
Technology has changed quickly in the last few years! While at the movies on Friday night, the screen came up that reminded everyone to turn their cell phones off. I mentioned to my friend that 10 years ago, you would have never seen that sign because very few people had portable phones. Internet was a new concept when I was in Middle School and e-mail didn't become very popular until about 10 years ago. What changes do you think will be made with technology in the future? Write about some of the advances that you think will be made. (Example: when I was 5 years old, my neighbor predicted that in the year 2000, people would be driving cars that fly, similar to small airplanes. The funny thing is that a car like that is being tested on the market right now in California. It is called the "Air Scooter". http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/
Perhaps one of your predictions will be a reality!
Hi I'm first!
I think that in the future there will be huverbords, that you could drive everywhere.There would also be special surgarys where if you have really bad eyes(like me)you could get a shot and see everything perfictaly all the time. they also would destroy all bad desieses. If you were not a helthy eater you could drink something that tastes like icecream, pizza, or chocolate and then it gets rid of your bad carbs and fats, and gives you all your nutreants and healthy stuff.(87) I also think that there would be flying cars and insted of air planes space crafts.
I think that there will be flying cars with the push of a button! They will also be built with technology changes that you can put in or order yourselves! I think this might or should happen no later than 2012! This wouldn't be something that would happen in a year - but in a matter of years! I would be very shocked and exited if the car came to be and would sell! It would be expensive but a good creation and modification! I probably wouldn't want to be the one to invent it- way to complicated!!! That is what I think!!
The End!
I think that in the furturethere will be many new things like a robot maids that clean upafter you and they take your every cammand, They would be vocie activted and so your brother and sister can't use the maid. There would be a drivable cars that work on there own so you don't have to drive. There is still a driving limit of age, the age is 16 still so little kids can't drive.
I think that there will be a homework helper in the future! It will help you with all your homework. It will be on the computer or you can buy it in the stores. It will come as a very smart robot. It will cost extra but it will work. If it doesn't seem to work for you, you can bring it back to the store and they will give you your money back or get a new robot for free. You can use it for math, science, social studies, religion, language arts, art, and even gym to help you get better at your sit-ups or anything that you are working on in gym. You can either set it for giving you the answers or helping you figure it out. Most people use it for just giving the answers but other people want to actually learn.
ha im 7th
I think in the future there will be like flying skate boards so you dont really have to be a skate boarder like Tony Hawk. I also think there will be robot slaves or we can have robot dogs but they are fury and they dont make people sneeze or somthing when there allergic and they will look just like a real dog but then they could like fight them then there heads pop up when they loose but they can go back down. I've also always wanted to like play war or go fish and they were like a little fish or somthin like the king would be a king but like blue you know when they like send a transmition from far away there like blue yeah that would be cool.Those are the things think(hope)will be in the FUTURE!
I think in the future there will be hand held computers (if they don't already have that). Also cars that don't need gas might come in the future. They would run on the Sun's energy. So if it were a rainy day then you wouldn't be able to do much driving because the sun isn't out a lot. That would be the only down fall. One good thing is that it would save tons of money especially since gas prices are so high now.
The computers would have the Internet, phone service, email, instant messaging, and many different games. One good thing about this is your don't have to be home to be on the computer, or have a big lap top. You would just be able to pull out your hand held computer. The size would be bout a cell phone. A little bit bigger but not much. Those are 2 of the things that I can think of that could be in the future. One last thing that came to my mind was flying cars. But it would be kind of hard to make lanes and stuff and see where you’re going. So yeah BYE!!!
fviiauaI predict that TV's will lose popularity and that people will be able to watch TV on their computers. They will be able to watch what they want, when they want as long as the show isn't live. I think it will be a while before we have flying cars, but very small airplanes or helicopters could be possible in the near future. Another prediction I have is that virtual reality games will be invented. My last prediction is that teleporters will not be invented for a long time. These are my predictions about inventions that will happen in the future.
I predict that TV's will lose popularity and that people will be able to watch TV on their computers. They will be able to watch what they want, when they want as long as the show isn't live. I think it will be a while before we have flying cars, but very small airplanes or helicopters could be possible in the near future. Another prediction I have is that virtual reality games will be invented. My last prediction is that teleporters will not be invented for a long time. These are my predictions about inventions that will happen in the future.
Sorry, I messed up on the first blog.
I think the future schools won't have books,chalkboards or dry erase boards,stairs, or even some of the same classes we have today.
I think this because look at how rapidly technology has changed over the past decade and how it has become a major part of our lives.For example,I think instead of books,chalkboards,or writing utensils all of the students would have a super high tech,super speed,and super thin laptop.Then for every subject you would have a microchip that you would stick into your laptop for every subjet.
The desks would hover over the ground and you would move from class to class on your hover desks.You would have no locker because you would store your laptop and microchips under your desk.
You wouldn't have stairs because the hover desks would not be able to go down the stairs.You would go down a ramp instead.
Some of the classes would be the same but most of them would
be different because you would learn more about technology.
Actually I do have a couple of prdictions so Ill shoot. Well I think maybe that in the future they might have roads in the sky they might also have robots thant do all of your chores and do all of your home work. Isnt that sweet I would so love that!! Wouldent you? I would also think that when you get home from school that then you see a huge screen tv and tou go to a little box that you say what you would like for a snack (you can pick anything) it pops right up. Thats awsome right???!!!
I also think that theres going to be alot of stuff though but that might take forever so Ill stop.
~~~ Jennifer~~~
I think the trunk monkey is the greatest idea ever. Now I know what you’re thinking I’m crazy. But my step dad gave me these video clips of the internet. Theft would be a thing of the past. If someone would try to steal it he would come out and K.O. the person and drag him out. Now I know this one is bad but no tickets from cops. You could push a button and he’d come on out. Give him money if he refuses he waves a doughnut in his face. If you honk your horn and someone complains you got the trunk monkey strikes again. Once again the monkey will K.O. the guy. And that’s my future.
By: Adan Lovato
123 words
There will also be hoover shoes so we can all fly to school and then your parents don't have to drive or we don;t have to take the bus(yes)that would be so cool if all these things would come true. And thats what I think will happeh in the furture.
P.S. I had to leave computers so I couldn't finish, so I typed it now. Now there is enough words. Please add this to the other blog I typed THANK YOU!
I think in the future there will be…
No more gasoline powered cars because people got tired of paying too much for gasoline for their cars. I also think that in the future how scientific and medical studies will be better than today’s. Cancer, Parkinson’s, diabetes, aids, and arthritis would be a thing of the past. Pollution wouldn’t be a big problem like today. Because there would be a huge bubble around earth that stop pollution from going through the O-zone layers and the atmosphere. Lakes, rivers, ponds, oceans and swamps would be clean because people would be forced to be responsible for keeping it clean. And if they didn’t they would be taxed three times the amount they would originally pay. And last but not least the American military forces would be better than all the other countries.
141: Words
I think in the future we will colonize the moon. I also think that we will have complete underwater cities. In the under water cities people will have subs for cars and will have to wear suits underwater. For air supply, isn’t it true that you can make oxygen from water? Well then guess how much air you could have. I also think that space travel will be better and we will be able to travel to stars. I also think that people will be driving electric cars. Military will be advanced. We will have better and new weapons and guns that can be used in space. So then we can wage galactic war. TVs will be voice activated.
Really... I don't think that there will be a future with rockets and hover cars. I think by then we will run out of oil and resorces. I also think that space is imposible to live in... and do you really think that the Earth will get that over crowded? So just to make up a (fake) future here I go... I think that (if there was a space place future) that we would have rockets and hover cars like I said before. I also think that there will (might) be robots to serve us. Hey that's another thing... if there were robots we would probibly be killed by them anyway. By then all the robots would just be smarter than us. That is pretty much it... and I'm sorry that I don't have a cool future planned, but hey it's not my falt that people are so dumb. The End
I really not that sure but I am thinking that they might have all hover cars and then there will be no gas and air pollution to our world that will happen in 17 years. But my biggest thing is that robots will do our laundry, clean our house, and so on from there, that will happen in more then 30 years. Another one is virtual reality helmets to play games, meaning video games, which will happen in 11 years max I think. Transportation things that take you where ever you want to go in like 2 seconds, so again no air pollution, which will be for about 45 years, that will probably take awhile. That is what I think will happen in 10 to 45 years.
HAHA im 21st!!!
I think that in the future there will be so much technology that we won’t even have to do our own homework, do the dishes, or clean our rooms, because we will have our own robots to do it for us. So we will never even need to know things. Every diesis will be cured because we will have these micro robots that go into the body and find out where the disease is coming from and we will get a very strong acid that can kill the dieses but won’t harm the body, than we will destroy every disease know to man kind. We won’t have to get stuck in traffic, because we will have hover cars that will fly us everywhere we go. We will have little map screens in the hover cars that can tell us where to go and the exact time to get there. It will be an automatic driving system so that we do not even have to steer and it will sense if there is anything in the way. So you will never crash. It will have eye sensors and handprint sensors so no one else can get into it. Every one will have one because we won’t have to be 16 to get your license because you don’t even drive it. These are some of the things I thing will be in the future.
In the future (i mean way future, not like 2020 A.D., like 752 N.C.S., which stands for nebula complexity state) There will be hyper jets, hover cars, speeder hover bikes, giant cities that never sleep, over 10 different nebulas or galaxies to travel to, over 50 planets, 38 to inhabit human and other races of theological and mystical beings. There will be 12 remote, desolate, and void planets home to deadly beasts, monsters, swamps, and myths that lie in the murky, dark depths of the vacant worlds. Wars of different races, or worlds would swallow the whole galaxy in its dreadful fight for freedom, rights, or power. The men with laser blasters (not meaning to copy any ideas from star wars... who would anyway? no offense to mitch, noah, caleb, ben, jacob, johann, zach, or anyone who likes star wars i forgot :) ...) Yup, that would be my future.
Im 22nd then
In the future i think there will be cars that fly.You would never have to buy gas again.That they will have things built into your cars so you see the peson tou are talking to.I think that planes will become alot faster.Yeah thee fast but they maybe will be faster.
You wouldnt have to do very much of anything.Such as homework,maybe clean if we get robots.You can always have more things that you can think of for in the future. I cant wait till the future and what it will bring.The End
I think technology in the future would be like when you push a button a T.V. would come out of the ground. Or you put like something like a bag of popcorn in a microwave or whatever they will have then, and when it comes out it would be a dinner, breakfast, or lunch. I also think we could have like floating houses. and have elevators or something that takes you down to the ground when u step out of the house. I think it would be cool if in the future people would wear like retro cloths. They would be all shinny like tin foil. That would be cool. :) That is what changes I think will happen in the future.
In the future I think that computers will take over the world. I think that because computers are so fast now that they will become smart enough to get legs and arms then they will destroy the human race. Also, I think that we humans will find a way to clone people. The person who finds the way to clone people will clone himself and try to take over the world but his clones will turn against him and will kill him. Last, I think that in the future someone will find the cure to cancer then every one will be alot happier and will not have to experience the loss of a loved one like my family had to go through. That is what will happen in the future.
I think that in the future you will have hover cars with auto pilate. Then 12 year olds could Drive ☺. I also think there will be talking billboards(got that from one of my moms books). I also think there will be teleporters from place to place that only get powered by rain water(kind of crazy). Then you could travel during storms.
I think there is going to be many wacky inventions in the future.
Hi! I think that it probly won't be to different than now. But we will probly be more high-tech here are some things that I think will be different is this:There will probly be well of course a flying car. And maybe there will be a new learing system maybe it will be virtual like you put on a helmet while the teacher is teaching so you can see what they are taliking about.There might be a different type of food too! Maybe it will even come out of a can like in Phil of the Future.Maybe one day we will even get to see into the future.
I live Juice lol ;)
I predict in the future that I will be a Billionaire with a huge mansion and a sweet car called the Ferrari Enzo. I also predict that my sister Michelle will be a Multimillionaire. I believe that she will invent the Bubble Mobile. Andy my brother is predicted to be as poor as a pagan. He will eventually die of starvation. HeHeHaHe!!!! Dani on the other hand will die at a vary young age. And finally my Parents, they will live a life of luxury and fame in Hollywood. And that is what I Think the future is going to hold for my family.
Matt I will find you and you might get hurt even though u said no offence but if you think it could be like starwars or something like that maybe I shouldn't hmm
In the future we will be able to fly space shuttles to different planets and we can live on those planets. There would be a lot of stuff like star wars like the weapons and starships and alien guys. But we will find a new galaxy if there is one out there. There would be hover boards and things that could make us fly. The schools would be a thing where u lay down they stick stuff they stick stuff to your head and you sit for a couple hours and u dream all that stuff and u remember it all. The videogames would be you could actually go into the game and play it in your own vision type thing and maybe people could discover the world is actually like the matrix even though God would all have us in real life not your in a ship thing and robots are trying to kill you. And wow thing is 156 without this sentence I’m writing that’s long for me.
I think that in the future it will be like new technology and every thing will be all shiny. Buildings will be dome shaped and with a lot of windows. We will have figured out how to have hover cars and jet packs and how to go to far away planets or it will just stay the same like this until the end of time when God destroys the earth and builds a new one.
I mean we might not even make it in to the age that I’m talking about with all the shiny stuff we might destroyed before that. So that’s it the end
yes I'm 34th
I think in the future it will be very different. I doubt they will have flying cars, but there’s a possibility. I think cell phones will be as small as a space bar on a keyboard. I think they will have an invention that you can have a toilet in a chair in the living room so when you watch football or basketball or any other sports, all you have to do is flip up the cushion and go instead of having to get up and miss the game. They will have another invention where there are six legs on a chair so you can lean back and not fall. These inventions will be very useful and make millions of dollars. Another one is that the computers will be smaller too. Instead of gigantic ones, regular computers will be smaller than a binder. Lap tops will be as small as a digital camera. You can have computer features on your cell phones such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. You can have games like Minesweeper, Hearts, FreeCell, Pinball, Solitaire, and Spider Solitaire. You can have Internet access on your cell phone, and visit websites.
In the future I predict that there will be an improvement on vido camers, T.V.s, phones,and all the other eletroncis that we have. I don't think that we are going to have any craze invention. We probible won't get cars that fly or jet packs that get us anywhere we want. Yes they would be cool but I don't think that we are going to have anything that high tect. Now to people how think that we are I don't think that they should go change their oppion, but I just don't think that we are going to have any crazy new invention. But then again it is just an oppion and we won't know the right answer until God comes.
Good luck Wildcats!!!!!!!!
I think in the way future people will have robots that do most of the work for them. Cars will just need a map to show how to get some place and the cars would drive you. People might live longer because of better medicine. People will not only have hover cars but hover houses! I think we could even live on the moon. The problem is most animals would be gone because of deforestation and other things. Even through the animals would almost be gone we would probably discovered more. We might have a way to communicate with animals! I might like the future.
I think we will have a lot of new and wonderful things in the future. There may be even more cars without wheels. There may be robots that do all of your homework, make your bed, clean your room and do everything else for you. There may computers that pull up things in half a second. There may be cures to cancer, diabetes and other diseases. You would just have to get a shot or take medicine. There may no longer be a need for mailboxes because all the mail will come through our computers. These are a few things I think might come in the future.
I think that in the future there will be robots to help out and to tell you when to evacuate during a storm. They will also be police officers and catch crooks. I think there will also be remotes that you can press in your car to get to a destination. There will also be jetpacks to fly around. This might be able to happen around 2021. Maybe around 2030 there will be flying cars. The robot police officers will be driving the fastest of these cars. In the future you can say what you want to type on the computer and it will pop up. That is what I think will happen in the future. The End
There would be hover cars and hover scooters and jet packs and rocket powered boots. Oh man I can all ready see the future right before me in this blog! Instead of having to eat your healthy food you would have to eat all of the junk food you can eat, like a all you can eat junk food buffet. For school well I have that their will be no homework and their would be 3 classes of gym and 5 classes of recess. For gym instead of basketball it would be called hover ball and for a computer you would be able to search the World Wide Web (w. w. w).
Wouldn’t it be cool if in five years everybody would be using jetpacks to get around everywhere? We would be zooming around to stores and friend’s houses very quickly. I don’t think everyone would buy one though. Maybe we’ll have dressing machines that when you tell it what to do and it then dresses you. Or we could have like two second meals. You could press a button and the machine would make it in two seconds. I don’t really think this would ever come out but maybe they will have vibrating socks so your feet would be massaged after you have a sport game and your feet are really sore and tired.
In the future... In 2032 The third martion landing will occur. then theres world war 3 and then ten years after world war 3 in April 4th, 2063 the first warp flight is conducted. Now I think that we will definitely have something better than a walkie talkie cell phone like seen in startrek. I think the future in communications lies in the small objects. For space it all depends if NASA gets enough funding to start the CEV project if that happens then I think that warp engines can't be more than a century away (if God allows). Space is the future though, think the world would overpopulate if we don't colinize the space frontier soon (the next 100 years). Thats what I think about the future (sorry I wrote this a bit late).
I think that in the future deep space travel will be the biggest new thing. We would be able to set up a hotel on mars colonize pluto and drill for oil in the asteroid belt. We could search for more solar systems in deep deep deep sppace and then inhabit them. we could set uyp so many colonies earth would seem to be a ghost town. We would also have many medical advances. We could cure cancer and the common cold. We would be able to run our vehicles on hydrogen or if we are very lucky even co2 (carbon dioxide)
I think in the future we will have star fighters (like on Star Wars) will be cars. We will probably have hover boards (like on AntiGrav) instead of skateboards. We could have laptops to do our homework on and save them on floppy disks or CD's and turn them in. We will all be ale to use computers well. Like using control C to copy instead of right clicking. We should have video game projectors so it would seem like we we're actually there, instead of having them on T.V.. ☻☻☻☻☻☻☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
We will have lightsabors and blasters and travel to different planets regurrally. We will have at least two blasters on our ships for defense from bounty hunters.
This will end my blog.
I think technoledgy will be very different in the future. In the year 2040, you can go to a movie theater and pick your own movie that you want to watch. you sit in these special seats that vibrate and watch the film in your own little room. You can also bring your friends. I also think that most buildings will be very tall. There will also be flying cars. There will also be special updated hand-held devices. That tell you almost anything you could want. In the future most people will live in apartments. This is what I think will happen in the future.
I think that in the future there will be many new things. There will be high fly cars. They start out as a car, but can turn into a jet by the touch of a button. Then, you will be able to get, or fly, over traffic. There will also be ear phones. They will only be the size of a small ear plug. You will not have to worry about losing it, it will be in your ear!!! We will have a lot of more advanced stuff that will be very helpful. Also there will be robots that help you around the house with your daily chores. That is what I think will be in the future.
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