
This blog comes straight to 6th grade from the mind of Vance! Thanks for the idea!
If you could make the world over again, what would you put on it? Would you make new continents and what would you name them? Where would you live? What animals would you have?
It's your turn to be creative, so in great detail, tell us about the world you would create!
If I could make the world over again. Well of course I would have everyone I ever came in contact with like everyone at school, family, relatives, and ect. I would make a new continent called Samsoon and I would live there with all the people I know and all the people they know and of course all the same continents too. I would fuse other animals together like a cat and a dog and things like that and of course all the same animals too, but the penguin would be able to survive in warm areas. As all my friends know I am obsessed with penguins if you didn’t know that. Instead of having dogs be mans best friend, PENGUINS will. Penguins would be able to talk in English and different languages. That is what I would do if I could make it over. By the way this is by Sam Lassila. First person to do the blog this week SO EAT IT
First, we wouldn't have any seperate continents, we would just have one big continent called AWESOMANIA. It would be about the size of Asia, and the U.S. combined. We would basically have the same animals exept for spiders, THEY CREEP ME OUT(if you didn't know that)!!!!!!!!!!!!! We would be able to have animals talk, so instead of wondering what they were saying, they can just tell you. We would also have only 4 sports, volleyball, basketball, baseball, and finally, biking. All the children could also if they would go to school, or they could just learn from their parents. That's this week's blog. SEE 'YA MS. MILLER!!!!!:)
If I would have to that I would put many more vacation destinations on the earth. There would be no such thing as below 30 degrees and snow would have not been even heard of!It would be warm all the time and there would be more 50's style icecream parlors,more Floridas, plenty of sunshine, ton's of people but not too many,and there would be all tropical forests instead of polluted ones.Rain would come when I snap, wind when I shout,hail when I clap, and there would be yearly storms of food,( that can be predicted fully), with exotic and awesome food like tangerines,mint and carmel icecream, lasgana, cheerios,carrots, meatballs stuffed with melted mozzerella,homemade donuts,corn on the cob,mac and cheese, and starfruit.All animals could speak any language they wanted at any time and the same would go for people. Thats how my world would be.
how interesting to even start to think of a new world.a four day work week would be number one.there would be no allergies so every house could have cats and adog. Medical insurance would be free to everyone. hummmmm so much to consider. love your neighbor as yourself
if i could redo the world i would have there be 6 continants and 15 countries with 15 states each. i would have their be lots of tropical places and lots of ways to stay green. i would have houses in only places that need them no where their is trees. let the earths plant life grow! i would also have their be no fast food and all healthy eating places and people would be careful about what they do to the envoirment. i would have lots of animals and even have a reener it's like a frog but more like a lizard from the outside they eat grass and seaweed it can swim and go on land. there would be NO PUPPY MILLS ALLOWED!!!!!!! puppy mills are very bad and torture dogs. every pet should be well cared for. there would be lots of rivers lakes and oceans and the climate would stay between 40deg.and 90deg. Their would be lots of mountains and seenery. it would be very beautiful.
If I recreated the earth it would be called TYloppagos for being rectreated by me (obviously makes sense). there would be just one continent on it the size of all the old continents put together and it would be called abblabla for no reason what-so-ever. the pople would be small, green and have 123,456,789 eyeballs on here head and only 1 foot with 987,654,321 toes on it for balance.
but than of course the anmals have to be the size of skyscrapers to eat the poeple but not to get nasty, I will make them all plant eaters so they can,t eat the poeple. And all families must have 1 pet and 3 kids. And there is such a thing as world peace on this crazy little planet that I call home.
If I recreated the earth it would be called Faith. There would be six continents. They would be called.
1.Chritian-the biggest and most powerful continent
2.Luthern- second biggest continent
3.Praise-the third largest continent
4.Honor-the forth largest continent
5.Trust-the fifth largest continent
6.Respect-the sixth continent
There would be peace between all countries and everyone would follow God's law. We would pray before all our meals and everyone would be a Christian. There would be school in Spring and Fall and everyone would have a Christian education there would be no taxes, but there would be money. Everyone would go to church every day. Everyone over 23 would get a free house and make there own design, but it couldn't take over 300 square feet and have no more than two levels an attic and a basement. Everyone would also have a dog, treat it well and get any automobile or snow mobile, ATV, ect. with there house.
If I could redo the world I would make 15 continents. Each one would be ruled by a family. The entire world would have to believe in God. All of the continents except one would be WARM and tropical with a beach and sand. The other one would be for all the crazy people who love the snow and being cold. The animals I would have there would be: monkeys, puppy, kittens, tigers, and all other cute animals. The food we would eat would only be made from nature and have only a little bit of sugar in it, but it would still taste good. Every one there would be really healthy! The world would pretty much be perfect!
Dear miss miller I would put people of every kinds on the planet. There would be aleins and a lot of mythical creatures and gods and the real GOD!!!! The countries would be named, Vanceatopia {after myself of course}, Doughnutmolia, and sugarandcrazypeopleomaniaandpiroplanet!!! The favorite sport would be baseball,football, andbaketball. Teaching and school would be worthy of a death sentance by lethal ingection while sitting in an electric chair.{COLLINS IDEA!} THERE WOULD BE CATS AND DOGS IN EVERY HOUSE AND BIRDS. I would be the ruler of the planet and no war and no peace.
My world would be great there would be no homelesss people or stuff that could make you sick there would be no grose foods or crimes. It would have 40 contenents with 40 countries with 40 states with 40 towns / cities just because they like to use the number 40 in the bible and mabey it would keep the Lord watching over us and bring us good luck. All the towns, cities, states, contries, and contenents would have wierd names like fdhbgiufsbgq adnfreuhuahghqeh and stuff like that and that would be my very wierd WORLD. the end by somebody I needed extra words so that is why I am writing random stuff I guess I'll stop now.
If I could change the world I would have 1 continent. It would be strong and have lots of islands. It would be warm all the time and 60's in the Winter. On my world everyone would believe in God. There would be no poverty and no rich people. Everyone would be in between. There would be jungles and rainforests with the same animals. You could have any animal for a pet such as monkeys, pandas ect.. There would be peace on the Earth and no bad people. Everyone would be kind and loving. That would be all I would change everything else would remain as it is.
If I could redo the world it would have 23 continents(my lucky number). Every continent execpt for two would have elephants,hippos,Giraffes,Rhinos,Zebras,Chimpanses,Monkeys,and Whales. On one of the other continents would have lots and lots of bookstores In the bookstores would be only the books I like. Including Eggs,Jerry Spinelli Books,Andrew Clemens Books and lots and lots of NEWBERY HONOR BOOKS. The other coninent would be as small as Rhode Island it would snow all the time but it would be warm. It would be filled with dogs and cats. That is how I would make the world.
My world would be great there would be no homeless people or stuff that could make you sick there would be no gross foods or crimes. It would have 40 continents with 40 countries with 40 states with 40 towns / cities just because they like to use the number 40 in the bible and maybe it would keep the Lord watching over us and bring us good luck. All the towns, cities, states, countries, and continents would have weird names like fdhbgiufsbgq adnfreuhuahghqeh and stuff like that and that would be my very weird WORLD. the end by somebody I needed extra words so that is why I am writing random stuff I guess I'll stop now.
If I were in charge of the world everyone would praise God, and go to church every sunday. That is the number 1 thing i would do first. The 2nd thing I would do is every family would get 1,000,000 dollars and they would have to give l,000 to the government to go to Africa. Then each family would be able to have 1 pet that they want for free. There would be no guns, or war. Everyone would be happy and would be friends. There would only be 1 contient. Everyone would be in charge of thereself. THat's what i would do if I were in charge of the World!!!
If I could change the world I would not change that many things as I think that since God created the world its how God made the world honestly I don’t think that the world should be perfect as sin was brought into the world and should remain in the world until the end of the word. I think that the only place without sin should be heaven. Although I have to admit I would like to change some bad things in the world that are always happening. The only thing that I would change really is that everyone believes in God.
If I got to redo the world I would have three continents, one would be called Atlantia, another one would be Carabia and my last continent would be Margina. I would live in Atlantia because it is the continent that has the best beaches. I would have for pets in my house a small monkey and a super tiny puppy. For outside in my aquarium I would have a dolphin, seal, and a killer whale. Things I would put on the world would be flowers, green trees, and beautiful green grass. This is what I would do if I good redo the world.
If I were in charge of the world, there would be many changes. First of all, I would condemn Mongolia and force all the Mongolians to move to Spain. That was really random. Well after that I would make about 10 (ten) total continents: America, Hungary, China, Australia, North Zeal (made up), Audiarabiagh, Metalging, Rockmuzik, Classicrokmin, and Newhilandorf. There would be only about 3 (three) rules:
1) No Hip-Hop or Rap music.
3) The only music could be Classic Rock, Speed Metal, Metal, Rock, and/or Fusion.
When I say Fusion I mean Metal, Rock, Hip-Hop (exception), Rap, and Pop. There would be certain music for certain countries. Every country would be warm, and sunny. The animals would be Tigers, Dogs, Penguins, Leprechauns, under water sea life, and birds of all sorts. Every body would have to believe in GOD or else they would be killed by angry and hungry lemurs. Cows would also be worshipped highly.
If I could change the world, I would only add a few things such as... a "candy continent", a beautiful animal filled tropical rainforest island, and a peaceful animal lovers continent. I would not want to change alot of the world because *GOD* made it perfect in His sight. I also would not make people believe in GOD and be agaist their will, but I would still tell them about Jesus' love for them and how He saved us from our sinfulness. The world has changed alot by itself, but I would stop the fighting, slow the pollution,and try to help make the world a more wonderful and peaceful place to live.That is what I would do to change the world!!!!!!
Happy blog-reading Miss Miller!
If I could make the world over again, it would be in the shape of a cross. There would be ten continents, Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Green, Orange, Pink, Periwinkle, Maroon, and Persimmon. If the name of a continent was Orange, the clouds would be orange, and so would the rain. The continents would all be in the shape of hearts. All the people in the world would live in perfectly round houses. In the very center of every house would be a tree. But not just any tree, a money tree. The tree would give you $100 on a bad day. If you remembered to water the tree it would give you $200! Also, pandas would be pets. Everyone would have one, and everyone would give them lots of love and care.
If I were in charge of the world I would have 4 continents. Their names would be North, South, East and West. Every continent would be a democracy and everyone would have equal rights. I would live in the East of West continent , those continents would have warm weather because it would be close to the equator. North and South would be colder because they are father from the equator. The animals that would be in the North and south continent would be polar bears (except they wouldn’t kill you) moose, regular bears, elk, (animals you would find in Alaska).The animals that would be in the East and West continents would be deer, wolves (animals that you would find in Wisconsin) In the West and East continents they would have never even heard of 30 degrees below 0. The weather would be in the 50’s and 60’s all the time it would be like Florida weather. North and South weather would be like the weather we have here in Wisconsin. It would be extremely cool if I could change the world because there would be no poverty, sickness, or pain. But that’s just one thing that you could help but that would be extremely hard!!
THE END!!!!!
anonymous is me Miss.miller right above
If I could create my own world it would be one huge continent and three quarters would be land and the rest freshwater. All the animals could survive without salt water and would not kill people. Cities would be in the sky and there would be flying cars and as long as you could pass a test you could drive at any age. There would be no junk food but everything tasted good. You would automatically know everything so there would be no school. there wouldn’t be money and everyone would work to get stuff like if you worked enough you could get a plasma. This is my world.
Hi its me again,If I were in charge of the world t everything would be free and everything would be free too.There would be no limit to animals you can buy,but if you abuse the animals you 10 years in prison.The continents would be called this
3.Holy Ghost
And this is what I would do if I were in charge of the world.
If I could create my one would i would firs of call it bob and i would have it so that if you eat vegtibles you go to prison for 5 years and some of the contenents would be called
4.Holy Goast
that is what i would do if i were in charge of the wourld.
And some of the contenents would be made of ice cream and candy bars and some other stuff would be contenents and then the ocean would be milk and land would be candy bars.
If I were in charge in the world it would be very nice, cool, and awesome you know why because I made it. First I would make the sun square why I do not really know, it just be different. Also the moon would be a triangle, same reason as why I want the sun to be a square. Then there would be eight continents just to make it cool and all of the continents would be shaped like people that are emo. They each would have some kind of culture but all Christian. Also they would each have a mountain nine miles high. I would live in yellow land; Yellow land is this one country slash continent I made in my assignment notebook any ways that would be just a larger version of Wisconsin. Every continent would have deer, ducks, cows, pigs, giraffes, and bears. So my world also would have no McDonalds, poor people and fluoride at dentist appointments. Where I live the army would be Jedi knights and ninjas. The president would be Stephen Colbert and the vice president would be Adam Wollner. But remember I am still the ruler of the world. That would be my world.
By the way I would not want to be in charge of the world because I believe in democracy!
Wow! Imagine having the big job of creating the word again. I would make new continents, and they would all end with "ica." I would name them after former students--for example, Twietmeyerica, Rutkowskica, Lepoldica, Newhousica, and so forth.
All of the people would be believers and would treat each other as nicely as possible. I would make sure that most of the people are young, except for one really old guy, whom we will force to stay on the continent called Ischica!!
In case anyone gets lost, we will be able to find them on Schuettica, a continent in the shape of a big box. Dark-haired people will all live on Gumpica. Those who like to sing will be labeled with the number 40 and sent to Lempica.
Head-tappers get to live on Tauchica. Those who have trouble using consonants have a choice--they can either live on Liebensteinica, Piechowskica, or possibly Lepoldica.
People who get a little wild can live on Wildica or McDowellica.
Those who like tea in the afternoon can be found on Claphamica.
All other people can apply to Rapper Joe for a future continent to be named after them.
Everyone will get to speak whatever language they want, and just like at Pentecost, everyone will be able to understand each other.
All of this will make a WORLD of difference!
Keep up the good blog work 6th-graders. I really enjoy reading what you write.
Mr. G.
Lets see hear if I had to recreate the world it would be called Movolibia. It would have no spiders and other freaky insects like centipedes, June beetles, and mosquitoes. There would be plenty of habitats and food for pandas. There would be no sin in the world. There would be room for everyone and there would be no poverty. Pigs would be able to sweat. There would be plenty of whales and other sea creatures. There would be no deserts or shortage of water. Fresh water would take up fifty percent of all the water. No animals would be in danger.
This is Zach speaking over. My world would be named Omega and the continets would be zach sam JBB and penguin. My world would be nice and warm the animals would be Penguins dogs some cats and a huge cow! I would live on Zachs island because I was the founder andit is the best Island. You had to obey Goad or else you would be held captive and be shoot by aiesoft guns that have high FPS (feet per second). THe seas are fresh water and there can be sharks and other creatures but they wouldn't kill you or animals The food would be amazing whether it was caned or veggeis. That would be my woeld Oh yeah no insects and no deseases including Diabetes because it stinks!!!! OUT!
Well first of all I would have a forest not just an ordinary forest there would be trees with donuts growing on them instead of leaves thats only in the forest and there would be any kind of donut but each donut becouse they are the best tasting donuts ever they are $10 each exept for teh mini ones there $3.50 believe me there the freshest they can get and the people that buy them would like want 1000 more bu it will cost alot for 1000 donuts trust me it would be worth it.There would be no mosquitos wasps hornets or sting bees and no fly and if you abuse a dog or any animal your in prison until its when ever I feel like taking you out of prison and you have to pay $50,000 and start crying on your knees and begging to get out and never doing anything bad again and if you do your in prison for 30 years. There would be every sport exept soccor and you eat a sub you eat it at Cousins becouse there is no other sub place to go and there would be this cool thing were you play a PS9 and you put on a helmet and say what you want to play and it actually feels like your there for example you want to play football you say you want to be Q.B. you have the face of him (the view of his face and, or eyes ) and you can use anything for the football even your pillow and what ever else I could think of becouse it would be 50,000 words Literally 50,000 words thats how long it would take if I could create the world!!!!!
If I could make the world over it would be bad news. I would stop right there but this needs to be 100 words. I like the world as it is so I would keep the continents the same. I would people have technology made a lot earlier so by the time I am born everything will be really advanced and awesome. I would change natural disasters. Natural disasters wouldn’t be as bad so people would not have to lose homes and stuff like that. Also, snow would not be cold, so it could snow but still be warm. I know that sounds kind of weird but I will find a way to make it work. I would live anywhere because everywhere will be warm. I would not have ant mosquitoes because I hate mosquitoes. That is what the world would be like if I could make the world over again.
If I could recreate the world there would be no evil. There would be mythical creatures. There would be at least 8 coutries:
1.Name:Moon country Capital:Mushroom city
2.Name:Forest country
Inhadidents:Inteligant apes, elves
3.Name:Snow country
4.Name:Grass country
Capital:Music city
Inhabidents:Witches, giants,under- ground cyclopes, Warlocs, ghosts, giant snakes, trolls, ect
6.Name:Sky country
Inhabidents:Wizards, scholars, proffessers
7.Name:Rock country
Capital:The Western Mountain
Inhabidents:Dwarves, nomes
8.Name: Water country
Inhabidents:Merpeople, water elves,Kraken(squid version(almost exstinct))Kraken(crad version(almost exstinct))
These are what my countries. The End. By Noah Rotter
If i could change the world i would make my home in a big mansion and i would live in the country. i would also make six continents and who ever ruled it could name it but they would have to say what the name of there continents is in front of me and the animals that would live on the world is all the ones that live there know because i like all the animals. There are a couple of foods that i wouldn't like on the planet like fish i know it's good for you it just stinks. And that is what i will do if the world was remaid. THE END
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this symbol is awsome
If I could remake the world, it would have one big continent called Volleyville. Everyone in Volleyville would play VOLLEYBALL every day (Do you know how awesome that would be??!!!). There would be dogs, and cats, and penguins, and mice, and any other animals you can think of in Volleyville…but the national animal would be a little mouse. :-) There would still be snow to play in, but Volleyville wouldn’t have horrible, #2 RECORD snowfall!! It would be warm all the time and Volleyville would have plenty of beaches (filled with sand volleyball courts!). Volleyville would have beautiful forests, and valleys, and mountains, and many other kinds of landforms. If Volleyville was actually real, I’d definitely (ha ha spelling word) want to live there!!
If I could make the world over again I would not make it any different because this is how God wants it. But how I would like the world to be would have world peace, nobody poor be cause we have more than enough of everything. Therefore there would be no orphans. It would have like 70 degree weather in the summer and always warm rainfall. In winter it would be slightly colder than summer but the snow would also be warm and not melt until summer. You can still easily go sledding. The whole world would be one continent except for one vacation spot.
oh snap! everyone would speak one language and believe in God so that they go to heaven
If I could remake the world I would have north america bigger so that everybody got a bigger share of land to own. I would rename north america Ruger after my puppy dog. I would have Africa Bit bigger than what it is now and I would keep the name because I like the name. I would give everybody in Africa plenty of food and get puriffyers so they can drink good water and not the unclean stuff they are forced to drink everyday. russia can stay the size it is. I think its big enough already. Austrailia Would be a bit bigger and same with Suoth America. Andysella
If I could make the world I would make it so there is no poverty and that everyone believed the same thing and everyone knew English. There would be five continents; Jercro, Yosher, America, Centera, and Rosa. There would be one hundred countries, the biggest would be called Wisconsin. All the fish would swim in fresh water, so there is NO salt water. There would be no global warming so the Polar Bears can survive. There would be no one who ate meat, no hunters, and animals would be vegetarian. Everyone would be sinless, and perfect! There would be shops but they be free there would be no money or currency.
if I could change the world I would make all of the continents oceans and oceans continents. people would be able to breath underwater. The world would always be midevil. with dragons and greek mythical creatures real. with our God and greek gods as little gods. I would destroy the devil so there wouldn't be temptations. pens could turn into swords and water would be gatorade. snakes would be humans too and humans could turn into any animals they want.
If i were in charge of the world i would have one big contenent called eric rock and you all know it so you lose. the animals i would have dragons and magical creatures. i would make magic and wizards in midevil time and people with swords. there would be knits in armour and archers for long rance combat. the hunting would be alot easyer because of magic. you shoot it at the animal and it dies. there would be no wars for contries because there is one big contrie. there would be one religion cristian. there wouldn't be school or voleyball. that is what i would do if i changed the world.
I would make it so there wouldn't be any violence, death, pain, sorrow, or rudeness. It would be the perfect world. My real one was put in the in box in between 3rd and 4th hour. It is much longer and better! dANI
Miss Miller... there are 2 blog ideas in the name.
I think that God did a good job when he made the world, so there's only a few things I'd change. One of the first would be that there'd only be like three and one half business days, and only two and a half school days. We would be in school Monday, Tuesday, and a half day Wedsday. Also, there would be OPTIONAL CHAPEL. I would also raise the teachers salary, and change the dress code, because I hate it. No flip flops, come on people!!! As for animals, there wouldn't be any such thing as a liger, or whatever. In other words, no cross breeding. The animal world is confusing enough as it is. I'm not going to say that everyone would believe in God,because I think everyone should have free will, and make a choice whether to believe in God or not. I would, however, have everyone exposed to the bible to educated enough in the religion to decide whether or not to believe in God. There would also be no taxes. George Bush would also be taken out of office, and sent to Cuba to think about how bad he messed up this country with his horrid decisions. This is my world!!!!!! this blog is by LINA
Lina... I totally agree!
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