You are a mortal, living in Greece, thousands of years ago. Your people have just been blessed with the gift of fire from a kind-hearted god, named Prometheus! Great news! You can now cook your food, heat your homes, have light in the evenings, and make metal tools to hunt with and defend yourself. Wait, what's that? Your benefactor, Prometheus has been chained to a mountain where an eagle comes each day to eat his liver because of the kindness he showed to you and the other mortals. Oh No! You must come up with a plan to help Prometheus escape the agony of Zeus. How can you free him from the grips of Zeus and his jealousy?
That's your job-sixth graders! Come up with a story that explains how you freed Prometheus from the evil clutches of Zeus!

OH NO!! I heard a loud voice coming from somewhere a far so I get my horse ride e'm up up and away? "Wait my horse doesn't fly" "or does it"! Help Help!! A deep loud voice rang. Finally I see a bird, no a person, no it's Promethues. I quickly find a way to help him because a gaint eagle is picking at his liver? I take the rope that just magically appered in my hand. I threw it as hard as I could around the eagle's neck then I pull as hard as I can but wait the eagle won't let go of poor Promethues. Finally one last yank and the eagle's head came flying off. Then the eagle falls straight to it's death on the rocks below. Then I go up to Promtheus and ask him "What the fiddles is going on here". He replied there are no fiddle just get me down from here. I took him down and then he thanked me and gave me chocolate, marshmellows and cracker? He said If you roast the marshmellow and put the chocolate on it and cracker it will taste delious and i did that and I asked for some more and from then on they called it s'mores so that is how I saved promtthues!!!!
That is me Miss. Miller Maggie Loveless
Oh no! I had to help him but how?
While me and my best friend where thinking and she came up with some thing, "How about in the morning when the eagle comes, we'll throw rocks at it and the eagle will fall on the rocks below and we can melt the chains with fire and free him." she said. "Brillant!" I replied. It was going to be a piece of cake. So the next morning we got up early and went to the cliff Promtthues was on, we stared throwoing rocks at the eagle but it took a while to hit. Finally we got him, then we set a fire and melted the chains. Promtthues is free! He rewarded us with chocolate.
I knew that I couldn't just leave him up there. So here is what I did. Using fire, I lit a stick. Then I went up to the cliff where Prometheus was and before the eagle came to eat his liver, I went to try and melt the metal clasps. Then I could free him. But, if Zeus came by and saw that Prometheus was not there, he knew we must have done something to free him. So I had one of my friends make a stuffed model of Prometheus. So then we went up to the cliff where Prometheus was, and we melted the metal clasps that held Prometheus. Then we chained the fake Prometheus to the cliff. As for the bird, when it came back, we set fire to the bird and obviously, it died. So we felt really good that we had set Prometheus free, so to celebrate, we went to the local wine place(Dionysu's House Of Wine). We had so much fun.
First, I used the gift of fire to make metal tools. Then, I hunted down a human sized bear and killed it. Next, I took the fur off the bear and made it look like promethius. Then, I dragged it up the mountain while carrying a stick with some fire on it. Once I got to Promethius I took the fire and made a lock pick to pick the lock on the chains. As soon ans i finished the pick I went over to the lock to realize that it needed a code...NOT A KEY!!! Suddenly I hear the people at the big 5 softball tournament(that would be us) screaming and shouting in victory. Then, I see a ball that got hit REALLY far come and crash into the lock! Promethius was free! Next I took the bear and placed him where Promethius was laying and chained it up. after that I put poision in the bear's liver so when the bird came it would die. After that we parted ways and lived our lives happily ever after!
Oh yeah! I'm listening to the song WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS because WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS of our softball tournament. Oh yeah conference CHAMPIONS! IN YOUR FACE HORICON WE'VE BEATEN YOU TWICE NOW! It only took 7 years but WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!
Ok... forget I ever said that!
Well, if it was me, I'd probably be up all night, and my plan would still suck. But anyway, if the good god Prometheus had just granted humans the gift of fire at his own expense, then I'd probably find my way up to Mount Olympus and try to get him back. Once I got up to Mount Olympus, I'd take a fiery stick up to Zeus, the big kahoona, and wave the stick in front of his hairy face. Then I'd take the revenge one step further and, yes I'm going to say it, shove the firey stick into his face, and help him a bit with his beard. Think of it as a mercy trimming. While I'd been insulting Zeus, ten of my friends would have ridden pegasus up to the cliff, one of them jacked up with a BB gun.{Clare!!!} Then, while one shot the stupid bird, the others would chainsaw through the bindings, setting Prometheus free. In hid gratitude, Prometheus will have seen fit to grant all eleven of us a ride down in style. That's what I would do.
TO save the god, Prometheus I would obviosly have to climb the mountain, but first I need to gather I don 't know some 40,000 men to defeat the Eagle so he doesn't get is liver eaten out And then we need to break the chains with 20,00 men on each side wacking them with there swords And after the Hours of enduring the wacking we need to persuade Zues to get over it and put it in the past. Tht is the hardest part though and to do that I need the Prometheus to use the skilkls he has to show the the humans only went against zues to free Prometheus.
What I would do to save Prometheus is I would first have people do things that Zeus does not like to distract him. Then I would have people go and kill the eagle or at least catch it and put it in a cage so it could not hurt Prometheus anymore. The last thing that I would do is get something that will cut through the chains and if nothing will cut through I we will get Zeus some how to take them off. That is what I would do to save Prometheus the god who gave us fire to help us with most the things we need.
Hi,I am Lauren(goddess of sports) and I have come to save Prometheus!!!! The first thing I would do would be to start giving the people of the world all the things silly old Zeus didn't give them such as Matresses and ice and food they can cook over there new fire.Now here's the fun part getting Zeus mad and so distracted that he can't keep his eyes on Prometheus. Well I know you guys may be thinking why on earth is she sacrifincing her own life for someone elses.But truth is that I am immortal, have you ever read my story(Elderly Trick)well thats how I became immortal. Now back to the story I sent my workers the Pinks to go to sprinkle fairy dust all over his body. So the pinks did so and and took Prometheus to New Zealand no human being has ever roamed around there. As for me Zeus gave me this really odd punishment the rodents will come eat me alive for 234 days and on the last day I will die.Whatever that means! I just hope you all realize that if you have a gift from God use it to the glory of his name to help each other through tough things that happen all the time. Thank you
Lauren(godess of love)
I meant goddess of sports
This is how I freed Prometheus. it was a nice sunny day in 849B.C. I heard Prometheus scream like always as the eagle ripped out his liver. So I hatched a plan. first I gathered twenty of the best sword men (using swords he created with their fire) and archers and went to Mount Olympus. We then climbed and asked to see Zeus. Before hand we invited the gods except for Zeus to a party in Athens so they wouldn’t be there. When Zeus came we put him at sword point before he could attack. W demanded to see Prometheus and when we got there we saw he was in chains, oooops hadn’t planed on that. We had no way to force Zeus to release him all we could do to Zeus is punish him as long as all of us lived (which isn’t that long for a god). What now? So we decided to wait for the eagle to come. Luckily the archers were guarding Mount Olympus so we called the best archer to come and fire at the eagle until it came down. He hit it in the wing and it fell to the ground and ordered it to chew through the chain, I would have the swordsmen do it but they were holding Zeus. The eagle was about done when the archers were killed and so were all the swordsmen. We had to work quickly. Prometheus was free and just as the gods got there Prometheus turned me and himself invisible. we snuck out and to thank us he made me immortal. Right now I am called Ben Zwief and I live in Cedarburg Wisconsin. That is how I freed Prometheus in 849B.C. and to prove it I am immortal. I am so thankful I lived and Am still living today
Saving prometheus,hmm how does one save Prometheus. If I were the general of thee entire greek army at the time I would take 91% of my men to fight the eagle (the remaining 9% of the troops were left to at the city if anything goes wrong). I would train 70% of my men in archery so they could proceed the following plan:1. men fire flaming arrows at the eagle step 2. If the eagle is invurnable to fire we fire arrows that have poison barns at the tip to poison the eagle. while defending prometheus the other 21% will be breaking his chains to be set free.
I would come up with a great plan to free him i would first when the eagle had left i would sut up a spring loaded lift off pad and when he would land he would fly up in the air he would land in the clear net that i set up in the air he would fly up in the net he would land in there then i would be hiding behind a rock and i would have my sling shot and my bb gun and my air soft gun and that is how i would stop the eagle.
What would I do to save Prometheus. The first thing I would do would eat a doughnut. The second thing I would do is go to Hefners and eat fries, a shake, and a giant hamburger wait I lost my point Oh yeah this is how I would save Prometheus first I would distract (SPELLING WORD) Zeus by setting off a huge explosion on the other side of the world and keep on doing that ontil I get board of doing it. Then I would get a bunch of people to start a war against Zeus by hyptonizing all the other gods and goddess to be on our team. We would have snipers, S.W.A.T shields, submachine gunners, and people with assault rifles with tons and tons of amo with them shooting at Zeus nonestop. I would have air support fying around him distracting (SPELLING WORD AGAIN) him intil he runs away and cries to HIS MMMOOOMMMMMMYYY!!!! Then I would have helicopters flying to Prometheus’ position and secure it then I would wait another day to kill all the eagles that were eating his liver, because I mean who does stuff like that after a day as gone by I would let Prometheus go home to HIS MOMMY!!!That is my story how I would save my buddy Prometheus. SL
TO SAVE THIS DUD. first I would create a deversion and then I would take some tools and destroy the locks but he would have to grant me immortality and all the stuff I what after that I would git him out while giving Zeus all of these messages from Hermes and who great he is. Even though on the last message Is that Zeas is a meany and shouldnt do nasty stuff. After that me and all the other gods would overthrone him and I would be THE LEADER of the gods and I would get whatever I wanted and promethuis would be greatful THE END
I didn't know what to do! Should I forget about it?...No. Should I... Never mind. AHHHHHHH! Wait...I know!
One Day when I was thinking about what I should do about Prometheus I decided to go to the beach and think there. Once I got to my "secret" spot on the beach I sat down and thought. Out of the blue came Poseidon! He said,” I heard you wanted to free Prometheus." I replied with a studder," Y..Y..You d..You did?." Yes, and I was wondering if you needed help?” Poseidon asked."ABSOLUTLEY!"I Shouted.” Good, do you want to borrow my Pegasus? He can fly you to Promethesis where you can help him escape, while I create a distraction for Zeus."Posieden said exidedly,"Let’s put this plan in action!"
So the next day I got up and headed to the beach where I met Poseidon. He gave me his Pegasus and I flew to Prometheus where I used fire to melt the chain and set him free. Prometheus and I fled to earth where we could hide. While Poseidon "argued" with Zeus about the little rain fall.
So after I set Prometheus free, he thanked me but couldn't give me anything because all he had was the clothes on his back. I then went home and played with fire.
This is what I (the god of running) would do to save Prometheus. First I would have to somehow kill Zeus or distract him so I would have my sister, the goddess of clothes) distract Zeus by making him try on different togas from Greek Pigeon. Then I would shoot him because I would be hiding under the bench in his changing room. Then I would kill him. Next I would have to kill the eagle. So to kill the eagle I hide behind the rock that Prometheus was chained to and wait for the eagle to come, when the eagle comes I will kill it by stabbing and shooting it. So I attempted it and it worked so now I have to get Prometheus unchained off the rock so I..................
burned the chain till it melted .It worked, Prometheus was free, free, free!!!!!!!!
Everyone was happy and so was he so he gave me lots of money that he got from his mom.
When I heard that Prometheus was disciplined for giving us humans the gift of fire, I took action right away. I called many people together, then we came up with a plan to free Prometheus. Then we set to work. We made a robot/dummy to put in Prometheus' place. Then we borrowed Pegesis so that Zeus would not know that humans were outsmarting him and releasing Prometheus. Pegasis flew down to the cliff with the robot-dummy and I jumped off, cut the chains on Prometheus. Then the eagle came, I told him that I would kill him if he told Zeus about it. He promised not to say anything because he did not like Zeus anyway. Then we set up the robot-dummy and left on Pegasis. When we returnedm, Prometheus thanked us for saving him from his cruel punishment. We just said that it was the kindness he first gave us.
Prometheus was attached to a tiny rock. Okay, that part was easy but I don’t think getting him out of here will be so easy. Random lighting………..right, we are escaping from Zeus, that explains the lightning. Then the lightning struck Prometheus. I will have to drag him out of this place. I started to look in front of me. A few miles away I think I see Zeus. Too bad he can run really fast. I think that Zeus spots me. I try to hide behind a giant rock but it was too late. Zeus comes running at me. Other gods look at us from mount Olympus. They also thought that Prometheus should have given the humans fire. Then a bunch of gods appeared in front of us. The other gods outnumbered Zeus and soon scared him away.
My plan is the best plan ever! But I still have to think of one......................................................................................................PERFECT!!! I would hire a group of tiny men to run around Zeus and bite his ankles to distract him. Then (since I have fire) I would smelt a spear out of gold to kill the eagle. I could then gather up my tiny men into a huddle and tell them to confuse by popping out of his mouth, ears, and nose. Then I would have enough time to run to my small house and get some of the new Ye Old Liter Fluid. I would spray that on Prometheus’ chain and light fire on it to melt it I could then hide Prometheus in my house with the little men until Zeus forgets about the little men.
Oh ya. one of the tiny men got squished by zeus so, ya. He is in the Ye Old Hospital (intensive care) now. Hehe. Sorry Albert.
What i would do is wrestle the bird and try to destroy it i would do a body slam, And other wrestling move like the full nelson can you imagen that happening. And once i finshed wrstling the beast i would try to get prometheus free i would try to break the chains with my hands and if that didn't work i would try to break it with my teeth, and if that didn't work i would use a blow torch it do have fire which prometheus made and then i would probale get desroyed by Zeus later
Well when i heard what had happend i quickly came up with a plan with the rest of the town. we told eachother that we would unlock the box that promethious had given us that contained the gift of immortality. But if you are immortal already you can be killed from this. well we put the gift of immortality in the form of wine and left it at the foot of Mt. Olympus where Zeus would see it. And sure enought Zues drank the wine and fell dead to the ground. We all reversed the curse by usoing Zeus' thunderbolt. And Promethious was saved. As for the rest of us we all got more stuff from the gods!!
It all started when I was sweeping the front porch thinking about fire when I herd the terrible news from my friend Anna. She told me all about what Zeus had done to Prometheus. Anna and I ran all the way to Debby’s house to start our plan. Prometheus had been very generous when he gave us the gift of fire. We all had different skills and clever ways to use them. By midnight we had the perfect plan. The next day we gathered our supplies, and that night we started our mission. We climbed the mountain were Prometheus was held and I unchained Prometheus and gave the chain to Anna. Anna jumped on the bird and steered it away from Prometheus. When we saw Zeus coming after us, Debby climbed the pillar and took the chain from Prometheus’s other had and chained Zeus to the pillar. Prometheus was saved and he gave us all gifts. Anna got the gift of kindness, Debby got beauty, and as for me, I got immortality.
First I'd just do the easy thing and just chain down the bird and free Prometheus and now I going to sing a song adout how Prometheus and I became best friends, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Ooooooooh me and Prometheus the best of friends, we always get into the trends, wherther it will be hippy, disco, old school, knights and castles, Goerge of the Jungle, rockstar, castaway, or 50's, you don't know hard it is to right this song. By Noah
Well, in order to save Prometheus, I would kill the bird probably with a knife or other sort of weapon that they had “back in the day” and all of the like “backup birds” that would want to hurt Prometheus also. I would give Prometheus a permanent liver or spleen or whatever it is…so that it wouldn’t keep growing back (it’s kinda creepy). Next, I would chain Zeus up somehow…maybe when he’s not looking…anyway, I wouldn’t want to kill the all-powerful Zeus, so I would convince a snake to come out and eat Zeus’ spleen EVERY NIGHT!... just like he tortured Prometheus! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha!
I was so mad at Zeus I gathered all my friends right away and had them gather any more of their friends. The next night we held a meeting about if we should and shouldn’t help him. We all decided that we should help him. Because we ran out of time we had to meet again for a meeting the next day this time we decided that we would some how get up there with birds or something and pour poison on Prometheus’s liver area so that when the bird came next time it would die when it ate the poison. So the next day we had some birds take us up there and we poured the poison on his liver area and the bird died and never came back again. Pretty simple you would think but it was really not we almost fell when those wild birds took us up there and we almost got caught by Zeus. But we finished our task and Prometheus is now free.
Well first I would form an angry mob now that we have torches and pitch forks (there’s a lot we can do with fire.) Then make a steel cage find Prometheus cage the bird cut the chains with a sword or melt them whatever happens first. Then we will join forces with Prometheus and go to Mount Olympus find Zeus have Prometheus beat him or at least weaken him, then chain Zeus to the rock and release the bird and get it to eat Zeus’ liver everyday and let Prometheus the kindest god rule the gods taking Zeus’ position thus making the world better!
If I (had) to. I would get all of the gods and goddesses who thought that it was unfair of Zeus to get mad about Prometheus giving fire to the humans. I would have all f them team up and over throw Zeus. BUT IF THEY DONT WANT TO TRY THAT then I will go with plan B. witch is sneak up below the cliff wait for the eagle and shoot it down. Then we will go get Prometheus and flee to Corinth were Zeus grew up. Because he would never look there.
Hi I am steven ,I live in greece. I came up with a plan that we would capture the eagal and kill it if Zeus wouldn't let Per what ever it's name was go. So Zeus had saw that the eagal had stop coming to eat out what ever his name was liver. So Zeus came down from Mt. Olympus and became angry with us and started hurling thunderbolts at us. While he was throwing them at my people I climbed up to what ever his name was and Zeus saw me. He hurled one at me and it hit the chain and let what ever his name was go.
My plan would be to dig a tunal with a drill underground and sneak up and save him.I would bring 100 people to fight Zeus.I will be hard but we would do it so Prometheus doesnt have to go through the pain any more than hes in right now.We would wear armor and fight to the end till we would get him!Our last step So watch out Zeus here we come!!!!
miss miller
Thats me,Steph
In order to save Prometheus I would need to have a bayonet launcher, torches of fire, and a chunk of deer meat.So the plan is that I would plant the firey torches around Prometheus to protect him from the wrath of the very monsterous and freakishly large bird. And then to distract it I would lure it away from Prometheus with the deer meat.
then iwould shoot it with the gun.
I would invent a time machine and go back to stop him from doing that but it would not be that simple and if it didn't work I would need a back up plan so my back up plan would be to make a super cool car that could do things for no reson like my grandpa would say when I was a kid we didn't have a thousand channels or whatever we only had 2 oh well anyways I would make a super car pretty much and I would rescue promithius and take him to safty.
post the new blog
To save promythius i would get ready to clime the mountain with a bow and arrow, fire stricker, fire wood, and an axe. i would begin my journey by climing up the mountain waiting each day for the eagle that eats his liver. the next day i would shoot the eagle with my bow and arrow and it would fall to the ground dead. i would then make a fire under the chains and make them really hot to make the metal bright orange and i would take my axe and cut the chains off. that is what i would do to save promythius.
Miss Miller,
I am using a blog pass.
One day I got a message saying go to the biggest mounain you see. I saw some supplies there, so I took them with me. When I got to the tallest mountain, I started to climb and climb. It took so long I didnt think I was going to live. When I got to the top I saw an eagle ripping a man. When I got closer I saw the man was chained and the eagle was ripping out his liver. When the eagle left I went over to the man and asked what just happened. He told me the whole story from when he brought fire to when an eagle rips out his liver. The next day when the eagle came down I took out the bow and arrow and shot it down. I took Prometheus with me after cutting his chains. We heard a HUGE rumble and Prometheus took me to the skies. When we got there I knew I was on mount olympus. Zeus was there and said I would get the power of Immortality becuase of the braveness I showed.
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