Friday, October 12, 2007

Pet Peeves

We all have things that drive us bonkers at times. What are some of your "pet peeves" and why? Be sure to "guard your mouth" (watch what you say) so that you do not offend anyone. In other words, do not talk about anyone who may annoy you. This is a chance to talk about the things that annoy you.

Here are some examples of my "pet peeves": Finger nails scratching on a chalkboard, when my sister calls me before 8:00 am on Saturday mornings, when people say innappropriate words that are not glorifying to God in my class.


Anonymous said...

My pet peeves are. When I can't have a friend over. I get so bored. When I am done with all my homework and they are not doing any thing and I ask to play and they so no I am busy. I get so so so so so bored. When I am reading and I get asked to do something. I am into the book and I don't want to stop. My worst pet peeve is when someone asks me to play and I am doing homework and they say please please please please please it is so annoying. My last and final one is when I am going to a friends house and 2 minutes before I have to go to something. I always get frustrated and angry when that happens.

Anonymous said...

I HATE IT WHEN MY BROTHER EATS MY HOHOS!!! Then I can't put them in my lunch and my dad eats my zebra cakes and I run out of stuff for my lunch and my mom has to bring me one and she comes late so I have to take hot... I also hate the feeling of fingernails on a chalk boars(shiver)! I do not like it when we have swiss chicken bake for supper(blah)! Another pet peeve of mine is when my computer is not being nice to me... it doesn't work well so it randomly shuts off, and freezes, and gets weird icons, and bad internet connections... I could go on and on about that thing!!! My locker doesn't like to open either... my gym lock is the same way!!! I have lots of pet peeves and I coul probably make a list that goes on and on and on and on...get it?

Anonymous said...

a couple of my pet peeves are when it seems like my two sisters get all that they want and i don't. i get so annoyed!!! also i dont like it when girls are fighting in the locker room it drives me crazy!! sometimes i get mad and annoyed when i don't get my way. but we can't all get what we want. i don't like doing my chores either. if it's my parents, sisters, or friends. it drives me crazy!!!!! i also don't like to eat some vegtables, and i do not like getting told to eat them! it also drives me bonkers when i have to wait in line for something i want. i don't like to see people make bad choices in front of me it makes me want to yell at them and say "GOD would not like that". well i hope you like my blog!!

Anonymous said...

Some of my pet peeves are when people scrach there nails on a chalk board that just makes me feel like I'm shakey inside. Another is when I look in the frig and find nothing good to eat. When we go on camping trips, and when we are driving up to where we would be it takes so long that the only thing you can do is pretty much SLEEP!!! I hate sleeping because when I do sleep it feels like I only slept for 10 minutes. My biggest pet peeve is when I have to stay inside and do my homework instead of playing outside or playing PS2 with my friends. The End!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people chew with there mouth open. I get mad when my brother tries to take all my friends from me. I also hate the feeling of fingernails on a chalkboard it makes me shiver! I also dislike when people take their fingernails on the fabric of a car seat. I am getting so annoyed with all the fights and talking about people in the locker room and not letting other people play with them. I hate when people smoke around me because I just like that it is a bad choice and that God would say the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I have lots and lots and lots of pet peeves. Some of my pet peeves are when people scratch their nails on chalkboards and the screeching of tires. Those noises make my ears hurt and sometimes even scare me. Some others are when people interrupt me when I’m talking, it makes me feel like I don’t matter. When I have to do a lot of homework instead of playing really annoys me. The one I hate the most is probably when I plan to go somewhere and it rains, that really ruins my day. Those are all my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

One of the worst things people can do to annoy me would be either forks scratching on plates or nails on a chalkboard. Other things are if me and my sister are arguing and she wins.[as if that would ever happen} or, if for example, my sister gets something i don't. usually if that happens i just go out and buy it myself. Also, if someone uses something of mine without asking, it really sets me off. probably my second biggest pet peeve is when i am forced to do homework when i have my mind set on doing something fun, like playing wii, annoying my little sister, or riding my horse, Tongo. Those are most of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Miller, The worst things that I hate is when everyone at football starts arrguing at each other that they got the first down or if they scored the touchdown or not. I just want to scream "everyone be guiet"! But they just keep yelling at each other after recess. I just want to say it's just a game but the just keep yelling, on and on forever till the next day then it starts all over again. Thats what bothers me the most ever, cause it's not like the end of the world when you lose a football game at recess.

Anonymous said...

The thing that I really hate is when we all get in fights about things and after we fight we think they where the dumbest things and that why would we ever fight about that. Thing I also really dislike is when people are mean to you and you do something to them they get mad at you but they where just being mean to you it gets very annoying sometimes. I really dislike when my brother just keeps on being mean to me and hurting me and saying well that doesn't hurt stop being a baby. I hate when people talk about plains that you aren't invited to right in front of you it just makes you feel so bad and left out. So these are some of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T STAND MY LITTLE 5 YEAR-OLD COUSIN WHEN HE ATTACKS ME!!!(And it hurts!) Another one of my pet peeves is nails on a chalkboard. I also do not like it when people get in a big fight or when people are mean to you. It REALLY ANNOYS me when I am talking to someone and someone else keeps tapping on me saying LT...LT...LT...!!!! One of my worst pet peeves was after gym class for the first weeks of school, when everyone kept fighting in the locker room and we almost had to change individually. I also really do not like it when people tattle!!!!! I also HATE it when someone wakes me up really early or in the middle of the night. But, my cat wakes me up all the time anyways. So, these are some of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

One of my many pet peeves is when people annoy me in the morning. As many of you know I am not really a morning person. Let’s just say people annoying me and it being early in the morning do not go together. I also hate it when something really loud or something jumping on me (yes that means you Collin and Coleton) wakes me up. I also really hate it when someone does something wrong and you are around and the person blames something on you when you didn’t do a thing wrong and you get in trouble and the person who did something wrong does not. Those are my pet peeves

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peaves is when Maggie slides on the floor in volleyball and it makes a schreeching noise. It hurts so badly! Others are when in the locker room people scream at the top of there lungs and it echos. Or when two people start fighting it sounds like my two cats wrestling in the living room.
I also hate it when I am looking at something and somebody looks over my shoulder and reads it too, it feels weird or strange when they breathe on you.
I hate it when you are working on something and somebody comes over and looks at it and reads it aloud that drives me crazy. The last thing that I don't like is when your sleeping and suddenly your alarm clock starts and it is so dark in your room and you don't want to get up and you fall back to sleep. Those are my pet peaves

Anonymous said...

Joel I didn't wake you up your mom told me to.... Oh yeah! My pet peave is when girls talk in a high whiny voice I mean God gave you a voice so use the voice God gave you I mean it's not like Joey never spazes and makes wierd noises, he does but he doesn't talk in a wierd voice 24/7!!!! everybody elses is like Oh well yesterday someone like scratched the chalkboard. This is what I say to that WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SENSE OF HEARING!!!! My other pet peave is something Joey does and I could say it but I won't for his sake. so GOODBUY

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves is when we are eating dinner and someone fork scratches on the plate! Ahh! Save Me! I also don't like it when somebody gets up in morning and they take forever to turn their alarm clock off. I do not like it when people get mad at the smallest things! Such as not sitting by you, or when we pick groups not being in their group little things like that. My last one is when people don't finish their homework and they ask you for answers. Sorry! That one was not my last one, my very last one and the one that bugs me the most is when people don't clean up after themselves (when they just leave a huge mess for YOU to clean up).Those are some of my Pet Peeves.

Anonymous said...

Yo Miss Miller. I think that some of my pet peeves are when fingernails screech again the chalkboard. OOOHHH, I just Hate that! Another one is when I'm at my dad's house and my little sister, Grace Marie, wakes me up at almost 6:00 in the morning on SATURDAY, &, SUNDAY MORNING. She jumpes on me and startes to pull my hair. I know that she's only 4, but that still get's me ssssoooo MAD!!!!!!!! My Final Pet Peeve is if I'm at the dinner table and somebody scrapes a fork, knife, or spoon against a plate. I just cring up at that right away. I hate that soooooo much!!!! Well that's all the time that I have right now SEE YA' MISS MILLER!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss.Miller how is it going?
Some of my pet peeves our when my sister comes home from college and she is in a bad mood she can be a pain and really crabby which is SO rude. I also hate it when I have to do my blog,I mean it is fun sometimes but it can be a pain when you only have a day to finish it and you have ton of homework to do. By the way homework period is just annoying!!! I also hate when people scratch their finger nails on a chalkboard, THAT JUST TICKS ME OF! SO those are my totally amazing Pet Peeve Be seeing My Friends, including Miss Miller

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves is when the house is messy when I get home from school because the I cannot get my homework done. I don't know why it just distracts me. Another is when my Dad has a headache because then he is a crab and it's not fun. Also then he doesn't talk and he lays down. I also hate it when there is a clicky sound on my bike or when the chain is dry so it makes a weird sound I really do hate it. One last one is when boys in my class whine over gym games because it drives me bananas! Those are some of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of pet peeves, loud screeching noises, when people constantly talk to you for like 30 minutes when you’re trying to do something important. When my brothers drink all of the soda we have or eat all of what ever good food we have. Waking up in the more and then going to school. When my brother is playing PS2 for a really long time like 3hours (Yes he did do that yesterday). When we get to lunch and the tables are a mess. When the internet goes down at my house(a couple weeks ago I had to write my blog on paper).
The End

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves is when people cheat. For example, in key boarding last, year or a couple years ago, people would copy and paste the lines or skip ahead to higher levels! It annoyed me so much! Or when I would show somebody some thing really cool, they would go show it to the whole class AND get all the credit! But the worst thing is, if you don’t show them, they do one of these to things: they keep saying “show me! Show me! Show me!” till they just about take over your mind, or get super mad, and tell a really mean lie about how you didn’t tell them. So… that’s about it. That right there is my biggest pet peeve.

Anonymous said...

my pet peeves are, when my brother gets up in a bad moood, when im really bored and frustrated im really crabby, wich i hate. Some other pet peeves are when im building Legos and the thing im building breaks, its really annooying. i hate it when i wake up by my momsvoice going like...luke! luuuuuke luke wake up!. those are my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

My biggest Pet peeve is the word PET PEEVE it gets so annoying sometimes I mean come on PET PEEVE PET PEEVE PET PEEVE doesn’t it get a little annoying. My other Pet Peeve is different from others like I hate when people don’t hear you and they keep on saying WHAT WHAT I can’t hear you WHAT did you say? My other Pet Peeve is when people can’t stop TALKING I GET SO annoyed when people do that I mean come on shut your yap(please) I also hat.. I mean dislike is when people they pick their nose I mean just do it where no one can see you then I wont freak out. My last pet peeve is when people blow their nose and they look in the TISSU that’s so NASTEY STOP …….PLEASE …..thanks! Those are my pet peeves!

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves is when people pick their noses it’s just down right disgusting just think of it as this picking your nose first your spreading germs second some people fling their boogers of their fingers. It’s giving me chills when I think about it. Another one of my pet peeves is when I am talking to someone and just to annoy me they start saying “what, what” . Two more of my pet peeves is one when they when people just won’t shut their yap and won’t be quiet. I always one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people gloat you know there no real point in gloating because you can hurt peoples feelings very easily by even saying “we won you lost.” Ahh! It just makes me mad. One more itsy bitsy one is when people think that they are better and cooler than you are it makes people feel really bad! Trust me I know It’s happened to me.

Anonymous said...

The pet peeve that drives me nuts is when you rub your hand against a balloon it just sends shivers down my back. I also hate it when something is almost perfect but a little out of line I just have to make it perfect. I also hate when there is a little bit of soap in the sink but it won't go down. An other one of my pet peeves are when someone dose something you can't and they keep on doing it in front of you it drives me bonkers as miss miller would say. That is all the pet peeves I have I can't think of anymore.

Anonymous said...

One of the things that annoyes me is when cheaters win and then the rub it in your face with out getting in trouble! Another thing that annoyes me is when someone tattled on me for something not realley importent and they go do something ten times as worse and not get in trouble. I also hate it when I have a headache and someone is whining about something and doing something realley annoying. I also don't like it when telomarketers keep on calling you even if they know you don't want their product, we've been getting a lot of those, though we never pick up. And those are my Pet Peeves.

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves is when people click their tongues and chatter their teeth. The sound gets annoying, especially if your trying to concentrate on something. Another is when people don’t wash their hands when they go to the bathroom I think its disgusting, and I don’t want them to touch me. I mean, how could you not wash your hands and then just walk away? I also don’t like it when people whine about losing a game, just a little game. Most of the time its just for fun and sometimes people end up crying. I just would like it if people would just be HAPPY!!

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves is when people scratch their finger nails on the chalk board. It drives me nuts it makes me want to kill someone Austin S. kidding but it does drive me insane and it send shivers down your spine. Like when your trying do read or do homework you can’t concentrate. Another of my pet peeves Is when someone changes the rule of a game when they already made up the rules for the game then it is no fair to the other people who are playing the game. Those are some of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

My pet peeves… Finally I can say them out loud! I hate fingernails on the chalkboard. It makes me shiver! I also hate it when people take my stuff and throw it around. Or when someone takes something and throws it to someone else. I also hate it when people pop out of nowhere and tackle me. When people ignore me, I get so mad. When people leave me behind I just get so aggravated. When some person hurts me for absolutely no reason, grrrrrrrrrrr! My biggest pet peeve is when I prove someone wrong and they don’t believe me! When I have all the facts and everything! Its unbelievable! Well that’s MOST of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

My BIGGEST pet peeve ever is when people pick thare noise and eat thare boogers.That is so disgusting when ever I see someone do it I cringe.Another one is when my big brother doesn't listen to me like when I want to use the internet and he won't let me because hes "to busy" playing games on it.I also don't like it when people put two fingers up and quote everything they say,sometimes it doesn't even need to be quoted.My last one is when someone is talking behind your back and they look at you well their talking.If their going to talk behind your back they should just go in a corner and not look at you.Those are my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

Hola Professora!

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Miller I have a lot of pet peeves. One of them is my brother when ever I have a friend over he calls them kid which can get annoy sometimes. Like one time I had Coleton and Joel over and we were playing ping pong and then my brother came down stairs and said “ What are these kids doing over.” Try listing to that when you have friends over. OK that’s only one my pet peeves another one is my sister. Lets say I’m playing video games and then she wants to go on the computer. Sometimes she turns the computer on and that messes up my game and then I have to quit. That is only two of my pet peeves I have plenty more for everyone.

Anonymous said...

One of the things that drives me CRAZY is my cat Melvin he will eat your shoe laces and when you are walking in to get to my house he will be tied out on his leash and then he will jump onto your leg. If you leave your shoes out he will eat your shoe laces and one time my mom left her shoes out and after an hour Melvn had gone to work on her shoe laces and when you are walking around the house with shorts he will put his claws into your skin and it will hurt and drive you crazy.

Anonymous said...

One of my pet peeves are when Im eating and pople talk about grose stuff its hard to ignore but it eventually echos off out of my head. Another one is when I get injured for a while and poeple ask what happend what happend wich just bugs me so much, I just stop explaining it all after I explain it so much. Also theres when I cant remember what I dream about
when I just had it or when I know something and I cant get it out. when poeple get out of control and they cant get in control it bugs me

Anonymous said...

Annaoynces were can I start? I really hate stupid commericials,like astrive student colledge loans, or a commericial for a lawer.Oh I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate it when you are trying to build something and collapses and you try to fix it and collapses again and tou keep trying to fix it.I also dislike it when I get shoved down while playing football and I get a grass stain.Beacause I always get yelled at by my Mom cause SHE HATES GRASS STAINS!!!!!!!!!!Another thing that is cheap is that when someone cheats and they are the onley one that say that and the get away with it.Those are my EVIL pet peves

Anonymous said...

The thing that drives me bonkers is when there is a loud screeching noise in me head and it wouldn't stop. Another thing that bothers me is those barbie commercail and those little songs get in my head and stay there all day "I just despise barbie". I also dislike people who talk on there cellphone well driving there car because it is dangerous and they can get in a car accident and the don't pay atention and they can run a red light or hit some one.And those are the most anoying things in the world through my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I think that my pet peeves are one, finger nails scratching in the board (it just drives me CRAZY!!!!)Two, when people sniff their nose, it’s just gross because that just makes you lazy when you can just walk across the room and get a tissue and also because it is bad manners, and three, when people make fun of you for things that are very unnecessary and don’t have anything to do with you, like when people tell you how to wear your underwear or how you should eat the reason it bothers me the most is because it doesn’t effect you and it hurts other’s feelings.

Anonymous said...

Just where can I start!?!?
Well, one pet peeve of mine is people tapping me on the shoulder while I'm talking.IT'S JUST SO ANNOYING!Especially when your in a deep discussion with someone.Another one is when people just ignore you like crazy.It's just DISTURBING.When you call out their name they just walk right past you,try and talk or socialize with them and they just brush you off like a speck of dust.I JUST ABSOULUTELY HATE IT WHEN THEY GIVE YOU "THE GLARE!"It's so mean!I also hate it when I see people older than me pick their nose in public.It's so gross!Here are some other pet peeves:
~People lying straight to your face
~Seeing dead deer on the side of the road,all bloated up with their tounges hanging out and those glazed over eyes staring at you.
~People getting tazed on cop videos
~Changing the subject
~Squeaky chalk
~Squealing breaks
~Watching a bird flap it's wings after its dead(pheasents)
~Bikers biking in the middle of the road
~Driving past military graveyards at night
~Staring out a window when it's pitch black out side
~Our grandfather clock striking twelve in the middle of the night
~My dogs howl(it sounds something like a mix between a coon honud and a wolf)
~Seeing little kids,people my age,and older people cry

Well,thats most of 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have one pet peeve that is really annougying it is when someone talks with really bad gramar, I always try to correct them but don't want to efend them. My mom always corrected me so now I do to! I have another pet peeve, it is when some one says somthing to some one so I can't hear them but kind of can and I say what they say never mind or they say something to me and I can't hear them, and when I say what? they say never mind. I hate it when my cat jumps on my head and paws at it, of when my dog chases my cat. Those are all the pet peeves I can think of.