It's National Lutheran Schools' Week! Yahoo! What do you like about attending First Immanuel Lutheran School? How would your life be different if you went to a public school?
We get to have fun on Lutheran schools week. We all get to skip part of class for the rainbow Olympics and the movie. We get to watch movies, have rainbow Olympics, the coin collection (if we raise over $1000 we get to lock up our principle for half a day), and other fun things to do. If we were at public school, we would not get to have fun on Lutheran schools week. If I moved to a public school, I would be miserable because FIL would be celebrating Lutherans school week and I would be sad.
I love luthern schools week because everything is different and we get to wear pajamas and slippers and watch movies. I also love mix match day because you can dress crazy its sssssoooooo fun.I also like dress your best day because everybody looks nice. And if you went to a public school you could not do those things and dress up and participate in the rainbow olympics. I love luthern schools week and I'm glad i dont go to a public school!
What I like about First Immanuel is all of the teachers, because they help and support you in what you are doing in class. I also like Lutheran schools week probably the best, because we get to do fun things each day such as wearing pajamas, and mix-matching your clothes, and more things. If I went to a public school I think that it would be difficult because I Wouldn’t be able to talk about God, and/or pray. I also don’t think that the teachers would be as nice, by not moving a test if you already have one or two on the same day. I know that I am blessed to go to such a wonderful school!
If I went to the public school I would knot be able to have recess and I would have a lot of homework and a lot of tests. I like going to F.I.L. because I start earlier and end earlier. I like that we have fun times like watching movies and having free time. We have nice teachers (especially Miss Miller) and they have mean teachers. They have to take three languages at the same time throughout the whole year. We c an learn about God they have to go to conformation. We get to play fun games in GYM they do running sit ups and pushups etc.
My life would be very different at a public school. I would know this because I went to a public school in first grade (actually that was when I met Riley). I had been in a private school in preschool and Kindergarten in Oregon. Then when I moved to Wisconsin I decided to try a public school. We didn’t have Lutheran schools week or any other weeks of fun at our school, plus our book fair was in just a normal week. I’m very glad that I can go to a private school and that it’s Lutheran! I’m also glad we don’t have to wear uniforms. I’m am very obliged to go to a Lutheran School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I like about First Immanual Lutheran school is... that I can discuss my faith with teachers, I get to see freinds I would have never met if I went to a public school, I get to get a education. If I went to a public school I couldn't... talk about my faith, maybe would lose my faith, wouldn't of had the chance to meet and have the same friends I have, wouldn't have a chance to strenghten my faith through teachers, wouldn't be able to have National Lutheren Schools Week!!! My life wuld be very very 100 times very different. I am very thankful fo r First Immanual Lutheren School.
I like First Immanuel Lutheran School because we get to learn about Jesus Christ. I also would not have any of the same friends and I would not be able to learn about Jesus in a public school. I also like this school because we get to have Christian education. I also like this school because we get to have Lutheran schools week, we get to miss a class for the rainbow Olympics and the movie, and if we raise enough money we will be able to lock up our principal and some of our teachers for a half a day. We would not be able to do any of those things at a public school.
I like going to FIL because I am able to learn about God and learn about the bible.
The teachers are great and hlepful also, my friends are careing and kind and they incourage me.
My life would be differint at a public school becuse I went to a public school for 6 years and they did not teach about God and did not tell the truth and I am never going back there agian.
The classes where too large and the tachers where not as helpful as at FIL.
If you where in my place I would be bullyed every single day.
im glad we go to a lutheran school because we get great tachers who care and we can have good frenships with class mates unlike most public schools. its also nice that we can talk about our religion without getting made fun of. its also a blast when we get to celabrate lutheran schools week. we can just have fun and hang out with our friends. we can go wild and dress up in fun things like pjs, retro, mix mach, and lots more. we can just have fun and know that god loves us. ive had a fun experiance going to a lutheran school. im glad i go to first immanuel and love my teachers.if i went to a public school, i wouldn't have a great school like i do now.
I’m so excited for Lutheran school’s week, even though it is almost over. The movie and the pajamas rocked and I liked dancing at the end. Comedy Sportz was awesome! I enjoyed every little bit of it. Today the teacher swap was fun and I liked making the little car I made(It doesn’t look that good , but hay I made a good effort) I like going to FIL even though the kids aren’t always friendly, learning about God always makes up for that! I have great friends and great teachers I’m very very very very very very very happy for that. If I want to a public school I would be very very very very very very very very sad because I wouldn’t know about Jesus. There are 121 words without multiple verys.
I’m glad I got to First Immanuel Luther School because I can share my faith and have religion class talking about my faith. I wouldn’t have Luther school week at public school and dress funny. Have great teachers. Dressing up in your PJS, retro mix matched and watching movies and skip classes for different things. It’s just different from a public school I also think public school is humorous. Also it’s like a special week all the different things like public school don’t have the shock hop and I know that don’t have it just fun and different and what’s cool I can talk about Jesus.
Since I went to a public school I kinda have a feeling. Most people sometimes pick on you if you’re different. And if you do things that popular people don’t like your like “weird”. I love Lutheran schools week so we can express ourselves and not be put down. I love just booming with flavor and doing the things God lets us do. I love all the teachers that God blessed us with so they can share the feeling too! Most schools stick to modern days but F.I.L. gives us the chance to be inspired and let our creative juices flow with Gods message. That why I love F.I.L.!!!!!
Lutheran schools week is awesome! I am glad that I go to a Lutheran school because every class offers a Christ based education. The teachers at FIL are very nice and kind and the teachers always show us a good Christian attitude. Going to a public school would be hard because there would be no religion classes or conformation classes. No matter if I went to a public or Lutheran school I would still believe in Jesus and try to set a good Christian example, by being kind, helpful, polite, attentive and spread the love of Jesus Christ. The end.
I really like going to FIL. I like most of the teachers. They really get to know you as person because of the class size. We also get to talk about God and learn about him. This is important because it helps us become the person we will become. Also, I really get to know my friends since there are not lot of us. If I would go to the public school, it would feel weird not to talk about God since he is a big part of my life. My friends would be different and the teachers may not know me as well. I love First Immanuel.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I llllooovvveee First Immanuel Lutheran! I would never want to ever go to a different school. Probably no other school has such a fun week as we do. I love all my teachers and I could never dream of leaving my classmates. I love learning about God each day and being able to talk about Him. If I went to a public school I wouldn’t be able to do that. I also love Lutheran Schools Week because of all the fun stuff we get to do. Movies, teacher swap, and Rainbow Olympics. (Which we won OH YA!!) Any how I LLLOOOVVVEEE FIRST IMMANUEL!!!!!!
I like going to first imannuel because I can talk about Jesus and praise him. Were at a public school you wouldn't be able to talk about him or you wouldn't have religion classes. And at a public school you would not be able to have lutherens school's week. I am so thankful that I am able to go to Fist Imannuel and be able to share my faith with every one. If I went to a public school things would be way different. I probaly would not have as strong as faith as I do by going to First Imannuel.
What I really like about being able to go to a Lutheran School is that I get to learn about Jesus and all the amazing things that he did. Another thing that I really like is if we have a lot of snow days like we did last year we do not have to go to school extra days. Another cool thing is that we get to do really fun things like watch movies, have Lutheran Schools Week, play games, and we have really nice teachers. One thing that I really love is that we do not have to wear uniforms.
Iam ssooo glad that God has blessed me with christian parents so that they can get me baptized and send me to a leauteran school.I love leathran schools week because We have the rainbow olympics.I like watching everybody compete against other classes.The challenges are also fun to watch.Mr. Everts also makes It really fun with all the challenges.It was also super exiting this year becaus Mr Everts And Miss Millers class won it. I am just so thankful that God has blessed me with everything!!!!!I love God so so so so so much that he has given me such great things!!!!!!!!
I like this school because my friends go here. I love learning about God. I went to public schools before when I was in the first one I went to was horrible it was a Milwaukee public school my best friend went there and that was about the only good thing. I went there for kindergarten and part of first grade. In kinder garden I colored on a desk an had to go to Mrs. Busys room she hurt kids and every one was too afraid to tell anyone. she got fired after I left. The next school was okay there was fights on the bus but then I came here and things are good.
I enjoy going to a Lutheran school for many reasons. One is every one acts much different than they would if I went to a public school. They act different in a much better way. We aren’t perfect but people treat others with more respect than you would get at a public school at our school. I also enjoy simply being around other kids that share a common faith. Of course I also enjoy all of the fun activities that go on during Lutheran schools week. Like dressing crazy, switching teachers, eating ice cream, and other fun things like that. But the main reason that I love going to a Christian school is that I have the chance to grow in my faith every day.
I like going to FIL because I get to learn all about God and his teachings and I get to hang out with my friends. I enjoy my teachers most of the time! We play fun games at gym, do awesome experiments in science class and are able to be creative in art class. If I went to public school there would be bigger classes, the kids may not be as nice, and they would probably be a lot stricter. Also, we wouldn’t talk and learn about God. I don’t like getting up so early, but I do like getting out earlier than the public school kids!
At First Immanuel, it is nice because I can learn about God and play more sports here,I would not be able to do that at a public school because they don't want people with other religions to be offended about God. I also like that we have a lot less people here at First Immanuel, So we can have smaller classes and we can have mor time for the teachers to help us with our homework. One more thing I like is we are allowed to chew gum and they can cot do that at a public School.
I like First Immanuel Lutheran School because we learn about Jesus and we pray alot. We also do alot of fun things. Alot of the teachers are very nice and helpful too. My life would be different if I went to a pulic school because we wouldnt learn things about Jesus and from the Bible. Plus we may not have all of the fun activities like Rainbow Olympics. Even if I went to a public school I think that I would still be a Christian person and be kind to others. Also I could still go to Sunday school to learn about Jesus.
I like going to First Immanuel Lutheran School because because I love learning about God. At a public school they don't learn much about God. I like Lutheran School week because you get to miss classes and do fun things. Going to a Lutheran school also has other benefits. You only have so many students in your grade. It is a much smaller school. You get to know everyone. At a public school there are very many students. You might not even know all there names or their personalities. At First Immanuel, I know everyone.
We get to have fun on Lutheran schools week. We all get to skip part of class for the rainbow Olympics and the movie. We get to watch movies, have rainbow Olympics, the coin collection (if we raise over $1000 we get to lock up our principle for half a day), and other fun things to do. If we were at public school, we would not get to have fun on Lutheran schools week. If I moved to a public school, I would be miserable because FIL would be celebrating Lutherans school week and I would be sad.
I love luthern schools week because everything is different and we get to wear pajamas and slippers and watch movies. I also love mix match day because you can dress crazy its sssssoooooo fun.I also like dress your best day because everybody looks nice. And if you went to a public school you could not do those things and dress up and participate in the rainbow olympics. I love luthern schools week and I'm glad i dont go to a public school!
What I like about First Immanuel is all of the teachers, because they help and support you in what you are doing in class. I also like Lutheran schools week probably the best, because we get to do fun things each day such as wearing pajamas, and mix-matching your clothes, and more things. If I went to a public school I think that it would be difficult because I Wouldn’t be able to talk about God, and/or pray. I also don’t think that the teachers would be as nice, by not moving a test if you already have one or two on the same day. I know that I am blessed to go to such a wonderful school!
If I went to the public school I would knot be able to have recess and I would have a lot of homework and a lot of tests. I like going to F.I.L. because I start earlier and end earlier. I like that we have fun times like watching movies and having free time.
We have nice teachers (especially Miss Miller) and they have mean teachers. They have to take three languages at the same time throughout the whole year. We c an learn about God they have to go to conformation. We get to play fun games in GYM they do running sit ups and pushups etc.
My life would be very different at a public school. I would know this because I went to a public school in first grade (actually that was when I met Riley). I had been in a private school in preschool and Kindergarten in Oregon. Then when I moved to Wisconsin I decided to try a public school. We didn’t have Lutheran schools week or any other weeks of fun at our school, plus our book fair was in just a normal week. I’m very glad that I can go to a private school and that it’s Lutheran! I’m also glad we don’t have to wear uniforms. I’m am very obliged to go to a Lutheran School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I like about First Immanual Lutheran school is... that I can discuss my faith with teachers, I get to see freinds I would have never met if I went to a public school, I get to get a education. If I went to a public school I couldn't... talk about my faith, maybe would lose my faith, wouldn't of had the chance to meet and have the same friends I have, wouldn't have a chance to strenghten my faith through teachers, wouldn't be able to have National Lutheren Schools Week!!! My life wuld be very very 100 times very different. I am very thankful fo r First Immanual Lutheren School.
I like First Immanuel Lutheran School because we get to learn about Jesus Christ. I also would not have any of the same friends and I would not be able to learn about Jesus in a public school. I also like this school because we get to have Christian education. I also like this school because we get to have Lutheran schools week, we get to miss a class for the rainbow Olympics and the movie, and if we raise enough money we will be able to lock up our principal and some of our teachers for a half a day. We would not be able to do any of those things at a public school.
I like going to FIL because I am able to learn about God and learn about the bible.
The teachers are great and hlepful
also, my friends are careing and kind and they incourage me.
My life would be differint at a public school becuse I went to a public school for 6 years and they did not teach about God and did not tell the truth and I am never going back there agian.
The classes where too large and the tachers where not as helpful as at FIL.
If you where in my place I would be bullyed every single day.
hi my name is stewart
i have blonde hair
im glad we go to a lutheran school because we get great tachers who care and we can have good frenships with class mates unlike most public schools. its also nice that we can talk about our religion without getting made fun of. its also a blast when we get to celabrate lutheran schools week. we can just have fun and hang out with our friends. we can go wild and dress up in fun things like pjs, retro, mix mach, and lots more. we can just have fun and know that god loves us. ive had a fun experiance going to a lutheran school. im glad i go to first immanuel and love my teachers.if i went to a public school, i wouldn't have a great school like i do now.
whats this?
I’m so excited for Lutheran school’s week, even though it is almost over. The movie and the pajamas rocked and I liked dancing at the end. Comedy Sportz was awesome! I enjoyed every little bit of it. Today the teacher swap was fun and I liked making the little car I made(It doesn’t look that good , but hay I made a good effort) I like going to FIL even though the kids aren’t always friendly, learning about God always makes up for that! I have great friends and great teachers I’m very very very very very very very happy for that. If I want to a public school I would be very very very very very very very very sad because I wouldn’t know about Jesus. There are 121 words without multiple verys.
I’m glad I got to First Immanuel Luther School because I can share my faith and have religion class talking about my faith. I wouldn’t have Luther school week at public school and dress funny. Have great teachers. Dressing up in your PJS, retro mix matched and watching movies and skip classes for different things. It’s just different from a public school I also think public school is humorous. Also it’s like a special week all the different things like public school don’t have the shock hop and I know that don’t have it just fun and different and what’s cool I can talk about Jesus.
Since I went to a public school I kinda have a feeling. Most people sometimes pick on you if you’re different. And if you do things that popular people don’t like your like “weird”. I love Lutheran schools week so we can express ourselves and not be put down. I love just booming with flavor and doing the things God lets us do. I love all the teachers that God blessed us with so they can share the feeling too! Most schools stick to modern days but F.I.L. gives us the chance to be inspired and let our creative juices flow with Gods message. That why I love F.I.L.!!!!!
i have brown eyes oooooooh im so cool!!!
Lutheran schools week is awesome! I am glad that I go to a Lutheran school because every class offers a Christ based education. The teachers at FIL are very nice and kind and the teachers always show us a good Christian attitude. Going to a public school would be hard because there would be no religion classes or conformation classes. No matter if I went to a public or Lutheran school I would still believe in Jesus and try to set a good Christian example, by being kind, helpful, polite, attentive and spread the love of Jesus Christ. The end.
I really like going to FIL. I like most of the teachers. They really get to know you as person because of the class size. We also get to talk about God and learn about him. This is important because it helps us become the person we will become. Also, I really get to know my friends since there are not lot of us. If I would go to the public school, it would feel weird not to talk about God since he is a big part of my life. My friends would be different and the teachers may not know me as well. I love First Immanuel.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I llllooovvveee First Immanuel Lutheran! I would never want to ever go to a different school. Probably no other school has such a fun week as we do. I love all my teachers and I could never dream of leaving my classmates. I love learning about God each day and being able to talk about Him. If I went to a public school I wouldn’t be able to do that. I also love Lutheran Schools Week because of all the fun stuff we get to do. Movies, teacher swap, and Rainbow Olympics. (Which we won OH YA!!) Any how I LLLOOOVVVEEE FIRST IMMANUEL!!!!!!
I like going to first imannuel because I can talk about Jesus and praise him. Were at a public school you wouldn't be able to talk about him or you wouldn't have religion classes. And at a public school you would not be able to have lutherens school's week. I am so thankful that I am able to go to Fist Imannuel and be able to share my faith with every one. If I went to a public school things would be way different. I probaly would not have as strong as faith as I do by going to First Imannuel.
What I really like about being able to go to a Lutheran School is that I get to learn about Jesus and all the amazing things that he did. Another thing that I really like is if we have a lot of snow days like we did last year we do not have to go to school extra days. Another cool thing is that we get to do really fun things like watch movies, have Lutheran Schools Week, play games, and we have really nice teachers. One thing that I really love is that we do not have to wear uniforms.
Iam ssooo glad that God has blessed me with christian parents so that they can get me baptized and send me to a leauteran school.I love leathran schools week because We have the rainbow olympics.I like watching everybody compete against other classes.The challenges are also fun to watch.Mr. Everts also makes It really fun with all the challenges.It was also super exiting this year becaus Mr Everts And Miss Millers class won it. I am just so thankful that God has blessed me with everything!!!!!I love God so so so so so much that he has given me such great things!!!!!!!!
I like this school because my friends go here. I love learning about God. I went to public schools before when I was in the first one I went to was horrible it was a Milwaukee public school my best friend went there and that was about the only good thing. I went there for kindergarten and part of first grade. In kinder garden I colored on a desk an had to go to Mrs. Busys room she hurt kids and every one was too afraid to tell anyone. she got fired after I left. The next school was okay there was fights on the bus but then I came here and things are good.
I enjoy going to a Lutheran school for many reasons. One is every one acts much different than they would if I went to a public school. They act different in a much better way. We aren’t perfect but people treat others with more respect than you would get at a public school at our school. I also enjoy simply being around other kids that share a common faith. Of course I also enjoy all of the fun activities that go on during Lutheran schools week. Like dressing crazy, switching teachers, eating ice cream, and other fun things like that. But the main reason that I love going to a Christian school is that I have the chance to grow in my faith every day.
I like going to FIL because I get to learn all about God and his teachings and I get to hang out with my friends. I enjoy my teachers most of the time! We play fun games at gym, do awesome experiments in science class and are able to be creative in art class. If I went to public school there would be bigger classes, the kids may not be as nice, and they would probably be a lot stricter. Also, we wouldn’t talk and learn about God. I don’t like getting up so early, but I do like getting out earlier than the public school kids!
At First Immanuel, it is nice because I can learn about God and play more sports here,I would not be able to do that at a public school because they don't want people with other religions to be offended about God. I also like that we have a lot less people here at First Immanuel, So we can have smaller classes and we can have mor time for the teachers to help us with our homework. One more thing I like is we are allowed to chew gum and they can cot do that at a public School.
I like First Immanuel Lutheran School because we learn about Jesus and we pray alot. We also do alot of fun things. Alot of the teachers are very nice and helpful too. My life would be different if I went to a pulic school because we wouldnt learn things about Jesus and from the Bible. Plus we may not have all of the fun activities like Rainbow Olympics. Even if I went to a public school I think that I would still be a Christian person and be kind to others. Also I could still go to Sunday school to learn about Jesus.
I like going to First Immanuel Lutheran School because because I love learning about God. At a public school they don't learn much about God. I like Lutheran School week because you get to miss classes and do fun things. Going to a Lutheran school also has other benefits. You only have so many students in your grade. It is a much smaller school. You get to know everyone. At a public school there are very many students. You might not even know all there names or their personalities. At First Immanuel, I know everyone.
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