
Imagine that one day as you are walking around town you come across some kind of a magic genie in a lamp and you are granted 3 wishes. What would you wish for and why? (You may NOT wish for more wishes-that is a copout answer)
6th Graders responses to the world around them!
hello everybody
If I had three wishes I would wish for world happiness, so everyone could be happy, and there would be no killings, or no sadness. I would hope that everyone got along, even the U.S.A and Iraq. Everyone could be happy with themselves, and there would be no rascism. Second, I would wish that evryone sick, would be healed, forever. No one could get sick and no one could pass on germs. If that happened, the world would be a much cleaner place, and every one could stay healthy, and not die of sickness! My final wish is that all the poor be rich and all the rich be middle class, so everyone could have enough to keep themselves going, and the rich could get a taste of our lives, and be a little more supportive of our heritage and class. Even though I know a genie dosent exist, i hpoe these dreams do come true, because the world would be safe for our futures, and no one could possibly be sad!
That is a very hard question. Well they would be number one that everyone would have the same amount of money. Because that way people would not be able to say who is better or worse, also people could buy more stuff and always have the same amount of money. Number two everyone would believe in God. Because that way every person alive would go to heaven, and we would have a better life, and then people would not steel as much. Number three that all the people that can not learn as well would be healed. Then people would not get made fun of or teased, and it would help those who were hurt to have a better life. These are my three wishes and I hope they come true.
If I had three wishes from a genie lamp I would wish that in Wisconsin I had warm weather so that my Oma and Opa didn’t have to go down to Florida every winter. My second wish would be to have all the legos I wanted in the world so that I could play with them all the time. Also when I would have all the legos I would try and build the world’s largest lego tower to sleep in and live in all day. My third wish would be that I could meet Pele one day before he would die and that my Opa big time fan of soccer could meet him too.
who is anonymous
who cares
If I got wishes, I'd want the world to be perfect. Which in itself takes care of every sin ever! It kills 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 birds in one stone. Then I'd wish for all the knowledge in the world for everybody (no person could exploit that sence everyone is perfect). I would also wish that spelling doesn't matter so everyone could read the words even though they'd be spelled like I spell them, the only downside to this is no more language arts class with Miss Mente or Miss Miller. That's what I would wish for.
If I walked past a genie in a lamp, first, I would wish for no excluding. When people exclude or leave other people out, it makes someone feel bad. If there were no excluding, everyone would get along a little better. Second, I would wish for peace. Lots of countries are at war, and God put us on the earth together, so we should work together in unity to spread His word. We shouldn’t be fighting, because fights usually don’t solve that much. If the world were at peace, there would be no stealing, no grudges, no jealousy, etc. Everyone would be able to be trusted and a lot happier. My last wish would be to go to five different countries of my choice with unlimited money to see what that place looks like and learn cool things about it. Maybe I could tell people a little about Jesus, too. I’ve been interested in going somewhere in Europe, especially. I would also like to go to Antarctica, even though it might be really cold! I know there probably isn’t such a thing as a genie in a lamp, but I hope these wishes come true someday.
If I came across a genie I would have to say that my first wish would be to help people in hospices all around the world to help them feel better and to help them conquer their illnesses, because my grandpa Dusty is living in a hospice and it is very hard to go through for him and also our family. My next wish would be that all adults, and children with disabilities or diseses such as, cancer, blind, pneumonia, deaf, ect. I would wish for this wish because my cousin is blind and artistic and I feel bad for him because he has to take many perscriptions for his illness. My last wish would be for the churches so that they would be able to build a new school in Mexico where childern can't afford to go to school.
If I walked by a genie in a lamp and he granted me three wishes, my first wish would probably be that everyone would love eachother. Not in the gross way but, in the nice kind way. Meaning that everyone should follow God's word: Love Your Neighbor.My second wish would probably be that there would be no sickness in the world. That every patient in every hospital all around the world would be cured of their illness and back to perfect health again. My final and third wish would be that every person on the earth would be treated fairly. No person would be discluded or mistreated. I think that if the genie would grant all three of my wishes it would certainly make the world a better place.
If I had three wishes my first wish would be that everything that you would want to you need to survive would be free like clothes, houses, cars, food, and stuff like that. If life was like that we would have alot more money to spend on things that are wants like game systems, CD's, DVD's, Ex. My second wish would be that everyone would believe in God I would have that wish because than everyone would go to heaven and there wouldn't be so much conflict and fighting on Creation and the flood. My third and final wish would be that I would have three more wishes with the other wishes I wished for I would keep wishing for more wishes but my other wish would probably be that everyone would have a nice home with alot of food and clothing so nobody would be homeless and have to live on the street. Those would be my three wishes.
If I could wish any 3 withes I want I would wish for a cell phone or an i-pod or even a T.V. My second wish would be that I could live with my dad because I really miss him a lot. My last but not least with I would wish for is that my family stays safe and get into any trouble or in any danger. If I couldn't wish for one of them because of some kind of genie rules than I would wish for something useful like being able to play in the NHL or meet famous sports players. That is my 3 wishes there you go.
If I had three wishes from a genie I would chose to get good choices in everything that I do. I would chose that so I could feel good in every decision that I made and not to worry and try to keep my mouth closed from a rumor that I heard . I would feel good in my decisions that I make and what I do. My second wish would be to wish for 999 million dollars. I would wish for that so I could help people and be the best known girl in the world who shared. My third wish would be that I never feel sad, I would always feel happy. Those are the three things that I would wish for.
First, I would wish for billions of dollars to buy 8 horses. I would probably have to quit some of the other things I'm doing so I have time to take care of the horses, or I guess I could just pay someone else to take care of them and I could just ride and play with them in my free time. I would also buy with the money a gymnastics place with lots of equipment. Second, I would wish for a healthy life to enjoy all those amazing things I could buy with my billions of dollars also to enjoy spending time with my friends and family. Third, I would like to be smarter because I’m not very smart and I don’t really learn stuff very easily. I would probably want to wish for more things in my life or wish for things I don’t want in my life.
First, I would probably wish for world peace. Now I probably sound like some Miss America or something, but I think everyone would wish for this. It’s not selfish like wanting to be a billionaire or anything. We want a world full of no fights! Man, wouldn’t that be nice! Second, I would wish for everyone to have enough money to afford everything, as well as making everything cheaper and having no taxes. I would love to not have to see any homeless people anywhere. Finally, I would wish for everyone to be happy and not sin. Then we wouldn’t have any problems! So if I stumbled upon a genie, that’s what I’d wish for.
If had had three wishes I guess that I would wish for... ummmmmmmmm unlimited money so I could buy go-carts and more four wheelers and another golf cart and dirt bikes and stuff like that and I would then for sure go shopping at anicornbie and Hollister like I usually do but I could get allot more stuff. My second wish would be to end world hunger and homeless people. My third wish would have to be to bring my uncle Brain back and wish that he never got brain!! Well that is what I would wish for if I got the change!!!!
If I had 3 magic wishes, I would wish for, one 3 more wishes. That leaves me with 5 wishes. My second wish would be a giant piece of cake. I would pick a giant piece of cake because it's really good,and i could taunt my friends. my second wish would be a flying carpet. I would want a flying carpet so I could travel alout faster. My third wish would be that I could be a dog. I would want to be a dog so I could do what ever I wanted, antime I want. My last wish is that i was an all star at basketball. I would want to be a all star because it would be awesome to be playing basketball for a long time of my life, and thats my 3 wishes I would choose
I think if I found a magic genie and get three whishes I think the first thing I would wish for is to have endless money you know get money when ever you want I would give to charity and I would buy a big house and a bunch other stuff and get a maid to clean the house. For my second wish I think I would wish for world peace no more wars fights between people no bad thoughts in people. I think that my third wish would be that every one in the hospital or to enter the hospital to be healed to their normal state and that is what I would wish for if I met a magic genie.
If I had three wishes I would wish for everyone to believe in God because that everyone can go to heaven and have a wonderful time there and so that they don't sin as much or kill people. My second wish is that I have all the game systems and games in the world so I can play selection of games to have fun with my friends. My last wish is I can go to all the sports games like Baseball,Basketball,and Football so I can meet Prince Fielder and Ken Griffy Jr. because they are some of my favorite players and go to a Packer game this kinda hard to say but I never been to Packers game and and those are my wishes I hope at least one comes true.
If I had three wishes from a genie my first wish would be to become the best basketball, football, baseball, sprinter, and runner. My second wish would to be the king of the world. I would make stricter rules based on the bible. I would also base some of my rules on Hammurabi's rules, but not all of his rules because some are unfair. My third wish would be to have 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 dollars. That would mean that I could give money to people all over the world. With the money I give, doctors could heal diseases and the homeless would have clothes to wear. I could also buy a lot with that money. Like the biggest house in the world and a custom built Ford GT and a Ferrari Spider.
Allright if you don't know that I love horses then you must not know me that well. As you know I'm a HORSE FREAK!!!! Almost everyone knows that! So of course I would wish as many horses as I possibly could and wish for all the stuff to take care of them. Then I would ask for a room with a DDR mat and a hot tub and lots of other new stuff. Well I guess I only have one more wish left, and Miss. Miller said I can’t wish for more wishes, it’s time for the last wish. I wish I, I mean my family could have a bigger house!!
That would be sweet!
Thank You!
P.S. thanks genie .
If I had three wishes I would wish I had the biggest mansion in the world. I wold let homeless people stay in it.It would have three very bigscreen tv's and all the game systems in the world. I would also wish for a machine that can give you whatever you want when ever you want. My last wish would have to be a dragon that only listens to me. Then it could fly me where ever I want. Also it cooks meat with its fire breath. I could have steak whenever I want. Even though I know this is never going to come true I would still like to have that.
If I found a genie lamp then rubbed it I would wish for a mantion and all the things people have when they are rich. My next wish would be to have a million dollars because with all of that stuff you need money and some to pay for the house and cars and all your things with bills. Last I would wish for my faith in God to stay alive with all the distractions around me. Everyone gets possitions that make them forget about God and why they are put on this earth. That is really all I wish for.
If I had three wishes I would wish that there would be peace in the world. I am getting tired of the wars and all of the fighting. I don't get why people just can't treat each other fairly. My second wish would be that there are no diseases in the world and that everyone who has a disease would be healed. I know that the people that have diseases sure wish they didn't. My third and last wish would be that all of the sad people on the earth that have lost family members or loved ones would be able to bring them back to life so that everyone could be happy. I think those are three pretty good wishes.
If I had three wishes, I would wish that I was the ruler of the world, so I could do anything; have anything; and have power over everyone. For my second wish, I would wish that I could change shapes so no one would know where I was and what I was. For my third and final wish, I would wish that I could have the power to go into any book as any character that I wanted because there are some very good and moving books that I have read and I would like to go into. In some books I would like to change what the main character did or what they said.
If I had three wishes I would wish for world peace so that everyone would get along and be a lot nicer. My second wish would be is to have ten million dollars. With that money I would save up enough money for college to get a good education, some money for a car when I can drive, and some money to buy a nice home to live in for the rest of my life. My third wish would be is to have three more wishes so if I needed anything else ever I could just use two wishes for that and use the last wish for more wishes. That would be my three wishes.
hello petch
what up fritzie
If I had three wishes I would wish to be richer than Bill Gates.For my second wish i would wish for no more wars because there would be peace on earth and no Killing.Then I would wish for a giant gokart so I could go riding up north or I could enter gokart compotishions then when I get 16 I can ride it on the road.
If I had Three wishes I would wish for my grandpa and my two aunts Aunt Pat and Aunt Mary to be alive again so I can get to know them more better. Hmm my secound wish would be That everyone would always put God first because then they can someday be in heaven. The third wish is that we could get alot of money,So we could get a bigger house that I would be able to have my own room and give more to the church. Those would be my three wishes and why I would want those for my wishes. The End!
If I had three wishes I would probably wish for more wishes. Okay I’m kitting I really don’t know. But if I think about it I guess maybe to be a trillion air. Also if I could bring back some dead people. So that I can meet my grandpa. Because I’ve never seen or remember him. The reason why I want a trillion dollars is because I want to buy all my favorite cars, TVs , videogames, and buy iPods and songs. The other thing that I want the most of all is a mansion. Because I would have blown all my money on the rest of that other stuff. That’s all good bye.
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