
We all have things that drive us bonkers at times. What are some of your "pet peeves" and why? Be sure to "guard your mouth" (watch what you say) so that you do not offend anyone. In other words, do not talk about anyone who may annoy you. This is a chance to talk about the things that annoy you.
Here are some examples of my "pet peeves":
Finger nails scratching on a chalkboard,
When my sister calls me before 8:00 am on Saturday mornings
When people say inappropriate words that are not glorifying to God in my class.
One of the things that annoy me is when my brother cries for no apparent reason. Another thing is that when there is a practice or game in either soccer, basketball, or baseball, I start to get that “pet peeve” if we are even two minutes late because we didn’t make it for the whole practice and it feels like I didn’t accomplish that goal. Another one of my many “pet peeves “ is when the teacher is writing on the chalkboard and the piece of chalk is small enough that the teachers nails make a weird sound on the chalkboard. That sound a weird tickling kind of feeling go up my spine. Those are some of my many “ pet peeves”.
The cat that is in the garage (FluffBall or Marshmallow as I call him) really annoys me. When I am doing homework or reading a book or just in the living room he meows REALLY LOUD constantly for 5 minutes especially when he gets stuck in the wall (but don’t worry, he always gets out), if we ignore him the meowing will get even louder. He even gets into the attic and you can hear him walking around, meowing. The cat sounds like this “reeeooow, reeeoow, reeeoow, reeeoow”. It really annoys me especially when I am watching TV because I have to go check to see if he has enough water and food. Some times he even comes inside to get warm on cool days or cool on warm days. The cat is good when it catches mice in our garage and in the neighbor’s old car. But some times all he cares about is getting out of the garage instead of when mice are less than three feet away. But he likes it when you pet him and rubs up against your legs. I do like my cat, except for that loud, annoying REEOOOW!
I absolutelely hate the scratchy noise on the cover of our assignment notebook. And another is nails on a chalkboard. I hate those noises so much!!!!!!!!!! Whenever i hear those I just want to scream. Those "pet peeves" are the worst. Of course there are other ones but those are the two worse.
The worst pet peeve that I have is Styrofoam scraping on anything. We get the Styrofoam cups at school and people think it is funny to put holes in the bottom of those cups and the sound is so annoying. Another thing I do not like is when I just cleaned my room and my little brothers go in to my closet and try to play games like Risk and Life. Then they just leave it there and I have to pick it up. Also, if my mom tells them to pick it up, they will just put the pieces in my drawers and put the game board and box in my closet.
What annoys me is when my mom asks me to do the laundry on Sunday number one I hate doing the laundry and number two it’s FOOTBALL DAY. And the squeaky sound of the desk annoys me because I can’t concentrate. At night my sister screams in her sleep and it wakes me up. When my mom vacuums when I am trying to read, it drives me nuts. And when I can hear people chewing there nail wile I’m trying to watch TV its annoying. When my sister is singing it’s bad. When Kids are talking during tests it makes me not concentrate.
The main thing that really annoys me is when we are at home watching football and my sister will not be quite. She just keeps on talking. And it’s not even about football it is usually telling on me! Another thing that really annoys me is when we are at a Packer game and my sister wants to go home at half time. Which is really bad for me because then I can’t watch the whole game. There is also another thing it is when I am trying to type my blog and the computer keeps freezing up or it is not letting me post it. And those are just some of my “pet peeves”.
Some of my “pet peeves” are:
When someone teaches you how to do something and then yells at you later for doing what they taught you in the first place.
When I am trying to relax and then my cat comes up and tromps on me.
When I learned a game with my mom or dad and the other parent plays it differently (so confusing!).
When people swear in parks, amusement parks and other family places.
When my dog (who is a German wirehair and thinks he is a yorkie) runs into me.
Well I am annoyed very often these are just a sample of my pet peeves.
Some of my pet peeves are when the chalk squeaks on the chalkboard. Also when people swear and when people talk with food in their mouth. On Saturdays when my mom wakes me up early. When people sing out loud. When people take my stuff without asking me to use it. When people mess my stuff up then don’t put it back oh how I hate it. At my house when I have food on the counter and say I am not done, but then some throws it away and then I can’t eat again. Those are some of my pet peeves.
Well, some of my pet peeves are when, I have something in my hands that is useful to others and then they ask can I use that and then they take it before I can say my answer. I also don’t like when shoes squeak against the floor, or when the chalk sometimes squeaks against the chalkboard. I don’t like it when people gossip or say mean things about me, or when people swear. I also don’t like when people talk about blood and veins, and when people talk about either taking shots or having to get them sooner or later.
One of my pet peeves is when people don't try to do their best at doing something. Another one is when my brothers walk around the house in their boxers! When gentlemen spray the room with boy perfume called axe. When people act really nice to you and the next minute they talk behind your back. I hate it when my older brother corrects the way I say something and my other brother tells me what to do. Another pet peeve is that many of my friends have cell phones and my mom won't let me have one. These are just a few of my pet peeves.
One of my pet peeves is the fingernails on a chalk board, waking up at 6:00 every morning just to go to school, being board, when my best friend does not call me on my home phone, getting the computer taken away for two months, dark rooms, Kappi barking, thumper playing with his dish, when no one calls or comes over to play, going out to eat at a strange and new restaurant, visiting relieves on the holiday (which we do every single year), not writing stories, getting a new book.
So that is all I can think of for pet peeves.
I have many pet peeves. I really don’t like when people touch me. For some reason, I just don’t like it. Once my coach put his arm around while I was on the bench standing next to him, I just wanted to move away as fast I could. I really don’t like it when people pop my personal bubble.
I also like my stuff organized. I really like when everything has it spot. This way I know where everything is. If something is out of order, I get uptight. I just like knowing where everything is and is neat. It also stays organized in my brain.
My pet peeves are
Never doing anything right
People keeping you waiting because of something distracting
People that are older trying to act like a kid
When you get something and your parents liked it but at home say they hate it
People that tell you something and “apparently” did it wrong.
When you get blamed for the wrong reason
When little kids try to take control
Talking to much
when people play pranks that are so embarrassing
other people keeping you awake
People who keep a secret and then tell it to the whole school
Here are some of my “pet peeves”. My number one “pet peeves” is when my sister tickles me under my armpits. It’s horrible because, I can’t get away! I try and try but just I can’t! I start laughing until I start to cry! If my mom wasn’t home when she did it, I might die from laughter! If anyone else did it I probably get away and it wouldn’t be as bad. My second one is when my plastic spoon scrapes the bottom of my trimmest at Lunch. It’s like scaring figure nails on the chalkboard which is number three pet peeves. These are some of my pet peeves.
I have a lot of pet peeves so brace your self!
My cat Poe waking me up at 5:00am,
When my dad changes the channel to watch something worthless while Dancing with the Stars is on,
My dog Gaston licking my fingers as I’m playing the guitar,
(As I’m typing right now he is licking the keyboard + his drool getting every where)
My sister in general, (I know that’s kinda mean)
When the computer freezes,
When everyone knows something that I don’t know!!!
Hearing people talk about their best friends behind their backs,(we all do it).
My second biggest pet peeve is the scratching noise the assignment notebooks make!!!
But my biggest is when my mom asks me to do every chore in the world and Summer just sits there!! It makes me so mad! Shelby vacuum, Shelby wash the floor, Shelby feed the pets, Shelby do the dishes! I could go on and on!
Some of the things that bother me most are: when my sister tries to annoy me by wrestling with me and she doesn’t realize how strong she is, after all, she is 25 years old!
I don’t like it when my classmates make fun of others in the class or school, that isn’t “Christian-like”.
It drives me crazy when my Mom talks on the phone all the time, even in the car or in a store, and even worse when she runs into someone when we are out in public and insists on talking to them, it drives me bonkers!!! She talks way toooooooo much!! However, I do love her!!!
Some of my pet peeves (all though I have many more) are …Pet peeve number one, when people chew with their mouths open. This is a pet peeve because it is VERY gross and not exactly the way I want to spend my lunch all week. Another rather gross thing that wrecks my lunch is, pet peeve number two. When two people try to stuff as much food in their mouths at once just to be funny then start laughing causing that half chewed up food to spill all over the table. That’s pretty bad but so is the next one. Pet Peeve number three, The Sound of Velcro! It is the worst sound ever! (Next to Miss Miller’s pet peeve with nails on the chalkboard that one’s pretty bad!) These are just a few of my pet peeves so please avoid doing these things around me. (if you already avoid doing them you are awesome and I will try to avoid doing the pet peeves you listed.)
THE END!!!!!!!
I have lots of pet peeves. One of them is when people try to play with my hair. I don’t know why but it just annoys me when people are touching my hair! Another one of my pet peeves is when people scratch their nails on the chalk board. It gives me the chills for some reason. One that bothers me a lot is when I am sitting on the couch just watching T.V. and the remote next to me and then my brother come up and just takes it and then changes the channel. That annoys me so much. Those are some of my pet peeves!
Some of my “pet peeves” are:
1. When my dad comes in and changes the channel for no reason.
2. Being board with things.
3. When people chew with their mouth open when they are eating.
4. Chalk squeaking on the chalkboard.
5. When people are loud and obnoxious.
6. When my mom wakes me up for school by singing
7. Getting woken up at 5:00 A.M. because my dad is getting ready for work.
8. Having to rake leaves.
9. Going grocery shopping.
10. Getting tickled in my armpits.
These are some of my “pet peeves” and I have a whole lot more.
I have a couple of pet peeves. One thing that annoys me are very stinky smells. For example, the smell of skunk or cow manure when you are riding in a car and it stays with you forever. I also don't like being too hot or too cold. Another thing that bugs me is when people talk about other people behind their backs. Also it annoys me when people are mean to other people. I don't like it when I have to wake up really early in the morning or when I have a lot of chores to do. These are some things that annoy me.
I hate it when people are always teasing me and calling me names. Sometimes I just wonder why people made such nasty words then people start to say those nasty words. It's hard to try to make it so they don't say those bad words. I also don't like it when people bully other people. I don't know why some people think it's funny to be mean to other kids and hurt them. I also don't like being woken up before I'm ready to get up. Those are some of my pet peeves.
Things that annoy me are when adults treat me like a little kid because I am twelve and I can almost take care of myself. I don’t like it when my mom forgets to feed me because I get hungry too. I hate it when people say I am a princess because I am not a girly girl. I hate it when my little sister follows me and my friends because we just want to hang out. I really don’t like it when people pick on my friends because they are important to me and no one should be treated like that.
Well a lot of things annoy me. I’ll list some of my pet peeves. 1. When friends make fun of me. This really gets me mad because I think I can trust them and then they say bad things about me. Especially when it’s behind my back. 2. When my mom keeps me up all night by vacuuming. This bothers me because of course I’M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!3. When other people make fun of me. This angers me because, Why? I think that everybody that thinks they can make fun of people should just grow up! These things annoy me.
Some of my pet peeves are when I want to watch something on TV and then my brother wants to change to his channel. Only after a few minutes and he walks away and doesn't watch anyhow. Another pet peeve is when the cats are constantly meowing. I also get annoyed when my Nikki dog keeps barking at people, even after you tell her to be quiet. I also do not like it when friends whisper. It makes you think they are talking about you. It gets really distracting and hurts feeling also. I do not like it when my brother has friends over and they don't include me in their plans. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it really bothers me. I want them to always include me too. I am their friend also. Kids talking in class when you tell them to stop is also a great pet peeve of mine. They just keep talking even though you say stop, I am trying to listen. Pet peeves really annoy me!
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