Friday, December 15, 2006

Report on the Birth of Christ

Imagine that you were a news reporter for the Bethlehem Herald (Bethlehem's premier newspaper). You are assigned to write an article about the birth of baby Jesus. Write an interesting and detail-filled news article that tells of his birth. You can pick one part of the Christmas story to share or you could tell the whole story. Remember, give the perspective (or voice) of a news reporter. Your reporter could be comical (yet still truthful), serious, perpelexed, or extremely excited. It's up to you!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Traditions

Share a special Christmas tradition that your family does every year. Be sure to give lots of details! (For example, maybe your family goes out into the woods and cuts down a tree with all of your cousins, aunts, and uncles.)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Snow Day!

What a fantastic gift we were given on Friday-no School! I hope you all enjoyed your day off. Tell us what you did on your unexpected snow day.