Thursday, April 30, 2009

For 2nd Hour Only

This blog post is due for Ms. Helmold by Monday, May 4 and still needs to be at least 100 words.

What are the similarities and differences between folk and fairy tales that you have discovered in your research? Now having heard both, do you prefer one over the other and why?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What type of dog are you?

It has been said that a dog is man's best friend. With that in mind, pick a breed of dog that you think you are most like. (labrador, poodle, malmute, springer spaniel, etc...) In your blog, be sure to explain why you are most like that type of dog. Make sure your blog is at least 100 words in order to get full credit.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Favorite Books

I love to read, so it is a good thing that I am a Language Arts teacher! For this week, think back to your most favorite books ever. This could include a book you read last week or something you remember hearing when you were 3 years old. Tell us about that book: why was it so good, what memories does it hold, what happened in the story?

Here are a few of my favorite titles from long ago or more recently: (but don't just list your favorite as I did-tell about them)

Where the Wild Things Are
Charlotte's Web
The City of Ember
The Hunger Games
The Giving Tree
Where the Sidewalk Ends
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Mike's New Bike
Peter Rabbit
My Sister's Keeper
You Are Special