
The Olympics have been an exciting event to watch and stay up with on television over the last week. Tell about what your favorite event was, who you like to watch, what amazed you, etc... Give lots of great details in your writing!
6th Graders responses to the world around them!
My favorite event in the olympics would probably be hockey, skiing or figure skating. Last night I was watching skiing trick things and they were doing flips and stuff! I thought that was really cool! Also I liked watching figure skating because I like when they do turns and stuff, also I like watching that because I like dancing a lot! Hockey is fun to watch and I like to play hockey in gym. I don't really have a favorite person to watch! I just watch all the events. I like summer olympics better because there is swimming, and gymnastics in the summer. Those are my favorite events in the olympics and what I thought was cool to watch.
katy said that "I am mad" thing, cuz i told her to press refresh when she was done typing but then like she did it and a pop up thing came and she press yes or whatever and then it erased what she Had and she was almost done!!! WOOPSIE DAISY!
My favorite sport thing in the olymics is ice skating and skiing. I like watching skiing because I like watching them do tricks in the air and fall. Watching ice skating they also fall but they don't hurt that bad because they dont fall high up in the air they just fall like on their knees. When you are watching skiinig and they are doing tricks they fall from really high in the air. I also like watching the summer olymics better because of the gymnastics and you get to see who is the fastest of the people in teh world that joined the olympics.
I really liked the skiing and snowbording. I really liked how that one girl was brave even though she heart herself . But she still did the cource. I also liked the diffrent snowbording stunts. Like the diffrent jumps and stuff. The last thing that I really like is the skateing races. Aspecialy the really long races. It looks cool when they are all together then whem it is like the last two or three laps they all thy to get in front. 83 that is all of the diffrent racsons that I really like the olympicks.
I have to agree with Jessie I love figure skating and sking but not really hokey.In figure skating it is so amazing how they are so flexiable like when they put there leg up on there head and spin around really really fast.It is also cool when they jump up and spin in the air and land it perfectly.62I like to see skiers go off jumps and do all these neat tricks. Like when they grab the edge of there ski and spin around. It is really cool. It was kind of funny and kind of not funny when that one american girl skier was going to win the race and then she went off the jump and tried to do a trick she fell and got silver
My favorite Olympic events are probably bobsledding, skeleton, free style jump for skiing, or figure skating. I like to see how fast they are going on the bobsled, and skeleton. Figure skating is awesome because they can do some pretty awesome tricks. Free style skiing is when they do jumps and flips right? I f isn’t called that, that’s what I mean. I love seeing them to flips and spins in the air, it is pretty amazing. I also like to watch speed skating, because they go really fast and I wish that I could go that fast. I just like to watch everything on the Olympics, but those are some of my very favorites.
I also agree with Dana I forgot to say that I like the bobsledding races!! It is so cool when they go up so high! That is probally one of the best olymic sport in the olymics!!!
I have to do more in my blog here it is ....
I really love how the people can stay so balanced and stay the same then BOOM they are going so fast.
now I'm over 100.
I spelled some things wrong and I had an 83 on that wasn't suppose to
they dont go high in bobsleding they go high in freestyle sking
I like watching speed skating. I like that olympic sport because sometimes they wipe out and the koreens are good at it they have two of the best speed skaters. I also like curling it gets boring but i like the way the other countries like scream like"fig hoggin mic dytch" its funny I love that.I also like the skiing its kool they do flips and stuff and it looks fun.I like hockey too i like when they do one timers and they check people into walls fun fun fun.Those are my favorite olympic sports.
who thinks ball room dancing if fun in gym!?!?!?!
BAll room dancing i sbetter than some other things I can think of
I don’t really have a favorite Olympic sport I think there all pretty awesome except
Ice skating I hate ice skating I mean shirr it takes a lot of talent but, it so girly I mean
come on. Same with curling it’s not even a sport to me all you do is just push a clay pot dish type thingy and see how far it goes I mean any body and I mean any body can do that maybe not as good but still. Wow this is getting me all hipped up for nothing ok be back in five.
Okay I think I m okay now I’ve calmed down now but that is just stupid who would think up a dumb sport like that, come on guys lets go invent a new game lets push a clay thing a mow bober and see if we can get it in the middle of the circle.
But I like every sport except for those two so I’m done now so stop here THE END
My favorite Winter Olympic Event is probably Bobsledding. I like how they go super fast. I also like downhill skiing. I like how they make those tricky turns. I think Curling is pretty cool also. So far what I have watched is very exciting although it looks like Bode Miller will be going home without a medal. What a disappointment. I didn’t really like the figure skating. I liked the speed skating more. I also liked the hockey. You never know how good the other country will be. That is what I liked and did not like about the Winter Olympic Games.
My favorite Olympic sport is ice dancing.First of all I am very,very,very into ballroom dancing. I am competing in April.Ice dancing is just like ballroom dance on ice and with ice skates.I think it is really cool and looks like a lot of FUN!I never really knew about ice dancing until this year and I really got into it. My favorite couple was Belbin and Agusto from the U.S. They won silver.I was so happywhen I heard they had won.I like their costumes.I also liked when they would do lifts.I hope they will make ballroom an Olympic sport because right now it is just an expedition sport.
My favorite event is probably speed skating because it is fun to watch. I especially like the race where you have a team and have to go around the track forty times. I like to watch Apolo Ohno because he is good and he is from the US. I also like hockey because people get to slam each other into walls. I also like bobsledding. I think it is cool how they fly down the track thing really fast. I think that it is crazy that there are almost no black athletes from the US or anywhere. I can't wait till the summer Olympics so I can watch Ping-Pong.
My favorite event is ice skating. I have loved ice skating since I was little. I even started ice skating when I was about 6 and I loved it then too. Anyway the skating was so nice. I wish I could do that, but the onlt thing I know how to do is a spin and a turn. I love the cute outfits on the girls, but not on the boys. They seem to be in tights too much. I also like the jumps and the tricks that they do. I also liike when the dudes toss the dudets into the air and the dudets land it. I also like the sking, I mean they go up so high and then do a bunch of flips. It is so cool when they land, but when they fall and get hurt it can be pretty creepy. I think that Michelle Quon was the best skater ever! She was so graceful on her skates and she tossed and turned everywherel. I always wanted to be like her. (That is until I started to get addicted to cats.) I love them! That is it for my blog... THE END
I didnt watch the olymics much, because they arent that interesting to me.I like the summer ones with gymnastics and swimming.In the winter ones I would have to say figure skating.I think it's so... neat how they dont fall.Well most of them dont fall.I love to see them do all the turns.They have to be so tight to do those jumps.Some are so beautiful and graceful.Some if they fall they dont let it get to them till after their performance.If they do let it get to them their performance would be bad.It's their pick.
Hi!! I didnt really watch the olympics so I dont really now what to wright about. SORRY!! I will try to say what my favorite sport is though. I might have to say bobsleding maybe!? I really have no idea!!! Or my favorite winter olympics sport could be ice scating. Although I do sort of like speed skating. So to finish that I really have no idea. SORRY AGAIN!!!
THE END!!! Bye Bye
My favorite event was the the Hockey games they had there. It was exsiting to watch Sweaden go to the champianship game and win it. Although it was fun watching them win it wasn't to fun watching the U.S.A. loose to everyone they faced. Another one of my fvorite events is the Speed Scating. It was exsiting watching Apolo Anton Ono win the Gold Medal. The only thing I do not like about the event was the skates. They were so long and looked wobaly. So if I would have to choose one of the many events in the Olimpicks I would probubly choose the Hockey.
I didn’t really watch any of the Olympics but I really enjoyed watching Apollo Anton Ono the speed skater. He is really good but I heard he might go to Canada for the next Olympics. I would hate to see him go because he is so good. In the relay he fell in the beginning but caught up to first place. Then Korea and another country passed the Americans, and we got third. The sport that interested me the most was the cross country skiing where you ski for a certain amount and then you take a shotgun and shoot at the targets, and if you missed two of your five shots you’d have to take two penalty laps in a small oval.
All I have is a favorite event. That event would be bob sledding. Why I really don’t know. But I do no this. I like how they go down so fast and more importantly they work as a team. That seems really really hard to me. If I were to do that which I don’t think I can do. I think I would just fall off in front of millions of people now that’s pressure. If that were to happen to me I would be humiliated they’d say hey I know you you’re the one who lost in the Olympics.
My favorite olimpic event would probably have to be figure skating or speed skating because it is fun to watch all the performances(for figure skating) because this year Emily hughs was in the Olympics!! I was so happy but sad that Michell Kwan dropped out because now Emily had a chance in the olimpics. I am sad that the olimpics is done but i like the summer olimpics better. My favorite part about the summer olimpics is that you get to see Misty May and Kari Walsh work together in sand volleyball! That is what i think about the olimpics and my favorite topic.
My favorite events to watch would have to be ski jumping or figure skating. For the ski jumping, I am always surprised at how far they can fly through the air and still land on their feet. It’s also amazing how much speed they can build just by following a track down a steep hill. I don’t really have a specific person I like to watch, I just like all of it.
The reason I like to watch figure skating is because the skaters have so much unbelievable talent. Again, I don’t have a specific person I watch, I just watch for fun, but I am a big fan of Sasha Cohen. The performances just make you want to skate. The music can be slow and graceful or upbeat and energizing. I love the partner skating also. The tricks, flips, and lifts are amazing. The suspense of if they are going to fall or land perfectly also makes skating wonderful to watch.
I have some favorites for summer and winter. For winter, these are the ones I like. Biathlon is cool because it is a combo sport. First you have to do some cross country skiing. Next you go to a certain spot on the course and pull out your rifle. Then you have to shot the targets. You have to go around the course an extra time for every target you miss. I also like bobsledding. It is pretty wicked. If I had to be in an event I’d choose bobsledding. (That is for winter.) For summer I would choose basketball. I choose it because it is my favorite sport. I also like badminton. (For those of you who didn’t know I am a big badminton fan) The pros can do some really cool moves. I think that chess should be in the Olympics.
I forgot to talk about how cheap it was when Apollo Anton Onho fell and got clipped by the other guys skate.
Yes camo man I know who you are. CURLING IS NOT GIRLY!
I didn’t watch the Olympics this year or ever before. If I had to pick one I would probably pick the runners because I am a runner myself. I might pick the ice skaters because some of their spins, jumps, and costumes [I have seen while flipping through the channels] were so cool! Last I would probably pick ice hockey because I would like to see how the people from all over the world play. I was surprised to learn how many different young people perform at the Olympics. I don’t really know anything else about the Olympics so bye!!
The camo man is cody for sure
My favorite Olympic game was Snow Cross, and cross country skiing. I also liked the ski jumping. It looks weird when the jump of the jump. They like lay flat. I like the cross country skiing because it si cool when they ski up hill and down hill with the gun on their backs, and then they shoot at the targets, and if the miss they have to take a lap. That caught my interest. I liked the snow cross because I thought it was really cool how they did the sharp turns with the snow boards. And if you mess up you like are practically done. Those are the Olympic games I liked the most.
I loved this year’s Olympics, in Torino. I liked watching speed skating, high jump, hockey, and figure skating. In speed skating, I enjoyed watching Apollo, and that other Korean dude. In figure skating, I liked some girl from America. She took second in the semi-finals. I liked watching USA in hockey, even though they lost. Bode Miller did ok in the high jump, or at least I thought the high jump, or that thing where they hit the flags. I also enjoyed watching the bob-sled races. They were really fast, and dangerous. Some guy from Germany almost fell when he was pushing the bob-sled to get going. These are the things I enjoyed about the Olympics.
Well I don't really have a favorite sport. Well to tell you the truth I have had so many things that I don't have time to watch the Olympics so I'm going to tell you what would be interesting by what I've heard to watch. I think that hockey would be fun, also skating seems to be pretty cool also. I think that it must be alot of pressure being in the Olympics. The skiing truck things also sound cool. Reminds me of my neighbor Bob Nash, that's all he wants to do. Personally I think I'll stick with soccer.
This is my blog buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reason that it says Kristine spelled with a "K" is that Mia Hamm had a teammate that was a great soccor player but not only that she was her hero. At least that what it sayes in my book.
I liked the ski jumping in the Olympics because Speedy landed the hurricane!
Although speedy did not win a guy from china won instead. I still think speedy should have won because he landed the hurricane which no man has ever landed, but did Speedy give up no he did not! I think Speedy should still have won because he probably was the 1st man to ever land the hurricane! Speedy is a guy who will never give up on any move man has ever dreamed of landing! If Speedy can land the hurricane so can you and if you keep trying I know you will succeed!
My favorite Olympic game would probably have to be donwhill speed skiing. I don't really know anyones name that does it though so I don't have a favorite player. Man, that has to be hard on your knees. You like hit a big bump like 3 times per second. I would have to ice my knees for a long time if I did that. Another thing that I think is pretty cool is the speed skating. I like it because the games is always going so fast and someone can take the lead just like that. Well that's it for now
This period is for after my last sentence I forgot it. here.
Curling is a very intersting thing. I never got it though. So I simply stick to ice hockey. I also think that the thing with the bobsled is awesome. I like snowboarding too. This is the first year I really pay attention to the Olympic games. My favorite olympic sport would just probley be the bobsled racing they can go so fast it's just amazing. The second best is most likely hockey in my opinion it's much more major than the normal NHL and it's (in my opinion) worth watching. The third best could be snowboarding or curling either one is kinda cool. And those are my favorite olympic sports.
I liked the snow boarding the best because I have never seen anybody do stuff. I like snowboarding too in my front yard we have a hill and I go down it a lot of times and when I first got it I could barely make it longer than a foot but now I make it to the street. I kind of liked the hockey but not much good stuff happened. I like hockey because I’m kind of good at it and I can score if somebody passes it to me at the right spot or I just take it to the goal. Well those were the thing I liked so THE END
Why is there a / by my name...
I LOVED the Olympics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite part was the ending party. I loved the clown dudes. They were so cool! I thought it was funny how they played american songs in Italy. They played YMCA and moved they're arms to it the same way we do!! Then they did some more cool stuff but I forgot what. Bobsledding was cool to! Get it COOL HAHAHAHAHA! I love the sound that the metal sleds on the hard ice sounds! It is fun to watch the race down the hill so fast! This will end my totally, wonderful, fabulous, amazing, incredible,blog!
The Olympics were sooooo awesome this year. I loved watching them as they did slalom skiing and had to move very precisely to manage to even stay in. At the speeds they were going I’m surprised they didn’t crash. The speed skaters also had similar speed. They just rocketed through the course at huge speeds. Faster and faster never slowing never falling never even flinching these skaters just kept moving. I think I could never do that and I doubt most people could either. The skill these people have is amazing. I think that the Olympics should be more often.
My favorite thing in the olympics is the hockey, speed skating or the bobsled. I watched most of the olympics but it got boring watching USA going in there and choking. I say US should be called Red White and Blew it! I do not know if I am sopposed to say that in public or not but that is how I feel. I think that whoever makes the decision about the olympics made a mistake on having the olympics every 2 years instead of having an olympics every 4 years. I did not hear alot about the olympics since it is now every 2 years. I missed alot of the bobsled even though it is the best olympic winter sport. Also, to end my blog I will say that the summer olympics are better because theres baseball.
I think the bobsleding because they went fast . I gess I liked the figurescateing too they were pretty good with all there flips but The triple sow cow was the best .I do prefer the summer olyimpics but I do not mind the winter ones ether.But the basketball would have been fun to see but I missed it.. But I think the best one was the speed scating. I liked watching if the were beating the first place boy or girl moniter thingy at the bottom left , I was hoping that no Canada people won. But the best I mean the very best id when they were ending the winter olimmpics A guy from behind came and said hi or something, I thaught that was pretty funy . now I must go to school and play computer. Yah! yah !yah!
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