Friday, November 30, 2007

Job of Your Dreams

If you could be anything you wanted to when you grow up, what would your dream job be? Be sure to explain the job and tell why you would want to do that.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Traditions

Share a special Christmas tradition that your family does every year. Be sure to give lots of details! (For example, maybe your family goes out into the woods and cuts down a tree with all of your cousins, aunts, and uncles.)

Friday, November 16, 2007


With our Veteran's Day celebration last Tuesday and the letter that Mr. Riederer read in chapel from a member of our church in the military, we were reminded of the sacrifice made for our freedoms. Many men and women have died in the last 250 years to keep America a great country with many freedoms and rights. Write a letter to any serviceman or woman (you can make up a name) and thank him or her for the sacrifice made for our freedoms. Your letter can be specific to a veteran of a particular war (The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, WWI, WWII, The Vietnam War, The War in Iraq, etc...) or it can just be a letter thanking the veteran for all of the freedoms you have. Be specific when you thank him/her and tell him/her the rights and freedoms you are most grateful for and why(the freedom of religion, speech, the freedom from slavery, etc...).
Here is a poem to inspire you:
It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the courtswho has given us the right to keep and bear arms
It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician,Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN, who salutes the Flag, and serves under it.

Monday, November 12, 2007

For 2nd Hour L.A. Only

This blog is an additional blog for 2nd hour only (from Miss Schlichtmann). All students still need to respond to the "Thankful" blog below this one.

Respond in 100 or more words to the following questions:

After eating a particularly interesting piece of food that was left in the corner of the refrigerator, you find that you have acquired a superpower. Describe what power you have acquired, how you would use your power, and what your costume would look like."

Friday, November 09, 2007


With Thanksgiving right around the corner, make a list of 50 things you are thankful for. Try not to simply list ridiculous items, but rather think about some things that you really would want to thank God for.

(This post does not need to be 100 words, but rather a list of 50 things-please number your list.)

Here is a sample of mine:

  1. Jesus' death on the cross for my sins
  2. my parents
  3. my sister and her family
  4. amazing Christian friends
  5. down comforters
  6. dryer sheets
  7. music
  8. mashed potatoes
  9. a great job
  10. movie theaters
  11. i-pods
  12. leaves falling from trees
  13. game nights with friends
  14. bonfires
  15. strawberries
  16. sharpies
  17. the USA and all our freedoms
  18. warm sweaters
  19. swimming pools
  20. lakes
  21. scrapbooking
  22. a home to live in

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ad Slogan

Your job is to be a marketing executive. Pick any product (i.e. Mountain Dew, X-Box, a bike, i-phone, a basketball, earrings) and write a convincing advertisement where you explain why someone should buy that product. On the first line of your blog, write the item you are trying to market. Make sure your advertisement is at least 100 words!