Friday, January 06, 2006

An Interview

A few weeks ago, we talked about what life was like before technology. This week, you need to talk to one of your parents and ask them what their childhood was like. What games did they play? How did they spend their time? What was their family dynamics like? What activities were they involved with? What were their favorite subjects in school? Did they have any funny stories from school? Basically just take some time to learn something new about your parents and what they were like many years ago. In your blog, report upon what you learned about your mom or dad.


Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my Mom. My Mom grew up in Kirchayn next to her grandparents farm. My Mom has two sisters named Holly and Chrissy. Her and her sisters would climb the barn silo's until here Grandpa would yell. They would climb the hay bales inside the barn. Until one time a possum scared them off.
My Mom went to school at David Star. My mom would get in trouble for laughing alot. One time one of the class bullies wet his pants in the classroom because he didn't go to the bathroom at recess. He was always the first kid out to the playground and he wouldn'tlet kids play on the Jungle Gym or the swings.
So what happened was Gary wet his pants and you could hear the tinkeling going down the legs of the chair. She started laughing which got the other kids laughing.
And before you knew it my Mom was taken into the hall by her teacher and was given six hard smackes with a wooden ruler.(Not Fair)
She had to apologize to Gary for laughing at him. To this day my Mom has ZERO tolerance for bullies especially the ones who get away with it.

Anonymous said...

hi marsh

Jamie said...

hello Miss Miller! Just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! from your wonderful old roomie in Hoosierville!

Anonymous said...

Today I interviewed my mom. She said that she played volleyball, and softball and sports. Also she hung out with her friends a lot and rode bikes and just talked and stuff. She has a younger brother, mom, dad, and she had 2 pets. A dog, and a cat. They played Mille borne (really fun game) and monopoly. Those are the two main ones she said. She had a REALLY close cusin like 10 years older than her and she would go up to their house for a few weeks in the summer and just swim and stuff. Also when she went over to her grandma's house and her and her brother were bad they would both get spanked with a wooden spoon and most of the time they would break! OUCH. that was my interveiw of my mom. The reason I didn't do my dad was because form what I have heard form him he always was goofing off and like yeah. I think it was kind of interesting back then like 40 years ago. Thank you good bye!

Anonymous said...

I interviewed my mom.Her favorite games were jump rope,playing tag,and swimming. There was a park right by her house and all the neighborhood kids would come and play together. Sometimes they'd play from dawn to dusk. In school,my mom was a pretty good student. Her favorite subjects were math and algebra. Her worst subjects were science and history. She grew up in a family of 6. She has three brothers and a mom and dad. She grew up in Cederburg and went to school there.
Overall, my mom had a happy childhood with family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my dad. My dad lived out in the country, but did not live on a farm. He went to school at First Immanuel, even before the gym was built. He had a Zorro lunch bucket. There were about ten neighborhood kids he played with. One of their favorite games they played was kick the can. This involved hiding and the can was home base. They spent many wonderful days playing that. Our family roots go back more than one hundred and fifty years when Cedarburg was a small community. Most of the families from the Cedarburg/Grafton area were related. We seem to be either visiting or having someone visit us or vacationing at someones house. My dad was also in the Town and Country 4-H club of Cedarburg and was in the club for more than ten years. That is what my dad has to say about what he did and what it was like back then. The End

Anonymous said...

I choose to interview my dad some games my dad played were risk, monopoly, kick the can, and sports like football basket ball and baseball. He spent his time playing. His familky dynamics were that when my dad was 8 his brother who was 10 years older than him went off to war. His mom was an antic sell, and his mom and dad did that at night after his dad got home. he also did alot with his neighbors. My dad had three brothers and one sister and they were in the same order as my family, kindda wierod. His favorite subject was histoy. His favorite color was blue. He went to Windsor in elementary school. He was not a trouble maker. His favorite types of books we mystories. he did ok in school but could have done better. His best subject was history outside of gym and lunch, lol. Thata all I can think of so bye for now.

Anonymous said...

At first my mom was not into the child thang, but i got her to give me her thoughts and i got this. When my mo was little she lived in Virginia near Washington D.C. She used to play kick the can, hide and go seek, cow boys and indians, dolls, and board games. She went to a school that she had to walk to about a mile away from her house. She didn't really like school, but they play set was great there. QWhen she got older she went to a boarding school with horses. She remembered this school because they always made her eat her fish eyes and glue (aka tapioca pudding. She only liked this school because at night she would sneak out and ride the horses. She loved horses and always wanted one, but it's a good thing that she doesn't have to do it anymore because she had two. Well that's all i could get from a mom in a hurry. Until next time, EMILY. (and her mom)

Anonymous said...

journal covers it

Anonymous said...

i interviewed my mom. when she was 6 years old she played bunnies with her classmates. She didn't like to play but that is what all the other girls wanted to play. She told me that at her house the most high tech thing was a calculator that would add, subtract, multipy and divide. The price of it was $100.00. You had to plug is in because it didn't have batteries. The other cool thing her family got was a microwave when they first came out. She was a little older then. She liked to make oatmeal in it. When she was about 13 she liked cheerleading. It was her favorite thing to do. It drove her parents crazy with all the noise and clapping.

Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my Mom. My mom grew up in Menomonee Falls, W.I. Some of the games she used to play were KICK THE CAN, BASEBALL, TAG, BEING OUT SIDE AND MAKING UP GAMES. Spending time she in the summer would sit and read, play outside, swimming, walked to the park witch was a good mile, she road bikes, hiking, sleeding, ice skating, and in the forest was this huge tire swing witch she always used to go on. Some dinamics, she had a mom, dad, brother Steve, dogs, hamster,witch was just a regular hamster. Her cozens also lived close by. She had at lease 20 kids in their naibouhood. Some activities she did where climbing trees, riding bikes, hiking, baseball, pritty much most of the SPENDING TIME and GAMES. Her favorite subject was MATH. She had alot of funny stories so I will to save time say a few of my favorite ones. My mom had this huge pool and in winter her dad(my grandpa) would go and stand on the ice on the pool and one time he fell in. Good thing we have that on tape. Another one is that once Steve(my moms brother) stopped at his friends to talk a while. The dog, Zonker got board and jumped out of the window and walked home. The last one I'm going to share with you is that once my moms family they gave my moms dad coal. We have that on tape and it is so funny. Good thing we have some very funny advenchers on tape.

Anonymous said...

my mom went to school at Grace Lutheran in River Forest IL.Her favorite subject was Languge arts. Outsibe my mom played SPUD and 7up.At home my mom read a lot and practiced piano(she is really good)then she read some more. My grandma said she always had her nose in a book. My mom's favorite meals were frozen pizza,pot pies, and Tv dinners.She likes more healthy food now.My mom loved the little house books and Gone With The Wind.(when she was older)Her favorite TV shows were Zoom,and Little House on The Prarie. she had a dog named Abbey. THE END

Anonymous said...

I did not choose to interuped my mom because she was bissy and based this on what she has already told me.Games now thats a big subject! At night they gather up kids from the nieborhood to play flash light tag. another would be hide 'n seek, marko pole o in the playground sand box. morning and night nothing can stop them from playing kick the can. they'd play base ball, football, frisby football, play sand creature, house, school.If not they'd watch T.V. rarely.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Miss miller ! I choose to do my mom because she tells me and my friends ALOT of stories so I gonna tell you only two.
The first one is when her grandma had just gotten her a beautiful coat. my mom was so happy and she said she felt like she was speacial and all that with a new coat. So anyways she was out at recess and there was a patch of ice and the kids were sliding on it and my mom joined in and again she was feeling speacial with her new coat on. She put her hands in her pockets And got on the the ice she started to slide around and WAM! She fell face first into the ice and her teeth got stuck in the ice and my mom pulled her head up and her two front teeth came out!Lckly it was her baby teeth!She wasn't even worried about her teeth becuse her brand new coat had blood all over it She was so sad. She didn't get in to much trouble.I guess I wrote more than I was spoused to! OOOOOOOOPPPPS! I put frog luvr cuse my bro hates when I spell it like that HE HE !!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Megan! Yea. LoL

Anonymous said...

MISS MILLER IS THE BEST TEACH EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When my mom was little, my mom would play hide-and-go-seek, baseball, tag and tennis. Some activities she liked to do was read read, play piano, tennis and crafts. My mom would spend her time playing and reading. She loved to read. She and her friends would ride bikes to the dime store to get candy, to the library to get a stack of books, and to the movies. My moms favorite subject was art.She also liked any subject you could read in.
This is what my mom did in her childhood.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't have enough words. Add this:

My mom loved it when my Grampa would come home for lunch. He would park his digger outside and all the neighbor kids would come and lool at them

Anonymous said...

I picked my mom. She said some of the games she played were hide and seek and tag. She spent her time reading and playing outside games. She liked to ride her bike all over the country with her friends. She had 2 sisters and 1 brother. She was in track and band. She played the flute. Her favorite subject was math. She was a kid. A funny story was when she was at school standing in line to go see a movie. The girl behind her pulled down her skirt! Once her brother was chashing her around the teeter toter and her stepped on one side and the other side came up and bopped her. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my mom. My mom grew up in Kiel,Wi. She went to Kiel Elementary school. My mom has 1 brother and 2 sisters. She also had 2 dogs too. She and her brother and sisters would play marbles, make plays with the neighbors and also played Scrabble and Monopoly. My mom was in the Kiel band and even got to play in the parade in Disneyworld! Her favorite school subjects were art and social studies.
Here are some funny childhood stories. One day (in winter) my mom's friend got her lips stuck to a window and they had to pour warm water on them to get them off. Another funny thing is on my moms way home from kindergarten 2 neighbor boys would come out onto the football field dressed as cowboys (these boys were about the same age as my mom). They would grab my mom and tie her to the light pole! Finally the neighbor lady would come out and yell at the boys to let my mom go home for lunch. My mom also loved horses and would go down the street to a horse farm and feed the horses some apples. In winter they would flood the football field and then it would freeze and they could go ice skating! These are some cool things I've learned about my mom.

Anonymous said...

I interviewed my dad. My dad said his childhood was simpler. He said it was a lot more physical than it is now. He said he played dodgeball, baseball, football. He said he spent his time working aroud the yard and house and played sports, and rode bikes, and fished. He also said his family dynamics were that everybody got along. He said he was involved with school sports a lot. He didn't like any subjects in school. He said one of the funny stories was when he made fun of a new kid and the new kid punched him in the mouth. This is what my dad said. BYE


Anonymous said...

HI miss miller!! I chose to inter view my dad. He lived in Cedaburg by the Cedaburg pool and the Fair Grounds. He lived with three sisters. My Aunt Rachel, Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Yavonne. They played football, baseball, basketball, played at the park by the pool, at night they played kick the can and ect. In the summer they would go swimming during the day. His favorite subject in school was Math. One time he was riding his bike and whent a round the corner and there was a pick nick table and had to avoid it so he ran into a fence and got his finger stuck and and it popped out of his socket and had to have surgery on it. There was another time when he was swimming and was going to jump but this girl dove in front of him so he had to put his body preasure behind him and his head hit the side of the pool and had t have 35 stiches in the back of his head.


Anonymous said...

I am going to interview my dad. His live was much more interesting than my mom's. After school my dad would go chop wood and then bring it home, put it in the basement for the wood bruning stove. My dad lived in an old farm house. When he had dinner his mom wouldn't let them go to bed unless their plate was empty. For fun him and his brothers would set up ramps and jump off the and go over garbage cans. Also, him and his brothers would have bb gun fights and the bb's would sometimes stick in their skin. My dad once hit my uncle right between the two eyes and right above the nose.

Anonymous said...

I am interviewing my dad. My dad grew up in Cedarburg. He went to F.I.L. as did his one sister and two brothers. His favorite teacher was Mr. Gerhke who taught his favorite subject of Math. He did flag football, basketball and softball. One time he was chewing gum while playing in a basketball game and threw the gum at his coach because he couldn't breath regularly. He had 17 points that night. He use to play a lot of sports with the neighborhood kids unlike how little we play today or so he tells me. His favorite food dish is spaghetti. He remembers getting into uncontrollable laughing fits with Gay Rathke and Renee Helm. On his 8th grade class trip he went to Camp Minikani and he remembers walking through a bog and then cutting his jeans because it was to warm and he did not bring any shorts along.

Anonymous said...

I interview my dad. He used to have ping-pong tornaments in the basement. He also played lots if cards. He and his brother did a paper route. He would ride is bike which had a banana seat, dad would ride and his brother would hang on with a skateboard following him. My dad was also in a tornado and saved all his brothers lives by realizing there was one. my dad also had lots of major injureys like a lot of stuff to do with his head. My dad is an amazing person and my journal doesn't cover this sorry see yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my dad. During the time when he was young he spent most of his time playing sports and with my Uncle Jeff. My dad grew up a half an hour away from here. He would go in the woods across from my grandma and grandpa's house to play. He would play army in there with my Uncle Jeff. They would split up and meet back at the X. The X is a rock with an X carved into it. My dad and uncle tried to dig it up once, they got about a foot into the ground but they still could not dig it up. His favorite subject in school was gym. My dad also had alot of pets. He had a couple of bunnies, 3 dogs, a cat, and a chicken(they where spread out when he got them). He also had a sister and 2 older brothers.


Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my Dad for this blog. My Dad grew up in Michigan, near Detroit. He had two sisters. His mom was a high school teacher, and his dad was a businessman. They played baseball, football, and kick the can with kids in the neighborhood. They would ride bikes to the woods nearby and built forts there. They played Monopoly and Pinochle and lots of other board games. He played trumpet in band and went on to play in the Michigan Marching Band. He liked school, especially American History (Civil War and Abe Lincoln) and English. Every Friday night they would have homemade hamburgers for dinner. Every Sunday after church they would have a big brunch and have classical music playing. They only had about 5 TV channels, and there was no VCR until he was in high school. They would eat popcorn for a snack made in a popcorn popper because there was no microwave popcorn. I learned that they would play outside more than inside because there wasn't much to do inside.

Anonymous said...

I interviewed my mom. my mom lived in Cedurburge and went to First Immanuel.In her house she had her mom and dad,two brothers Shawn,Jermey and her sister Jamie.While she went to First Immanual she played Volleyball,cheerleading,and softball.Her favorite subjects Were Spelling because it was challenging.English because she liked to write and loved to write POETRY.She also liked science because she liked learning how things came to be.Her favorite teacher was Mr.Milkey the 8th grade teacher.On the weekend she would play life,atari(video games)packman,and played outside alot.I liked learning about my mom it told me alittle bit more about her.She told me about the technologey(not very good).

Anonymous said...

My mom grew up in the military. Her dad was in the Army and they moved around alot. She was born in Germany and graduated in high-school in Hawaii. THey usually moved every other year Until she was in middle school and got to stay in one place for 4 years, which was in Germany. That's the longest she lived in one place Until she moved to Cedarburg 13 years ago. Living in the military you had to change friends alot because someone's always coming or going. Sometimes you were luckey and moved to a place where a friend had moved to. She played outside alot with the neighborhood. She liked playing comic books on Saturdays. She looked foward to hearing her Grandparents tald on tapes since phone calls are expensive over seas.

Anonymous said...

When I asked my dad about his childhood he answwered: "I was born in Chilton WI in 1958. I lived two blocks from the hospital i was born in, two blocks from my K-12 school, and two blocks from the church I attended for the next seventeen years. I got a job mowing lawns when I was 10, and got my first factory job at Zarnoth Brush Works when i was 14. I married Mrs. Schaubs after highschool. And then I went to college three years after high school. And thats my Childhood in a nutshell." Now you know of the mysterious begginnings of one of FILs 4th grade teachers.

Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my dad. My dad played monopoly,checkers,card games,baseball, and football. He rode his bike where ever he wanted to go. In school when it snowed out my dad and his friends would make snaow balls bigger than they were. In the summer time my dad and his friends would go to the pool EVERY day from after lunch to almost dinner time. In the winter he would go to a bowling alley and go bowling and play Space Invaders. My dad went to high school at Homestead. He grew up with three brothers. These are just some of the things my dad did as a child.

Anonymous said...

I interviewed my dad and his childhood was pretty cool. his chores were to cut the grass, shovel the snow, and his least favorite, pulling the weeds out of the cracks in the driveway, then putting sand in the cracks so hopefully the weeds won't grow back. He also went to a school like me, a privet school. The school was St. Margret Mary's. My dad loved to play games like Battleship, Stratego, Monopoly, Life, and Mouse Trap. My dad could never be board with all of the cool things he did and what he was in. He was in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, baseball, flag football, soccer, playing the trumpet, and a paper route. He was into building modile railroads, collecting sports cards, riding his bike, playing pool, playing ping-pong, shooting baskets, collecting beer cans, going fishing, and going swimming. saddly his dad died when he was only ten. He had one brother and sister that were eight years older than him, also were twins. When my dad was thirteen his mom got remarried, then he had six total half brothers and sisters. It was tough getting along for my dad. He shared a room with his brother. His most favorite subject in school was math and German. Some funny stories were when this one kid always leaned back on his chair so it would be on my dad's desk, then sometimes my dad would pull his whole desk back, and try to make the kid fall on the floor! When my dad was in high school someone threw a Snack-Pac at my dad's head then they started to call him pudding head! Once when my dad was on a feild trip to a park with his German class, they played soccer and they couldn't make even teams so they made them play barefoot. Then when my dad was playing he stepped in some dog poo! That sounds very funny!

Anonymous said...

i decided to interview my mom. she grew up in greendale. she has three brothers and one sister. when she was a little girl, she had no CD's. she and her siblings listened to cassete tapes and record albums and the radio. they had no cable, just basic t.v. stations. also they had no VCR's or DVD players which kinda stinks. they did have movie theaters though but no movie rental stores. to stay busy they played outside games such as kick the can, different sports, riding bikes, and other outside activities. also, some video games came out when my mom was in high school. she also read books, took music lessons, and of course went to school. one of the family favorites was to go on road trips. the whole family would pack up and head out in their camper. she also went shoping, hung out with friends, went to concerts and parties and stuff like that. i guess i always thought it was so different back then, but i found out that it's really not!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I interviewed my mom and dad for this blog. My mom grew up in Waunakee,WI and went to the public shcools there. She played sports like... basketball and tennis.*and her parents still live in the same house as my mom did when she was little. and my dad grew up and went to webster and the public shcools in Cedarburg. I think sometime when my dad was in his teens he went camping with his friends and ended up having to spend the night in the woods!! Before my dad went to bed he decided it was too hot in the tent. So he pulled the sleeping bag out of the tent. Early around 2:00 something was sniffing him and in the morning there were porcupine quils everywhere! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I chose to interview my dad. JFK was President when my dad was born. He lived in Detroit Michigan and had 2 brothers. They had about 15 kids in their neighborhood. In the summertime they spent most of their time outside. They played games like kickball, baseball, army, tag, and dodgeball, that was a lot of fun. They also played kill the guy with the football, that was a big hit (literally). They had hot wheels and gi joes and spent a lot of time building model cars. His favorite subjects in school were math and social studies, he always got A's in both. My dad was the 5th grade class chess champion. We have been playing chess together lately so I'm learning fast. He was a cub scout and a weblo, has all the badges and has his pinewood derby cars to this day.