Friday, January 19, 2007


In Social Studies, we have been talking about other world religions (Buddhism and Hinduism). Since they believe in reincarnation (and we obviously do not), I want you to put yourselves in their shoes. If you were to be reincarnated tomorrow, what would you come back as? You could be a human, animal, or a plant. You could be from the United States, Germany, Honduras, China, Russia, Kenya, or wherever you want. You could be of any nationality you choose. Just pick something to come back as and tell us why.

Friday, January 12, 2007

What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?

The above phrase is a clever marketing tool for Tombstone Pizzas. However, it is a good question to ask yourself as well. Someday, when you die and are called to eternal life in Heaven, what do you want your tombstone to say? You can select one word and explain why that word would be on your tombstone, or you maybe could choose a favorite quote or Bible passage and explain why you would have that. If neither of those ideas seem appealing, you can write an entire paragraph that you would want printed on your tombstone. So, tell us, WHAT DO YOU WANT ON YOUR TOMBSTONE?

Friday, January 05, 2007

A Name of Fame

This week, we will experiment with poetry as you try writing your first acrostic poem. An acrostic poem takes a word, spelled out the long way, and then has a word or two coming from each letter of the original word (see below). Use your full name and write an acrostic poem. Then, pick another word (at least 5 letters long) and make an acrostic poem from that word as well. Try not to have more than 2 words coming from each letter. Don't worry about the 100 word rule this week. See my example:

M agically
I ntuitive
S miling on
S aturdays

M agnificent
I ntelligent
L oving
L ife in
E very
R ealm

another one word example:

P rickly
O ld
R ough
C reature
U nder
P iney
I ncredible
N eedles
E ek!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Reflections of Giving

Note: This blog is for extra credit only! Next week we will be back to our usual, assigned blog entry.

Reflect upon the experience of meeting the family our class sponsored for Christmas on the last day of school. Tell about what you saw and heard that was heart-warming or showed gratitude. How did you feel, being able to give all of the gifts to the family? What did you enjoy about meeting them?