Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Traditions

Share a special Christmas tradition that your family does every year. Be sure to give lots of details! (For example, maybe your family goes out into the woods and cuts down a tree with all of your cousins, aunts, and uncles.)


Anonymous said...

Normally all of my cousins come to my house for Christmas Day. Before they all come we have to get the family together ans clean up the house, put up our lights and put up our Christmas tree. Sometimes we get a real Christmas tree sometimes we just use our fake tree. I'm not sure what is going to happen this year though becuse a lot of my family members are sick. We normally eat lunch/dinner then open our presents from our family. In the morning we open our presents from Santa. Most of my family leaves when it gets dark because they have a long way to travel home! (like Washington D.C.)

Anonymous said...

Normally all of my cousins come to my house for Christmas Day. Before they all come we have to get the family together ands clean up the house, put up our lights and put up our Christmas tree. Sometimes we get a real Christmas tree sometimes we just use our fake tree. I'm not sure what is going to happen this year though because a lot of my family members are sick. We normally eat lunch/dinner then open our presents from our family. In the morning we open our presents from Santa. Most of my family leaves when it gets dark because they have a long way to travel home! (Like Washington D.C.)

Anonymous said...

The 2nd 1 is the good one

Met said...

We normally go to Hawaii when we can. This year we just hang around at home, I can't really provide any more details because my family is just like any other Christmas family, sense I'm not bound to the min. of 100 words, this concludes my brief post.

Anonymous said...

Every Christmas eve my family goes to my grandmas. And all of my moms side of here family comes. We always start out with an item search. The first family done gets a roll of tootsie rolls. Then we walk around and talk while eating food. Third we open presents and we talk most of the time. And then we all say goodbye and go home. Then we go to bed and my dad gets the presents out. On Christmas day we open are presents early. Then we invite my dads’ side of the family over. We talk play and then we open presents. Then I usually go and pray to God for everything. This is what we do almost every Christmas. It is my favorite day of the year because Jesus died for me. Then we clean up and play with are toys.

Anonymous said...

Some of the Christmas traditions that my family has for my mom's side of the family is, we go to my grandma and grandpa's house on Christmas Eve after we go to church and we talk for a little bit. Then after we talk we usually open gifts or eat a big delicious meal. I love going to my grandma and grandpa's house because there usually isn't a lot of people there it usually is just my mom, my sister, my grandma and grandpa, my mom's cousin and his mom and of course me. Then on Christmas day with my dad we go to his side of the family and eat lunch or dinner and open gifts. Then we go to my dad's girlfriend's mom's house and eat lunch usually and open lots of gifts. We usually open gifts at our house on Chruistmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas tradition my family does is finding a green pickle on the Christmas tree. I do not know how long we have been doing it but we have done it as long as I can remember. We put up a pickle ornament on the tree and we try to find it. Whoever finds it first gets a little prize and gets to hide it for the next round. We usually do three or four rounds. I do not think I have ever won, but I know my sister Maggie wins it alot. I am not totaly sure but I think it is German tradition.

Anonymous said...

During the Christmas season, my family tries to go to a Christmas show, movie, or play. A couple of years ago, we went to see the Christmas Carol at the Pabst Theater. Last year, we went to the Mannheim Steamroller Christmas concert, and this year, we are going to go to see the Nativity Story at the movie theater.
Every Christmas Eve, after church, we come home, and my grandma and mom start to make Christmas dinner. Instead of eating turkey and stuffing, we eat our family recipe of chili, and my mom makes her homemade applesauce. After we eat, we open presents while we have my mom’s Christmas cookies and visit.
On Christmas morning, we switch around, and my family and I go to my grandparent’s house. My cousins, Allie and Lizzie, and my aunt and uncle come too. Soon, we eat a ham dinner my grandma made, and then, we have a birthday cake for Jesus and sing “Happy Birthday” to Him. I think it’s so important to celebrate Jesus on Christmas!

Anonymous said...

One of my whole family’s traditions is going up to our cottage on the holidays. Up at our cottage we get to see our second cousins and aunts and uncles who live in MN. Up
There we usually play canasta and kings corners. Some of our family sometimes comes up to celebrate birthdays. On New years eve we always at least try to stay up until midnight one time my grandma and grandpa were at a friends house and some of my family took pots and pans and flashlights and we banged on the pots and pans outside they didn’t know what it was until they looked outside and then saw us.

Anonymous said...

Well, on Christmas Eve, my family goes to my Uncle Al's house in Sheboygan where the whole Brotz family is at the Christmas party. Then, we usually go back home to church (not this year though, we're going to the 11 service) and then we go back to Sheboygan to my mom's parents house and open gifts with my cousins and my aunts and my uncle.
Then, on Christmas Day, we open presents in the morning from "Santa" and my parents. We also give our presents to my parents. Next my Grandma and Grandpa come over and then we open more presents that we didn't open the night before. (I know, I spoiled!J) Then they leave when it gets dark and sometimes my Grandma Brotz comes with Uncle Joe and Auntie Renee. That’s about it!

Anonymous said...

I have alot of Christmas traditions. First on Christmas Eve. we go to church at 3:00. Then after church is over we open presents from santa and my mom and Dad. Then we go over to my Grandma and papa Mentzel's house for dinner. Then at my Grandparents house after we eat dinner and get all cleaned up we open gifts. The gifts our opened in order of oldest to youngest. The youngest opens all of there presents(which is alot of presents) and then it goes up to the oldest opening all of their presents then we end at my Grandpa and Grandma. Then at about 9:30 we go over to my Grandpa and Grandma Wiechmans house. There we have snacks and christmas cookies open gifts with our family there and talk. After that we go home at about 11:30 and play with the stuff we get and go to bed at about mid-night. The next day (Christmas day!) we go over to my Great Grandma Wiechmanns house for brunch,and open presents. Then for dinner we go to my Great Grandma Pergandes house (yes I am related to Mrs.pergande.) In the space between we go home and relax and get ready for the next meal. This has been the same routine ever since I was born. But that's just the routine. One of our traditions like I said is to open gifts from youngest to oldest. We do so there is no chaos and we can all see what everybody gets and so the people that gave us the gifts can hear our thank-yous. Another Christmas tradition my family and I have is that we go to church at 3:00. We do this because santa comes for me and my brother while we are at church. Those are some of my Christmas traditions.

Anonymous said...

Why did Karlee write 2 blogs?

Anonymous said...

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Usually we get together at the Meqon Country Club with all the relatives from my moms side and on Christmas day we go to my grandparents house on my dads side of the family. We always put up Christmas decks outside and we always put up all of our nativity scenes. I can't forget the Christmas tree. One of my emidiate families traditions is on every Christmas morning we have a wonderful brunch that my mom makes. On Christmas Eve we always go to church and sometimes we go to 11:00pm which of course I love. The End

Anonymous said...

We really don’t have traditions...we go to my Grandpas on Christmas Eve, and Grandmas on Christmas day! My grandpa has a bar-like thing in his basement, so my five year old cousin (Ryan...You might Of Met Him At The Christmas Program)and I go play in the basement mixing 10-year old Mountain Dew with 10 year old coca-cola. We have A blast. We have Christmas in four places, Grandma Sandy And Grandpa Greg’s House, And then at Grandpa Dick's house, then to Auntie Michelle’s house, and usually our house for a fun family gathering! We usually have ham, on Christmas, and lots of goodies too! THE END

Anonymous said...

good games last night everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...

My family always decorates the Christmas tree together but now that my sisters are at university they don't really help out. We also always have salmon on Christmas Eve. It's so yummy! We open our presents on Christmas Eve too but first we have to go to church that is probably my favorite part of this whole Christmas season. My sisters and brother and I always do one present for my parents together. One time we made a video and said things about Christmas’ in the past. Then when we came home from church we had it all set up and it started to play and my parents were thrilled.

Anonymous said...

On Christmas day my cousins come up to Wisconsin from Illinois. They usually come up at around 1 or 2 0'clock in the afternoon. We all have a big dinner including all of our favorite things. My Grandma and Grandpa put all of our gifts under their tree. First, my Grandma and Grandpa open their gifts then all the parents and then finally all of us cousins. Before Christmas we pick names. Girls get girls and boys get boys. Then we have to get a gift for that person. We open all of our presents in my Grandpa's finished basement. The youngest goes first and so on. When we are down there we also read the Christmas story, each of us gets a part. When we are done with that we get to open our presents from grandma and grandpa. They get each of us 3 presents because the wise men brought Jesus 3 presents. After presents we just kind of hang out together as a family.

Anonymous said...

me and sarah are over

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeah haha were bestest friends!

Anonymous said...

Christmas time is my favorite. On Dec.22 I spend the day at my anut's house. I play with my cousins. We sleep over there. On Christmas Eve we wait for my parents to come to my Grandma's so we can open presents. We eat my favorite, Polish sausage. It is so good. We sit around and eat and play games. We usually get home late and I am ready for bed.
On Christmas day, we stay home and open our presents from Santa. My Grandma and Grandpa come over and have lunch with us and see what we got. The day is usually quite and we just play with our gifts.

Anonymous said...

My dad’s side of the family always comes over to my house and we have spaghetti for dinner. Everyone but the kids put their name in a jar at my birthday and pick out someone else’s name. On Christmas we exchange our gifts and the families all give one gift per kid at the party. On Christmas day we go to my grandparent’s house with my mom’s side of the family. We do not do secret “santa” there but we just get everybody a gift. We all drink punch and have then we go and open all our gifts from "Santa". Our Christmas is so much fun mostly because I get to spend it with my most favorite people in the world.

Anonymous said...

My family Christmas tradition is on Christmas eve we go to the 3:00 service. Then we go to my grandma and grandpa Denow's house. My aunt Brenda and uncle Bret come too with my two cousins, Monica and Sarah. We eat dinner then we open presents. Then we have Birthday cake for Jesus. By that time its getting late and its time to go home. The next morning we wake up and my mom and dad and I open our presents. At noon everyone from my mom's side comes over. There's lots of presents to open. We eat a light snack and then its time to open! After we are done opening the presents, my grandma and grandpa Denow come over and eat a big dinner and play with the presents we got. Then we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Usually my family has a big feast with the whole family. Me my 5 cousins, my 2 aunts and 3 uncles, mom, dad, and my grandma, and grandpa. We all have a ton of fun! First we eat then we either watch a movie or play a game. But before we eat we of course pray, we each have to say a special prayer. What do you do for Christmas? I have a lot of fun and that my kids will enjoy what I liked

Anonymous said...

We have a lot of Christmas traditions. On my mom’s side of the family we always go skating on Random Lake, but of course only if the ice on the lake is cold enough for us to skate on it. After we are done ice skating the kids get to open up their Christmas presents. Once we are done opening our presents the adults get to do a gift exchange. While that is happening the kids watch a movie, or watch there parents do the gift exchange. We also decorate the Christmas tree all together which is lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Every year my family goes together to get a live Christmas Tree. We always take a night to decorate the tree. My whole family from my mom’s side comes to my grandma’s house. We have a big feast and then we open presents from our grandparents. We always have a gift exchange that we pick the names for in advance. Every year my family does a ton of advent calendars. We have three around the house. On Christmas Eve we go to two services. One that we need to sing at and the other at 11.00p.m. On Christmas morning we open presents. We have a lot of Christmas traditions.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that is Bens.Clicked anonymous

Anonymous said...

First, we go hiking down the path in our backyard, that goes to the neighbor's house. There they have a huge tree farm in their back yard. This is where we spend about an hour trying to pick out a tree that my Mom likes. When we finally get one picked out, then my brother and I take turns cutting it down with a hacksaw. I am faster than him. If it is cold outside, the Birschbach's offer us treats, and then we either carry the new Christmas Tree home on our shoulders, or if there is snow we pull it on a sled back through the woods to our house. When we get home, we have hot chocolate with little marshmellows, and clear a spot in the Living room for the tree. Sometimes we put all white lilghts on the tree, and sometimes we put different colors. But it always looks good.

Anonymous said...

One family Christmas tradition is to decorate a Christmas tree with ornaments which originally belonged to my great Grandma Bruckert. These ornaments were given to my Grandma Rita who used them when my mother was small. My Grandma gave them to my mom who loves them very much. These ornaments are not exceptional, just glass balls but they remind us of family and their love.
Another family tradition is to visit both sets of grandparents. We usually eat dinner or supper. We then open presents which are always cool. We usually take pictures to remind us of each Christmas.
These are two of our family Christmas traditions.

Anonymous said...

Austin:: where were you today??
and taylor wasn't there i don't think.