Think of your favorite movie characters of all time and then pick one and tell why you would like to be that character. Did they embark on a special adventure, were they gifted with some amazing talent, did they get to go somewhere you have always dreamed of? The character you select must be from an appropriate movie. Your movie character could be animated or realistic.
Here are some examples: Indiana Jones, Simba, Gaston, Mulan, Spiderman, Benjamin Franklin Gates, Lina (from City of Ember), or Gabriela (from High School Musical).
I would love to be the Cowardly loin in the Wizard of Oz because; he faces big challenges by trying to overcome his fear of everything. When Dorothy and the others find him he is then on his journey to find Emerald City with them. The next thing he knows is that he has to try and be courageous and stand up for himself and the others, but in the end he earns his Courage by doing great things, like being able to rescue Dorothy even though he had a little help. One of the things that I would love is being able to visit the Emerald City, and also being able to meet with all of the Oz people. (My dream place to visit, if I could go over the rainbow)
My favorite movie character is Riley Poole from national treasure. He helps Ben Gates to find the Kights Templar Treasure, the greatest fortune known to man and a hard one to find. He also helped Ben Gates to find the city of gold mentioned (which was very impressive and beautiful) in the 18 long-lost pages from John Wilkes Booth’s diary and to find the truth of Lincoln’s assassination. At the end of the first movie, Ben made a deal with me. He said I get to choose the percentage of money we get from the treasure next time. I did not get the girl (Ben did) but I got a new car.
I would be… Kaitlyn from Go Figure. She wants to become an Olympic figure skater. Her training coach wants her to get better so she has to enroll in hockey. Kaitlyn then joins a team and gets many pranks pulled on her because she is a rookie. She then becomes the team’s inspiration and she leads them to the championship. Then when she finds out her ice skating competition is on the same day as the championship she has to choose. She goes to the championship and they loose. She then has to make a big turn around really fast on the way she looses a skate. The bully of the team finds her skate and is at first mad then realizes that her team member is out there without her figure skate. She returns the skate and gives Kaitlyn a second chance. I admire Kaitlyn because she wasn’t afraid to do what is right.
I would be Dory from finding nemo because I get separated all the time. I have a bad memory. Love to sing. I annoy people. I am just crazy like that. I would love to be a fish because I get lost I crowded places, like the ocean. I can usually cry easily if yelled at. I just have the talent of being Dory and being just random then smart at times. I love how me and Dory can just sit there and for no reason go nuts. I just think a big adventure would find the Dory in me.
Boo from Monsters inc.She is so cute and she just wants to get home. Usually if I were her size I would be really scared of a monster but it would be cool to meet a one-eyed thing and a Blueish Greenish monster
with horns. I know people wouldn't really see me wanting to be this character but she is too aweosome to resiste.Boo also undergoes alot of adventure like being captured having to wear a silly costume and of coarse just even meeting monsters. Boo and me would go on some pretty cool adventures together especially with our monster friends.
I would pick Isabella Marie Swan or known as Bella from Twilight.It would be so cool to know vampires.Edward is so sweet and loves and protects bella from a group of vampires that chase after her.In the books and movies they go on a ton of adventures.One of the adventures is in Twilight James,Victoria,And Lauran chase after bella but Edward saves her.In New Moon edward leaves because he wants bella to live a normal life and then he comes back but thinks bella died so he goes to the voluturi(they are a group of very powerful vampires)and edward wants them to kill him.But they dont because he finds bella.there are A ton more adventures but i dont want to write them all. I would love to Bella. It is my dream.
I would pick Aquamarine because she’s a mermaid and I loving swimming and mermaids would swim all day long. Also I like that her toe nails change different colors by her mood. She can talk to star fish and swim with dolphins. She can swim really fast and she can come out of water and then I could still hang out with my friends on land .Also mermaids would live in warm weather all the time they wouldn’t be in cold weather at all and I love warm weather. Also as being a mermaid I could save people if they were drowning and if there boat over turned.
If I had to choose a character that I like the most, I would choose Paul Blart. I like this man because he gets paid to drive around on a segway in a big mall. With his schemes and strategies he becomes a hero and saves his daughter and that is very nice of him. I think it would be fun to drive around on a segway and crash into some stuff. Although this might hurt, it could be fun. I would also like to be Paul Blart because he is funny and he has a nice mustache.
I would want to be Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump Because I would want to go to all of those places like being a good football player and getting the Medal of Honor and being a professional ping-pong player and shrimping and running across the U.S. It would be fun experiences. It would also be fun hanging around with captain Dan. And talking the old lady on the park bench. The phrases are also amazing. Like life is a box of chocolates you never know what you’re going to get. And Run Forrest Run. Came right up behind and shot me in the buttocks
My favorite actor is Will Farrell. I really like him because the movies he does are really funny. Each one he is in, he does really stupid things and says funny things. I like the jokes that he says. It drives my mom crazy because I repeat them over and over and laugh every time. (They are not bad ones.) He does mostly comedy. I like that because I don’t like sad or seriously slow movies. Most of his movies don’t make sense so I think that is why I like them so much. They are so fun to watch.
If I could be any movie character I would definitely be spider-man! I think it would be awesome to have spider powers like him! I would be spider-man because I would get to go around the city defeating bad guys! The best thing about being spider man would be using the webs to swing from building to building using webs that come out of fingers! I also like spider mans outfit it’s awesome! Being spider man would be so cool!
If I had to be any character I would be Indiana Jones. I would love to be him because he goes on so many adventures to find valuable, but powerful treasures. It would be awesome to kick bad guy butt and save the day. I would love to be in the middle of the non stop action. It would be cool to find treasures that God used. It would be awesome to hold Indiana Jones’ whip and do awesome stunts with it. Speaking of stunts it would be cool to do awesome stunts and escaping before a big boom! This is why I would love to be Indiana Jones.
If I could be any movie character in the world I would be Indiana Jones. One of the main reasons I would want to be him is because I would get to go to tons of cool places. When I go to different places I would get to meet lots of cool people. I would also get to carry a gun and a whip. I would also get paid lots of money. One of the things that I would not like is that I would always have different people trying to kill me. Another thing that I would not like is that I would be a professor.
Oh my gosh!! If I could be a movie character I would SO be Sharpay from High School Musical! She is so awesome. I would love to be her so I could rule the school. It would be so cool to visit Lava Springs in the summer. To be in so many musicals would be fun too! Both of us also hate orange. The only thing is that I don’t have a twin brother. All her outfits are totally sweet and full of bling. If I could have double pink lockers (just change the pink to blue) that would be way cool! To have a hot pink convertible would be the best!
if i could be any movie character, i would be Elina the fairy in barbie faritopia. shes a wingless fairy who everybody makes fun of and she goes on adventures through all of fairytopia. Laverna is the bad person who trys to get all the power from all the gardian faries. elina has to stop her so she can get rewarded and see the main gaurdian fairy and get wings. i would want to be her because it would be fun and she lives in fairy topia. that would be sooo cool! at the end she gets her wings and she can fly higher than the other faries that made fun of her. it would be realy fun to fly and be a fairy.
If I could be any character I wanted it would be Twinkie from the Fast & the Furious Tokyo Drift. He drives a really cool customized mini van. I really think drifting is cool. It looks like a lot of fun. I can even do it on my four-wheeler. I would like to be in the movie because the scenes were fantastic. Lime green is my favorite color and that is the color of Twinkie's mini van. I like the competition and would love to be the winner of the drifters. I would be the Drift King.
f I were to choose a movie character to be I would be Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks because I think it would great to be a chipmunk and get all those gifts that they got in the movie at Uncle Ian’s house. I would ride around on Remote control helicopters, watch TV all day, and not have to go to school, hide toaster waffles everywhere and steal snacks from the cupboards. Some other great things about being Alvin would be having two brothers to cause trouble with, singing in a lot of concerts and fooling around. That would be my life as a chipmunk.
I would like to be Yoda. Slashing everything and jumping over thing almost 3 times my size would be awesome! I could slash anything in my path with my lightsaber and throw evil droids with the force. I could also travel to far planets, keeping good everywhere I go! I would tram up and show my wisdom and talk funny. Hmm out numbered we are. I would get to team up with a bunch of famous people and fight with them. The only bad thing is that after Anikin goes to the Dark side, everything gets pretty boring for Yoda, until Luke shows up.
If I had to choose one movie character I would like to choose Heath Ledger as the Joker in the Batman the Dark Knight movie.The joker is so cool and tuff. He plays alot of awesome bad tricks on just regular people.Even though he is a villain he is cool and awesome.He also has so many cool knives guns and bombs to try and kill Batman.He also has a pretty cool costume even though it looks like a average sute and coat he has a sweat face. it looks like he has blood around his mouth and green hair. Those are some of the reasons I would pick to be the joker.
I would want to be Rhino the hamster from the movie Bolt because he likes to watch TV. Rhino also is very funny and he is not afraid of anything. I think it would be cool to have a hamster ball to run around in too. He gets very excited over everything and he is very hyper. He dose not worry about anything he is always happy. He loves adventure. He is loyal to his friends. He believes he can do anything. He does not give up. He never gets tired. He dose not have any home work. That is why Rhino rocks.
If I could be a movie character I would be Xan from the movie Duma. He lives in Africa and has a pet cheetah and he went on this amazing adventure with his best friend and he has to decide to let his best friend go or let him not be wild but after his dad dies he has to make the right choice, to let his best friend go.
I love the movie and I would love to go to South Africa (I am going when I am old enough.)
I would love to have a pet cheetah (oh wait I already have one) streak.
I would so be Diago, for go Diago go. He is so cool cause can talk to animals and get a ride to were every he wants. I would ride the animals all the time. I would so have MR. CHIPS ride on my shouler, all the time. Also he would wear what I would wear. He would follow me, like boots follows Diora. I would be a Maxican, which would be amesome. I would live in Mexico, which is a place I always wanted to go to . One last thing that would be anesome is Diora is my cousin. And that is anesome
If I would be able to be a movie star I would want to be McSquizzy the squirrel from open season2.
I would want to be him because he is funny and he is always coming up with jokes, comments, or wierd questions. I would also want to be him because he likes to try to be funny just like I do. I also would like to be him because he went on a cool adventure and he is alway's having fun just like me, and I would like to be him as a funny movie star and have fun.
p.s. i would so totally be Bella from Twilight because that is the most amazing movie ever and i would be able to hear where the river flows (a.k.a. Bellas Lullaby) a bunch of times!!!
p.s. sorry for the bad grammar
If I could be any movie character I would be Riley in National Treasure, staring Nicholas Cage. I would want to be him because he is good with “techy” stuff . He goes on fun and exciting adventures, trying to find hidden treasures, and he gets to use all those fun technical devices to help find the treasures. His expeditions take him to places that would be very interesting and exciting to see and learn about. And, after he helps find the treasure he gets to keep a portion of the money, and buys a really fun car! He’s also very funny!
My favorite movie character is Paul Walker from the movies Fast and the Furious 1 and 2. I would like to be him because he gets to drive really fast cars. The cars all have cool paint jobs and have extra equipment to make them go fast. He also gets to race other people to win money. His life is very exciting in the movie. His character is also funny at times. His real life is neat too. It would be cool standing on the red carpet and having a lot of people taking pictures of you and asking for your autograph. It would also be great to make the amount of money he does for being an actor.
If I had to choose a movie character, I think I would choose Superman. I would choose him because he is the strongest person in the world. I also would like to be him because if someone shoots at him, the bullets would just bounce off him, and wouldn't hurt me. The only way I could die was if I got kryptonite on me, and that would be hard to do because there is not much kryptonite in the universe. I would be able to fight alot of bad guys, so I would get paid a lot of reward money for catching them. The only thing I would not like about being him is his suit. I would definitely like being seen wearing blue tights and red under pants. I also would not like a cape because it could get caught in an airplanes turbine and I would get sucked in and die. That is what movie character I would want to be.
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