible like most teachers and telling us to be nice to others in peacemakers. Mrs. Grabenhofer teaching us how to sing and the Chinese music culture. So the teachers are good and so is the environment. In Sports there are terrific coaches and the assistant coaches for the boy’s red team are the best!
this is my real blog
First Immanuel is the best school ever because of the teachers who teach me everything I need to know. Like Miss. miller teaching me how to write poems and what the Chinese culture is. Mr. Everts teaching me integers and having us play the most fun games. Mrs. Rank making us paint beautiful fun paintings. Mrs. Walker letting us know what weather is and always keeping us in line. Miss Kohn is a fantastic German teacher. Mrs. Robinson doing a terrific job teaching us the Bible like most teachers and telling us to be nice to others in peacemakers. Mrs. Grabenhofer teaching us how to sing and the Chinese music culture. So the teachers are good and so is the environment. In Sports there are terrific coaches and the assistant coaches for the boy’s red team are the best!
no this is my real blog
I don’t know where to start…I love FIL because of all the nice and caring teachers in the Middle School AND in the Elementary Wing (teachers we’ve had in the past). I like that we get to learn about Jesus, unlike most other schools, and everyone is Christian. I don’t know how to spell the lunch lady’s name, but she makes REALLY TASTY MASHED POTATOES!! I also love the sports like VOLLEYBALL (DUH!), Basketball, Track, Softball, Poms, and Cheerleading. I love that we get lockers in 6th grade…They’re awesome! I like all the classes that we have here…especially Science, Math, and GYM!!!!!! All the Pep-Rallies are really fun too and all the special weeks where you dress up (Lutheran Schools Week, Red Ribbon Week). So, this is what I love about FIL and I wish I never had to leave.
There are a lot of good things I could mention about FIL. The best things are the good friends and good teachers. Plus my mom works at FIL. It’s great that I get to talk to my friends and hang out with my every 5 out of 7 days. The teachers always try to make school as fun as possible with us still learning. Were also learning about God and being good Christians in addition to all the other subjects important for going to college and getting a good job. I think that it is great that we are so lucky to be at a Christian school where we can talk about God and about being a Christian.
P.S. Sorry I forgot to do because I was sick.
F.I.L is the greatest school ever because of its christian foundation to its caring supporting teachers.FIL always puts the kids first and encourages us to lead other people to chrisianity and to help other people grow up and not push them down.I also like the sports they have that have everone enter his courts with praise.I like basketball and softball.I like Math,I mean its OK but gym beats math anyday.So this is only some of the reasons I like FIL,oh yeah wait i can't forget some of the best freinds i have here!
FIL is the geatest school bescause it has the best teachers and the best lunch. I jlike the sports in it and I like the learning opertunities. I like the awsome book fair and the sock op. Mrs. meyer is so cool she lets us do cool stuff on the computers. I like the blogs and the poems so we can get experience for highschool and for colledge and I may be able to get into a very good college.
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