Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Memories

Christmas is less than two weeks away! Share some of your favorite Christmas memories or traditions from years past.

Friday, December 05, 2008

New Rules

Imagine you are stranded on a tropical island with your classmates. You have no supervision, no rules, no leader, no McDonald's etc... How would you choose a leader? What jobs would you need? What rules would you have? What if someone broke the rules? (There was a brief reality t.v. show like this called Kid Nation)

Monday, December 01, 2008


This Blog is for 8th hour with Miss Mayyou only and is in addition to the weekly blog Miss Miller assigned below.

Which hero are you presenting for the week?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finish this Story

Sunday's Snowfall Inspired this Story Starter:

I knew my family shouldn't have drove home from Minnesota after Thanksgiving, but mom and dad wanted to be back for school and work. We should have waited a day with the big snowfall the meteorologists were predicting. As we were heading home, the sky was getting dark and the snow was coming down hard, the blinding sort of snowfall that is made worse by light shining into it. We still had at least 3 hours to go, but I wasn't sure we would make it. The next thing I knew, the tires were spinning out beneath us and we were zipping around in circles on the highway before landing 20 yards away in the ditch. Thankfully no one was hurt, but we were in rough shape. Mom and dad's cell phones were dead and there were no other cars around.

What happens next? That's up to you-write the ending to this snowbound experience!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Showing our Thankfulness

This blog includes a small assignment, so you may want to get started right away! Thanksgiving is only 6 days away and what a better time to show your parents how thankful you are for them!

Step 1: Do something that will serve your parents. This will show them your thankful love in action. Ideas include, but are not limited to: doing the dishes, volunteering to fold the laundry, straightening up the shoe closet, taking out the trash, raking the last few stray leaves, writing them a letter or poem to say how grateful you are to have them as parents, etc.....

Step 2: Write about the experience. What did you do to help out? What was the reaction of your parents or the person you helped? How did you feel afterwards?

Don't forget to make your response at least 100 words.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Veteran's Thank You

After celebrating Veteran's Day, we all should have a good idea of how much our veterans have sacrificed to make sure our rights are protected and we are a country where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can exist. Write a letter to a pretend or real veteran, thanking him/her for the sacrifices made. Be sure to specifically tell the veteran what rights you are grateful to have because of his/her efforts.

(this blog must be 100 words)

Here is a poem to inspire you:

It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN , not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN , not the politician,Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN ,who salutes the Flag.

It is the VETERAN,who serves under the Flag, !

Sunday, November 09, 2008


With Thanksgiving fast approaching, we have a lot to be thankful for. Brainstorm a list of the top 25 things for which you are thankful and write them in your blog. Please number your list. (For this week only, you do not need to have a 100-word entry. )
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!"

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pet Peeves

We all have things that drive us bonkers at times. What are some of your "pet peeves" and why? Be sure to "guard your mouth" (watch what you say) so that you do not offend anyone. In other words, do not talk about anyone who may annoy you. This is a chance to talk about the things that annoy you.

Here are some examples of my "pet peeves":

Finger nails scratching on a chalkboard,

When my sister calls me before 8:00 am on Saturday mornings

When people say inappropriate words that are not glorifying to God in my class.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Finish this story

Complete the following story starter:

I saw this amazing pair of shoes sitting next to my grungy sneakers and by chance, they just happened to be the perfect size. I decided to try them on. First I slipped on the left shoe and laced it up. As soon as the right shoe was on my foot I felt as if I was in a whirlwind and the next thing I knew, I was standing smack-dab in the middle of...................

Thursday, October 16, 2008


As the weather becomes cooler and the air is crisp, I enjoy the cozy, comfortable things in life. I start making more soups, wearing my favorite worn-in sweatshirts, and snuggling in under my down comforter at home. All of these things make me feel warm and comfortable. In your entry this week, talk about and describe the things that make you feel comfortable. Maybe there is a certain room in your house or a certain place that makes you feel comfortable. Perhaps you have a stuffed animal from your childhood that used to (or still does) comfort you. It could even be a person with whom you feel very safe and comfortable. No matter what or who it is, describe what it is that makes you feel safe and comfortable.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mad Scientist

Tonight is the Mad Science event at school and I am sure there will be some neat experiments to see as well Science to be learned. Pretend that you are a Mad Scientist who has just created a new potion that will have magical or crazy results if used. Tell about your magic potion and what ills it can cure or what amazing things it can do. Don't forget to use at least 100 words in your answer! Brew-ha-ha-ha away......

Friday, October 03, 2008

Vacation Mania

I love to travel and I find that most people do as well. I've had some far reaching trips (China, Australia, Fiji, and Mexico) as well as some nearby trips (Minnesota, Chicago, camping). I've enjoyed a crazy road trip out west, adventure filled trips (whitewater rafting), and family vacations where things just kept going wrong (flat tires, sunburn, getting sick on the airplane). No matter where I travel and who I travel with, I have a great time and lots of memories to share! In your blog this week, tell about your most memorable vacation or trip ever.

In Fiji on a Missions Trip when I was 16!

Whitewater Rafting with my family (I'm in the front)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time Traveler

If you could go back to any time in history (from 20 years ago to the beginning of time-about 6,000 years ago) what time period and group of people would you go back to and why? What would your life be like? As you consider this question, remember that you would have to live the way the people lived back then; you couldn't bring modern conveniences with you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

President for Hire

John McCain and Barak Obama are busy preparing to win the election in November, but a surprise opening has arisen and you (yes you, a 6th grader) are now on the ballot for President. Write a short speech telling what you will do as President of the United States of America. What will you change? How? What will you make better? Why? Make your speech convincing so everyone will want to vote for you!

Friday, September 12, 2008

If I Had a Million Dollars

A few years ago, there was a popular song in which the group had all kinds of wacky ideas of how they would spend a million dollars. How would you spend a million dollars?

Friday, September 05, 2008

Creative Juices

I know you all have great ideas in your heads because I get to hear them all day long. Now, get those creative juices going and write an ending to the following story starter. Be sure to use 100 words and check your spelling and grammar.

As Pete rounded the corner, he stood in shock when he saw.....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dream Animal

God has just decided that it is time for a new animal, here on earth and He has selected you to be the "Master Craftsman". Design a new animal to roam the earth that is composed (made) from at least 2, but not more than 4, real animals that we already have. (For example, you could design an animal that is part skunk, tiger and lizard). Describe your animal completely and tell what it can and cannot do. Above all, be creative and make a stunning animal on behalf of God!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Olympic Dreams

Imagine that you were able to participate in the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. Write a brief article about an event that you "participated" in and how you did. Don't forget to make your blog at least 100 words.


Write a brief message to test your blogging skills!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Hey Guys! Summer is flying by, wouldn't you say? What have you been up to? As for me, I've been staying busy with camping, visiting my family, short road trips (to Indiana and Minnesota), the mission trip to Mexico, bike riding, swimming, and a bit of babysitting too. Hope to hear from you soon!

Miss Miller

Monday, May 19, 2008

Summer Plans

Can you believe the end of the year is already here? Yikes! It feels like we just started 6th grade together! I know you are getting excited because you all are a bit squirrely at this time of year! Tell us all about your summer plans. Are you travelling somewhere? What will you do with your free time (sports, clubs, reading, video games, outside activities, etc....)? What are you most excited to do?

Friday, May 09, 2008

Going to Greece

Picture this:

You are a mortal, living in Greece, thousands of years ago. Your people have just been blessed with the gift of fire from a kind-hearted god, named Prometheus! Great news! You can now cook your food, heat your homes, have light in the evenings, and make metal tools to hunt with and defend yourself. Wait, what's that? Your benefactor, Prometheus has been chained to a mountain where an eagle comes each day to eat his liver because of the kindness he showed to you and the other mortals. Oh No! You must come up with a plan to help Prometheus escape the agony of Zeus. How can you free him from the grips of Zeus and his jealousy?

That's your job-sixth graders! Come up with a story that explains how you freed Prometheus from the evil clutches of Zeus!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Time Machine

In the Movie, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (made in 1989-when I was 9 and rated as one of the 50 best comedies of all times), Bill and Ted climb into a time machine and travel back into history. If you were able to climb into a time machine, who would you go back and visit? Why would you select that person?

Monday, April 28, 2008


Write a top ten list, giving advice to the future 6th graders (current 5th graders). Be sure to include tips that would have been helpful to know, coming into 6th grade. Use your experiences to help them be successful. (You may not state anything that is cruel towards any person)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Gratitude for Inventions

Think of an invention that you are incredibly grateful for (a dishwasher, a chair, a tv, toilet paper, blankets, lip gloss, footballs, elevators, etc...) and write a letter to the inventor thanking him or her and telling him or her how grateful you are. You may want to compare your life now to what it was like before the invention. Don't worry that you don't know who actually invented the item. Simply make up a name and write a letter of gratitude.


Dear John Maytag,

Thank you so much for all of your hardwork in creating the dishwasher. I absolutely love it! I am so pleased that I can put all of my dirty dishes into a tank, add some detergent, and within an hour have clean dishes with no effort on my part. You see, when I was growing up, my sister and I had dish nights. It worked out alright, despite the fact that we couldn't play or watch tv until the dishes were done. The unfortunate thing is that my sister was a terrible dish washer. So, she usually left food debris on the dishes and then my parents made me re-wash them. Although I no longer live at home with my parents and sister, I still have quite a few dishes because I like to cook. Now, I just load, add detergent and go. Thanks for saving me at least 30 minutes per day! You are the best!

Gratefully yours,
Miss Miller

Friday, April 11, 2008

Your World

This blog comes straight to 6th grade from the mind of Vance! Thanks for the idea!

If you could make the world over again, what would you put on it? Would you make new continents and what would you name them? Where would you live? What animals would you have?

It's your turn to be creative, so in great detail, tell us about the world you would create!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

What kind of dog would you be?

It has been said that a dog is man's best friend. With that in mind, pick a breed of dog that you think you are most like. (labrador, poodle, malmute, springer spaniel, etc...) In your blog, be sure to explain why you are most like that type of dog. Make sure your blog is at least 100 words in order to get full credit.

To find some breeds of dogs, click here

Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break Celebrations

I hope you all had a great week off from school! Can you believe that we only have 43 days of school left? Didn't the year just fly by?

In this week's blog, tell us what you did over Easter break. What were the highlights? Did anything unusual happen? Fill us in on what happened during the week we were apart!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Magical Shoes

Complete the following story starter:

I saw this amazing pair of shoes sitting next to my grungy sneakers and by chance, they just happened to be the perfect size. I decided to try them on. First I slipped on the left shoe and laced it up. As soon as the right shoe was on my foot I felt as if I was in a whirlwind and the next thing I knew, I was standing smack-dab in the middle of...................

Friday, February 29, 2008

A Great Place to Grow

We are celebrating Lutheran Schools Week starting on Monday and it is a time for us to be sincerely thankful for the great school that we have. In this week's blog, tell about the things you like best about FIL. The ideas could range from our solid Biblical foundation, to a specific class, to a sport, to your friends and the people here, to a certain activity, and many more. Be specific about what you like and why you like it!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?

What Do You Want on Your Tombstone? The above phrase is a clever marketing tool for Tombstone Pizzas. However, it is a good question to ask yourself as well. Someday, when you die and are called to eternal life in Heaven, what do you want your tombstone to say? You can select one word and explain why that word would be on your tombstone, or you maybe could choose a favorite quote or Bible passage and explain why you would have that. If neither of those ideas seem appealing, you can write an entire paragraph that you would want printed on your tombstone. So, tell us, WHAT DO YOU WANT ON YOUR TOMBSTONE?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Extreme Makeover

Congratulations! Your family was just chosen for Extreme Makeover, Home Edition 2008! The host of the show, Ty Pennington, wants to help you design your dream bedroom. Write a thorough description of what your room would look like. Ideas to think about are: paint colors, size, what is your bed going to be like, would you have your own bathroom, would there be a theme to your room, what kinds of accessories would you like? Give lots of details so Ty can make it just how you'd like it! Good luck!

(thanks for the great blog idea, Noah!)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Favorite Book Ever

Think back to one of the best books you have ever read. It could have been as recent as last week or as far back as from when you were 3 years old. Tell about the book below and what you liked about it.

Friday, February 01, 2008


In Social Studies, we have been talking about other world religions (Buddhism and Hinduism). Since they believe in reincarnation (and we obviously do not), I want you to put yourselves in their shoes. If you were to be reincarnated tomorrow, what would you come back as? You could be a human, animal, or a plant. You could be from the United States, Germany, Honduras, China, Russia, Kenya, or wherever you want. You could be of any nationality you choose. Just pick something to come back as and tell us why.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Something's in the Sky

Finish the following story starter:

It all started on Monday morning when several citizens of (your town) noticed that the sky didn't look quite right.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

6 Weeks

If you discovered that you only had 6 weeks to live, what would you do in those six weeks?

Friday, January 11, 2008


What would life be like if you were only six inches tall? Describe things that you would now be able to do and also things that you would no longer be able to do. Would you like being 6 inches tall, why or why not?

Friday, January 04, 2008


Every New Year, millions of Americans make resolutions of things that they want to change or do in the new year. Join the bandwagon! Write a few resolutions that you would like to make for the year 2008. Explain why you chose those goals as well.