Monday, May 19, 2008

Summer Plans

Can you believe the end of the year is already here? Yikes! It feels like we just started 6th grade together! I know you are getting excited because you all are a bit squirrely at this time of year! Tell us all about your summer plans. Are you travelling somewhere? What will you do with your free time (sports, clubs, reading, video games, outside activities, etc....)? What are you most excited to do?

Friday, May 09, 2008

Going to Greece

Picture this:

You are a mortal, living in Greece, thousands of years ago. Your people have just been blessed with the gift of fire from a kind-hearted god, named Prometheus! Great news! You can now cook your food, heat your homes, have light in the evenings, and make metal tools to hunt with and defend yourself. Wait, what's that? Your benefactor, Prometheus has been chained to a mountain where an eagle comes each day to eat his liver because of the kindness he showed to you and the other mortals. Oh No! You must come up with a plan to help Prometheus escape the agony of Zeus. How can you free him from the grips of Zeus and his jealousy?

That's your job-sixth graders! Come up with a story that explains how you freed Prometheus from the evil clutches of Zeus!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Time Machine

In the Movie, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (made in 1989-when I was 9 and rated as one of the 50 best comedies of all times), Bill and Ted climb into a time machine and travel back into history. If you were able to climb into a time machine, who would you go back and visit? Why would you select that person?