
In the Movie, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (made in 1989-when I was 9 and rated as one of the 50 best comedies of all times), Bill and Ted climb into a time machine and travel back into history. If you were able to climb into a time machine, who would you go back and visit? Why would you select that person?
If I could go back in time I would go back about 41 years ago. Back then I would see my uncle Carl right before he went to the army then war. I would tell him PlEASE don't go to war because you'll actually get hurt and it will be fatal. Then I could see him and give him a giant hug!!!!! I would also tell him that I love him sooooo much ! One thing I know is that there will probably never be a time machine that could do that I can still dream ( Can't I ). One really cool thing is that my uncle Carl is on that wall that has those names on it of people on it and Carl was named after my uncle Carl!!!!!!!!!!!!
IF I could travel back in time, I would probably travel back about 66 years earlier when my Grandpa Rennicke was my age(12). He said that a lot of amazing things happened to him at that age. He met an actual indian girl called White Feather. He said that he and White Feather were the best of friends. He also saved his calf Brownie from getting hit by a train! He also loved to play baseball. He was the best player in his class! He sounds so happy, doesn't he? And he was having all this fun during the Great Depression. I asked him what it was like growing up during the Great Depression, AND HE SAID THAT THOSE WERE SOME OF THE HAPPIEST TIMES OF HIS LIFE!!!! He said that they had enough food to eat, and enough money, so he was fine. That's why I would like to go back to that time.
I would go back to when my mom was my age(12) so I could play basketball, volleyball, and softball with her. I wonder what would happen if I was better than her... I would also want to play in band with her but she would be better because she started in 3rd grade and I started in 5th. I would look forward to going to her house as a child and seeing what her room was like and meeting her horse and my grandpa's race horses. Maybe we could be best friends and when I get back to 2008 she could tell me how great of a friend I was. Wouldn't that be funny! I would also go back to when Eve sinned and ate the fruit. I would tell her not to because she would allow pain and suffering into the world. Well, that's all the time travel I need for one day! Maybe next time I could go to......
If I could go back to any point in time I would choose to go to right before the civil war and tell them I was from 2008 (my clothes and other stuff would prove that I really was from 2008). I would say that there is going to be a huge with at least 618,000 Americans dying. I would tell them that the north will win there will not be any more slavery. So they should not fight the war. If they didn’t believe me I would show them a cell phone and a computer. If it worked I would save A LOT of lives in one day. That is what I would do if I could travel back in time.
If I Lauren Weiss could go back in time I would go see my Grandpa. I would go see my Grandpa because I never actually met him.There are a few things I've heard about him those few things are, that he loved animals alot. My mom told me a few times that he would bring in stray dogs. My mom also told me that they only had one cat. Around the day they got it one of her sisters left the door open and it ran away. The other item was he loved horses(Dani). He comepted in many races, although in his last race the reason I've never seen him before was because during the race my Grandpa had a heartattack and died. Most people don't know how badly I miss him and want to see him but, I know he is in a better place.
Actually, I would go back to this morning at the Kentucky Derby and somehow stop Eight Bells from racing. Then she wouldn't have to loose her life. She was willing to give her life to please her jockey, owner, and trainer. I sad to see such a beautiful young horse lost forever.
LW... Did you know that my grandpa raced horses too. He stopped about 2 years before I was born. But, it wasn't galloping like the Kentucky derby his horses trotted and paced pulling carts. My brother has a trophy from one of the races Bradley the horse raced. There is also a picture of Brad, the Jockey, and the horse. It's really cool! Dani
If I could go back in time then I would go back and see my dads mom and dad(my grandpa and grandma).When I would be there I would tell them to stop smoking because that’s what my grandpa died from, he had esophagus cancer and my grandma died from breast cancer. I would go back because I never got to meet them the only one besides my mom and dad that got to meet them was my brother Anthony and he was only like 2 years old. So that’s what I would say and was I would go if I could go back in time
I would like to go back my great grandparents where alive and when my grandpa wasn't in pain. I would go back then so I could appreciate knowing my great grandparents because after my great grandma was alive I was mad to visit her but once she died I was and still am really sad. I would also like it because my family and I and all the people who new my grandpa loved to see him happy and not in pain and its just so sad know to see him in a wheelchair.
If I could go back in time,I would most likely go back like to when my parents were teenagers. I would have liked to have seen what they were like and how they got along. I would also like to go back and tell my stubborn, thickheaded grandpa not to smoke before he even started. I would attempt to explain how bad it is for you, and maybe he'd listen. Another reason I'd love to go back to that time is because my mom was captain of the cheerleading squad in middle and high school. I would have liked to see her in uniform and cheering. I'd yell for her, then burst our laughing. Those are probably the main things I'd do if it were possible to go back in time.
if i could go back in time i would go back and visit my great grandpa Dueppen. He died the year i was born and i never got to see him so i would give anything to go back and see him. He died of cancer from smoking and maybe if i went back i could convince him not to smoke and he could see all of his great-grand children. He probubly really appreciate that! I know that he would have loved to meet and see everything that has ben born and everything that is new. I would also go back and see my dad when he was little and was playing hockey i have never seen my dad be athletis just smart! that is what i would do.
I would go back in time to when my Grandpa Wollner was a kid. He lived on a farm which I would love to live on a farm and see what that would be like. I bet I would have to wake up early and stuff but it would still be cool because I would get to meet my great grandpa, awesome. I would have loved to play with him that would be the first thing I would do.
After all that at his farm I would go right down the road to my Grandpa B.s farm. I would mostly do all the same things there but see what his farm looked like because I have seen what my Grandpa Wollner’s farm looked like because my dad lived there as a kid then his farm was sold a couple times and then my Aunt Nancy rented the house there.
I would go back in time a while before I was born so I could meet my Grandpa Busy. My parents always talk about how humorous and fun he was. They also said he was great at sports. I guess he was a pretty great guy! I want to go back in time to see him because he died before I was born. I can't wait to go to heaven to see him and my other grandpa. He also died before I was born. His name was James Madison. I don't Know how or why either one of them died, but I know I'll see them someday!!!!
If I went back in the past to visit someone it would be Albert Einstien becuase I never heard a word as to what he sounds like and I wonder what it sounds like when he says E=mc2. It would be so cool to hear him say it. I didn't check but I'm going to say another person to meet is Aberaham lincoln to hear a long speach at the town of I don't know. 4 scores and I forget. And the last one would be Walt Disney cause he is the best inventor of the World famouse amusement park(s)
If I were to go back in time, I would visit my great grandpa. My great grandpa had a good life while he was living. He was smart and he could do just about anything. He was still living when I was born,but a few years later when I was about 4 or 5, he had breathing trouble, went to the hostpital and later died. I don't remember much about him, but he used to give us candy at Holloween and he liked burnt popcorn and cookies. He was special to me because I only have faint memories of him. Thats why I would go back in time to visit him.
PLZ:My great grandpa 96 years old when he died! How sad!
If I could go back in time to see anyone,ANYONE!,I would want to see my great grandpa Goeman.He was a great man,well at least thats what my dad said.Anyway my Great grandpa Goeman died when he was 88 years old, he got ran over by a milk truck :(,but my grandpa was very nice to everone.Even though I dodn't know him very well I still have pictures to remember him and know that he was my Great grandpa.Well the bright side is that I have a great grandma that is 96, WOW!
If I could go back in time I would go back 31 years visit my grandpa when he was 50. This grandpa was my mom’s dad. I would do this because he died of a heart attack when my brother was only 10 months old. My brother is 10 years older than me so this was along time ago. My mom tells me stories once in a while about him and she tells me that he loved his grandchildren and that I would have loved him very much. She some time tells me that he would make things for us like toys. The way my grandpa died is that his job was a bread truck driver and one day he had a heart attack in his bread truck and he died. This is why I would travel back in time because I never got to meet him.
If I could go back in time to meet someone it would have to be a person in the Revolutionary war. Specifically a sniper. Why? You ask? Because I want to know what war is actually like. I might want to be in the army when I’m older but I don’t know allot about it. I would ask him what kind of food you eat, how long have you been on the battlefield, and what it is like to actually see a dead cold body. Oooo I already get the shivers of that thought. And that is why I would go see a Sniper.
If I could go back in time I would go to my mom and dad's honeymoon. It was on St. Thomas Island 19 years ago. When my mom and dad were on their honeymoon a very strange thing happened. A hurricane came. It was a pretty strong one too. They had to hide in the closet for a long time. I would want to go back to that time because I would want to help them, tell them not to worry, get them out of there and back home safely. That is why I would want to travel back to my mom and dad's honeymoon.
If I could go back in time to visit a person I would not visit a person but a dog, my old dog named Lauren. Lauren was with me from two-thousand-five summer until two-thousand-seven. I got her from a human society when she was about seven months old. Her life came to an end because of being hit by a car. I love and loved her so much, even though I have a new dog I really miss Lauren, she has a good dog. She was blind in one eye, but that did not make me love her less. I really wish I could see her again.
I’m not so sure I know if I want to go back in time. Since it is a time machine, you would expect it could go forward in time. I would like to see what I’m like in the future. I would like to know my family, what my job is, what my house looks like, etc. If I had to go back in time I guess I would go back in time and find Jesus. I would like to listen to him teach. Or maybe go back even earlier to see the birth of Jesus and the Wisemen. Good-bye!
If I could go back in time I would chose to go back about 15 years ago because then I could meet both my grandpas and 1 grandma. I could know what they did in those days and live with them. My grandpa was a veternarian that had many animals in and by his house at all times. My dad told me he had snakes,racoons,squirrls,dogs,cats, gebils,rats,mice,and many others. My other grandpa was in world war 2 and was a camera man. He grew apples and owned many acers of land. My dad never told me very much about my grandma I know thought that she was nice to. THE END! !!!!
This is Andy Sella
If I could go back in time, I would go to where my dad was in Grade School. I want to go back there because I'd like to see what he looked like and what they did in his old school. It would be cool to see who his teachers were and looked like. I would also like to meet some of them and ask them how the keep up with all those students and how they worked. I would like to see what his school looked like and even help out for a while. And then I would come back home and tell all of my family.
If I could travel back in time I would go to the 1950’s when my grandpa was battling Russia in the Hungarian Revolution. He was a Hungarian tank driver. So he was so close to the gun barrel that he lost some of his hearing. He was also captured into Russian hands. He was tortured badly in the prison. He wrote a journal while he was in the war, and my grandma and aunt found it and translated it. It talks about the torture, his friends dying along side him, and being a tank driver. He eventually escaped onto a cargo ship with a few other prisoners, and travelled to New York. Back in time I would tell him to stop or don’t start smoking. He died of cancer even before my parents got married. My mom didn’t even know him that well. I don’t know if he would be still alive today because I’d tell him to stop smoking, but it would give him a better chance of being alive today.
my name is glenn
i own a pen
its a quill pen
If I went back in time I would want to go back like 3-4 times. But I would go back about 2-3 years ago. I would wanna see my Grandma again. I would do as much to help her because she died from cancer. I would do anything for her and spend as much time with her as possible. I would also go back in time to when a broke my elbow and Stop myself from jumping in that leaf pile. I would also want to go back in time and see my first ansestors because im part indian. That is where I would go back in time!
If I had to go back in time I would go somewhere that would not be prety. but my grandpa was in it and I would like to learn more about it. I would go to world war 2 and learn all the campains and what my grandpa did and all hitler did and his conquest. even though he was a really bad man I think he was a really smart man and how he conquered the world. I would also like to be at pearl Harbor because A friend of My dads was in it and he said they just kept on staking bodys forever. THE END!!!!!!!
If i could go back in time to see any one i would go and see george washington i would just like to see what is was like and what they did back then and how things worked and how george ran things then what they played haw they lived with out power and with out tv and computersand that is who i would go back in thime if i had a teliporter.
If I could go back in time I would find my Grandpa Pingel and talk to him I’ve always wanted to meet him as He died long before I was born. I would do this because I’ve heard a lot him and he has always seemed like a kind and cool person. He was a pastor at First Immanuel, he is in a lot of the confirmation pictures and made part of that one wooden cross by the cafeteria but didn’t get to finish it because he died of cancer. I’ve always wonder what it would be like to meet him.
If I could go back in time I would probably go back and see my dad when he was a kid. He always tells me what he did and what his childhood was like but I would like to see myself. I would also see what he acted like and what he did in his spare time. My dad’s childhood sounded very interesting, at least from what I hear. It sounds like he went through some pretty odd times and I would like to see them myself.
If I would not see my dad I would probably see my grandma. I never knew my grandma because she died before I was born and I would want to see what she was like.
That is what I would do if I could travel back in time.
Well if I could go back in time I would have know clue who to see, but I think the only people I would go back for would be all my relatives and Reggie White. One reason I would go back for my relatives is, because I never saw a lot of them, because they all died before I was born. One reason I would go back for Reggie White is, because I never saw him play for any of his teams well that I remember, but one thing I do know is that he played for the packers. That is who I would go back if I had a time machine. Sam
I would go back and see my mom as a kid she always tells me when I was a kid and had homework I would do it right away without my parents helping me or telling me when to work. For some reason I really dont belive her and plus If I went back to when she was in high school I could see my dad but I dont know why thats aswome it just would be. None of my relatives really did any thing most of them just sat around for all I know. Alot of my Grandpas were in wars I could see that but I dont really know if I want to do that because If I had to wacth them in war I probably would never be the same
If I could go back in time I would go back in time and see the first super bowl! I got to see the Green Bay Packers play the New York Giants at Lambeau field this year in the playoffs. It was SOOOO cold, but it was awesome! I went with my dad and we wore lots of layers of clothes, and it wasn't so bad. I will always remember that game. I think the only thing better would be to see the Packers win a Super Bowl at Lambeau Field! They call the first Super Bowl the Ice Bowl because it was so cold. I still would want to be there so I could see Paccker legends Max McGee and Bart Starr play and compare them the recent packer football team. It was great to see Brett Favre! I would like to go back in time to see other Green Bay Packer all stars.
If I could go back in time, hmmmmm…… I would probably go back to when my dad was a kid. I like all the modern-day technology, but for some reason, I’ve always LOVED like the Depression (Don’t worry! My dad didn’t live in the Depression!), or anything between my grandparents and my dad. My dad grew up in Oregon, WI (about 10 minutes away from Madison) and my dad drives me, my aunt, and my grandma around and they all talk about people that used to live in houses, or look at their old schools, and stuff like that… but I’ll be totally lost ‘cause I have NO IDEA who they’re ever talking about! My dad and grandma always tell me stories about when they were kids and I just LOVE hearing about them! My dad’s family owned a Ceramic Shop that was attached to their house… so I would have really liked to live in my dad’s time…but I don’t want to be an old lady right now :-P. So, if I could go back in time…this is where I would go.
P.S.- We already did this blog!! I remember what I put last time!!!
If I were to go back in time I would want to go and see my mom at age 25. She would have been a cheer leader at the University of Wisconsin and starting her career as a Spanish teacher. I think that my mom would have been a really cool teacher 'cause she sure is awesome mom.She taught spanish immigrants or people with spanish background english. My mom was really pretty, even though she had a bunch of 80's poofed up hair. She used to play flute and was a good runner also. Being one of the best cheerleaders, she was realllllly good. And so thats who I would want to visit.
if i were to go back into the future and go and see someone i would go and see my grandfather beacuse i never saw him before in my life. and my dad said that he had a ford tractor with a customized color the color is purple with red orange and yellow flames. and i would love to meet him. i would like to see what he looks like and what he was like and everything about him. also i would love to see what his totally all white beutiful dog that he had.
i would love to see him
If I could travel back in time well if it were possible I would meet Walter Payton and see him play and I would visit him becouse I read all about him for my 3rd quarter book report but I would see him play football and he was the best running back ever and made it to the Hall of fame obiously becouse he was the best running back ever. Well the fact that he played with the bears that doesn't make me not want to meat him but otherwise thats who I would visit if it were possible I could meet him thats who I would visit if I could go back in time!
If I could go back in time I would probably go back in time to when my dad was a little kid because he did a lot of funny things with his brothers back then and I would be able to see my great grandpa again and see what they did on the farm. I would like to see half of my old relatives again. It was pretty funny what my dad and his brothers did when they went to first Immanuel. That is who I would want to go back in time to see if I could use time travel.
If I where going back in time I would go back a couple of years back and stop myself from doing all the bad things that hurt my reputation like choosing better friends or yelling misalanius things out of the window. But I would really want to go back in time to see my great grandma and grandpa because they did so much for me and I didn't really get to see them so much and when i did it was some of the greatest times in my life. But I don't only want to go back in time but I also would want to go to Norway in a teleporter and see the queen of Norway because she is my 6th cousin and I never got to see her and that is what I would do
If I could go back in time I would want to see my uncle Kent because he died when I was very young. I wish I would be able to spend more time with him. They don’t know why he died. I was so sad because i lost my first tooth the day he died and he said if i would pull it out that day he would pay 10 dollars. It was so hard for me because my cousin didn’t really care that he died or that she didn’t have a dad. Every time his birthday comes around me and me mom have a hard time getting through the day because we know that he isn’t here but we know that he is happy in heaven with Jesus. This is who I would travel back in time to see.
If I was able to go back in time I would like to meet 2 different people. The first person would be a very good basketball player but his name escapes me right now. I would like to meet him becuase he was who got me to play basketball becuase I wanted to become as good as he was. The other person I want to meet would be my great great great great great grandpa, because he came over from germany so I could have all of the friends and teachers I have now.
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