Monday, October 29, 2007

Complete this story

Write the ending to this story starter:

Landon felt the enormous weight of the mountain lion upon his chest and was pretty sure this may be one of his last breaths . "How did I get to be in this place where life and death hinged so close together?" he thought. Just minutes earlier he had been hiking with his friends Emily and Jared in the San Gorgonion mountains of California and now he was fighting for his life.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Time Traveler

If you could go back to any time in history (from 20 years ago to the beginning of time-about 6,000 years ago) what time period and group of people would you go back to and why? What would your life be like? As you consider this question, remember that you would have to live the way the people lived back then; you couldn't bring modern conveniences with you.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pet Peeves

We all have things that drive us bonkers at times. What are some of your "pet peeves" and why? Be sure to "guard your mouth" (watch what you say) so that you do not offend anyone. In other words, do not talk about anyone who may annoy you. This is a chance to talk about the things that annoy you.

Here are some examples of my "pet peeves": Finger nails scratching on a chalkboard, when my sister calls me before 8:00 am on Saturday mornings, when people say innappropriate words that are not glorifying to God in my class.

Friday, October 05, 2007


You all have some amazing talents and gifts that God generously gave to you. Most of you have used those talents and gifts to do some incredible things. Write about the proudest moment you have had in your 11 or 12 years of life. Explain all of the details of that experience, why it made you proud, and exactly how you felt. Remember, this is not bragging because I am asking you to share, so be honest.

(Examples: Getting an A+ on a Science test that you studied really hard for, winning some sporting event, getting a compliment from someone you admired)