Friday, December 15, 2006

Report on the Birth of Christ

Imagine that you were a news reporter for the Bethlehem Herald (Bethlehem's premier newspaper). You are assigned to write an article about the birth of baby Jesus. Write an interesting and detail-filled news article that tells of his birth. You can pick one part of the Christmas story to share or you could tell the whole story. Remember, give the perspective (or voice) of a news reporter. Your reporter could be comical (yet still truthful), serious, perpelexed, or extremely excited. It's up to you!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Traditions

Share a special Christmas tradition that your family does every year. Be sure to give lots of details! (For example, maybe your family goes out into the woods and cuts down a tree with all of your cousins, aunts, and uncles.)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Snow Day!

What a fantastic gift we were given on Friday-no School! I hope you all enjoyed your day off. Tell us what you did on your unexpected snow day.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Details, Details, Details

Select a specific item to describe (it could be a food, an animal, an item in your room, a sport's team, etc..). In your blog, specifically describle your object with great detail. Then, skip down a few lines and type in the word you were describing. Your classmates and other guest readers will try to guess what you are describing based on your spectacular description skills! (You may need to describe two seperate items in order to reach your 100 word minimum) See the example below:

This animal lives in the sea and is one of God's most unique creations. It may appear like any other fish most of the time, but can transform into one unusual creature if it feels endangered. This water animal protects itself by blowing its body out and appearing as a water porcupine with sharp pin-like needles popping out all over its body. Its coloring is fairly bland, being mainly shades of brown. It however can be shades of blue or green. Some people eat this fish and pay large amounts of money to do so. However, I am not sure I would because the ovaries, skin, muscles and, above all, the liver may contain a deadly poison.

Blowfish (or Pufferfish)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Creative Writing

Complete this story starter: (p.s. the words I have may not count towards your 100)

As we traveled further and further from the entrance of the cave, the few shreds of light grew dimmer and dimmer, until finally, we were only feeling our way along the cave walls, weaving in and out of the stalagmites that poked themselves up from the cave's floor. Just as we became too frozen with fear to go on, we saw it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Thankful heart

As Thanksgiving is approaching, we all need to stop and think of things that we are thankful for. In your blog this week, brainstorm at least 50 things for which you are thankful. Please number them in your blog! Since this is a list instead of a paragraph, you do not need 100 words, only 50 things for which to be thankful.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

3 Magic Wishes

Imagine that one day as you are walking around town you come across some kind of a magic genie in a lamp and you are granted 3 wishes. What would you wish for and why? (You may NOT wish for more wishes-that is a copout answer)

Monday, October 30, 2006

Role Models

Role models are people who live their life in a certain way that makes others want to live their lives to accomplish excellent or praiseworthy things. Think of a famous person (dead or alive) who you consider to be a role model and tell why you look up to that person and what makes him/her special.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wise Words

Think of a famous quote, saying, adverstising slogan or Bible passage that is meaningful to you. Tell what it is and why you feel it is important. Here are some examples:

"Let your light shine among men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" -Matthew 5:16

Just Do It! -Nike

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. -James Barrie

You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. -Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you -Every parent alive :0)

Friday, October 13, 2006


If you could be from any other country besides the United States of America, where would you be from and why?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Pet Peeves

We all have little things that really bug us at times. What are a few of your biggest pet peeves and why? Remember, this is not an opportunity to pick on somebody. Please do not name or refer to a specific person. Instead, this should be an example such as: "I really get annoyed when people spit their toothpaste in the sink and then don't wash it down with water" or "When people scratch their nails on the chalkboard at school, it just about drives me bonkers".

Friday, September 29, 2006

Just 3 Things

When Esperanza left Aguascalientes, she was only able to bring a few items along in her suitacse. If you had to leave and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be and why? (don't include people-assume that your family is with you)

Friday, September 22, 2006

If I Had a Million Dollars...

A few years ago, there was a popular song in which the group had all kinds of wacky ideas of how they would spend a million dollars. How would you spend a million dollars?

Friday, September 15, 2006


Travelling is one of my favorite things to do when I have free time and spare money. I have had great trips that took me far away and nearby as well. Someday, I would like to travel to every continent. So far, I have been to Asia (China), Australia, and of course North America. Share about your favorite family vacation (even if it was in Wisconsin-some of my best travels have been no further than an hour or two away!)

(Don't forget to check grammar/spelling as well as your 100 words!)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Complete my thoughts....

Write an ending to the following story starter. Be sure to use 100 words and check your spelling and grammar.

As Sam rounded the corner, he stood in shock when he saw.....

Monday, August 14, 2006

Accentuate the Positive!

Alright everyone, here is the positive spin on the back to school blues. Teachers start on Tuesday and you guys still get two full weeks off! Carpe Diem! (seize the day)

Enjoy those last few weeks!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August is Here!

Sorry to be the one to announce the obvious-but today is August 1st. School starts in 27 days (less than 4 weeks)! Your summer is 2/3 over. How are you all feeling about that? Are you ready to be back or do you need another 10 weeks of summer? Did anyone start their school supply shopping yet?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hot! Hot! Hot!

What are you all doing to escape the heat these past few days? Hopefully everyone is staying cool and enjoying the long summer days! You are all in my prayers!

-Miss Miller

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bored yet?

I'm glad to hear all about your fun and some not-so-fun summer breaks so far. Is anyone bored to the point of missing school for the fact that you get to see all of your friends every day? Here is a cool picture from Millenium Park in Chicago. I was there a week ago and there are these 50 feet fountains that have LED screens with faces of people on them. Every 2 or 3 minutes, water comes shooting out of their mouths. Pretty wild!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Summer Break!

Hey guys! How is your summer (day 2) going so far? I thought I'd post a new blog so you all have a place to share your ideas and thoughts! Thanks for a great year!

-Miss Miller

Monday, May 22, 2006

Remember the Good Times

What will you remember most about your 6th grade experience? You can talk about projects, funny events, specific classes, extra-curricular activities, or anything else that really stands out. Keep your comments positive and uplifting (do not make fun of anyone).

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mafia Ties

If you were in the mafia in the 1930's, what would your mafia name be and why? Think of some of the Bud, Not Buddy Characters and their names (Pretty Boy Floyd, The Real McCoy, Jordan Snaggletooth MacNevin).

Friday, May 05, 2006

Rule for Life

In Language Arts class, you will all be reading the novel Bud, Not Buddy. In this book, by Christopher Paul Curtis, Bud has a set of rules on how to live his life. For example, rule #328 says:

"When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it. If you wait, you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place."

Make up a list of 10 rules, that you could use in your life. They can be humorous or serious. (This blog does not need to be 100 words)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Curious Minds Want to Know.....

Write your own, creative answer to one of these questions. Your answer does not have to be the actual answer, just your opinion.

1) Why does everyone start yawning when they see another person yawn?

2) Why does 1 minute sometimes seem like an hour and 1 hour sometimes seem like a minute?

3) Why does it seem that you always get all of your homework on 1 night?

4) Why does hair turn grey when you get older?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring Break Blues

From your responses today, it seems that Spring Break was a much needed week away from school. In your blog for this week, tell about what you did or what was enjoyable to you!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Reality TV

If you could choose to be on "Survivor", "The Amazing Race", or "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?", which show would you choose and why? How do you see the end of the show working out for you?

Friday, March 31, 2006

What do you want on your Tombstone?

The above phrase is a clever marketing tool for Tombstone Pizzas. However, it is a good question to ask yourself as well. Someday, when you die and are called to eternal life in Heaven, what do you want your tombstone to say? You can select one word and explain why that word would be on your tombstone, or you maybe could choose a favorite quote or Bible passage and explain why you would have that. If neither of those ideas seem appealing, you can write an entire paragraph that you would want printed on your tombstone. So, tell us, WHAT DO YOU WANT ON YOUR TOMBSTONE?

Friday, March 24, 2006

Greek gods

Make up your own Greek god and describe him or her thoroughly. Remember this is a Greek god, so it should not be futuristic in description. Give him or her certain powers or positive attributes. Don't forget to give him/her a few negative qualities as well.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Future

Technology has changed quickly in the last few years! While at the movies on Friday night, the screen came up that reminded everyone to turn their cell phones off. I mentioned to my friend that 10 years ago, you would have never seen that sign because very few people had portable phones. Internet was a new concept when I was in Middle School and e-mail didn't become very popular until about 10 years ago. What changes do you think will be made with technology in the future? Write about some of the advances that you think will be made. (Example: when I was 5 years old, my neighbor predicted that in the year 2000, people would be driving cars that fly, similar to small airplanes. The funny thing is that a car like that is being tested on the market right now in California. It is called the "Air Scooter".
Perhaps one of your predictions will be a reality!

Friday, March 10, 2006

A Great Place to Grow

We just finished Lutheran Schools' Week and had a great time celebrating our faith and our school. In your 100 words, tell about what makes our Lutheran School (First Immanuel) a great place to grow! Give lots of details about what you appreciate about First Immanuel. (Try not to be generic).

Friday, March 03, 2006

Complete this Story #2

As I surveyed the African savanna, I heard the unmistakable sound of a _________ and knew........

Friday, February 24, 2006

Favorite Olympic Sport

The Olympics have been an exciting event to watch and stay up with on television over the last week. Tell about what your favorite event was, who you like to watch, what amazed you, etc... Give lots of great details in your writing!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Complete this story

Write an ending to the following story starter. Be sure to use 100 words and check your spelling and grammar.

As Sam rounded the corner, he stood in shock when he saw.....

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Poetry Cafe

Well, it is all done with and it seems that everyone survived Poetry Cafe on Thursday night. Use this week's blog to reflect upon the night. Talk about what you liked, how you felt as you got ready to read, etc... Feel free to give kudos out to your classmates for their fine performances as well. Highlight the things that really shined about the evening. Once again, remember that this is not the place to post anything that is negative or rude. Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, leave room for the affirmative...... (You get the point, right?)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Pet Peeves

We all have little things that really bug us at times. What is one of your biggest pet peeves and why? Remember, this is not an opportunity to pick on somebody. Please do not name or refer to a specific person. Instead, this should be an example such as: "I really get annoyed when people spit their toothpaste in the sink and then don't wash it down with water" or "When people scratch their nails on the chalkboard at school, it just about drives me bonkers".

Friday, January 27, 2006

Just one thing!

Imagine that a fire was ripping through your house and you could only grab one thing to bring with you. What would it be? Explain why that one thing would be your top pick! (You need to assume that all family members and pets have already exited the house-so you cannot choose a person or pet).

Friday, January 20, 2006


In chapel on Friday, Mr. Roeske talked about filters and how God filters sin out of our lives, but also how He wants us to use a His filter (a God-filter) when we live our lives. (filtering out the bad things such as movies, music lyrics, innapropriate language, etc...)

Do you think that many things in today's pop culture need a filter? Have we, as Americans, taken God out of everyday things and replaced them with wordly/sinful things. Which areas are hardest for you to filter out? (Perhaps it is hard for you to not listen to a particular band whose lyrics have a lot of swear words).

Friday, January 13, 2006

Childhood of your Grandparents

Now that you have talked to your parents about their childhoods, take your same assignment and apply to your grandparents. If you are unable to talk to your grandparents, find an older neighbor (50 years old or more) and ask them about their childhood. What games did they play? What did they do to stay busy? Do they have any funny stories to share? Report on what you learn in your blog. Read the first entry to learn about my grandma!

Friday, January 06, 2006

An Interview

A few weeks ago, we talked about what life was like before technology. This week, you need to talk to one of your parents and ask them what their childhood was like. What games did they play? How did they spend their time? What was their family dynamics like? What activities were they involved with? What were their favorite subjects in school? Did they have any funny stories from school? Basically just take some time to learn something new about your parents and what they were like many years ago. In your blog, report upon what you learned about your mom or dad.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Christmas Memories

Yahoo! You are all back at school and we can get back to business in the classroom. I can hear you all cheering as you are reading this! ;0)

Now that Christmas has come and gone, share the funniest thing that happened over your Christmas break. If your life has become extremely blase (boring), talk about the most enjoyable thing that happened over break.