Friday, March 31, 2006

What do you want on your Tombstone?

The above phrase is a clever marketing tool for Tombstone Pizzas. However, it is a good question to ask yourself as well. Someday, when you die and are called to eternal life in Heaven, what do you want your tombstone to say? You can select one word and explain why that word would be on your tombstone, or you maybe could choose a favorite quote or Bible passage and explain why you would have that. If neither of those ideas seem appealing, you can write an entire paragraph that you would want printed on your tombstone. So, tell us, WHAT DO YOU WANT ON YOUR TOMBSTONE?

Friday, March 24, 2006

Greek gods

Make up your own Greek god and describe him or her thoroughly. Remember this is a Greek god, so it should not be futuristic in description. Give him or her certain powers or positive attributes. Don't forget to give him/her a few negative qualities as well.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Future

Technology has changed quickly in the last few years! While at the movies on Friday night, the screen came up that reminded everyone to turn their cell phones off. I mentioned to my friend that 10 years ago, you would have never seen that sign because very few people had portable phones. Internet was a new concept when I was in Middle School and e-mail didn't become very popular until about 10 years ago. What changes do you think will be made with technology in the future? Write about some of the advances that you think will be made. (Example: when I was 5 years old, my neighbor predicted that in the year 2000, people would be driving cars that fly, similar to small airplanes. The funny thing is that a car like that is being tested on the market right now in California. It is called the "Air Scooter".
Perhaps one of your predictions will be a reality!

Friday, March 10, 2006

A Great Place to Grow

We just finished Lutheran Schools' Week and had a great time celebrating our faith and our school. In your 100 words, tell about what makes our Lutheran School (First Immanuel) a great place to grow! Give lots of details about what you appreciate about First Immanuel. (Try not to be generic).

Friday, March 03, 2006

Complete this Story #2

As I surveyed the African savanna, I heard the unmistakable sound of a _________ and knew........