Friday, May 04, 2007

What if.....?

Pick one of the following "what if" questions and answer it. Remember to use at least 100 words.

What would happen if animals could talk (in English)? What types of questions would you ask? What would you want to know?

What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life?


Anonymous said...

If there were no cars, buses, trains boats or planes there would not be any lazy people. If there were none of these transportation devices people would have to walk or ride bikes to everything. People would be healthier, because they would not be exposed to so much gas and pollution. It could also cause trouble to some people. You would not be able to travel anywhere over the ocean or really far away at a decent time. The only way you could get anywhere is by walking, running, riding a bike, scooter etc. I think it would be kind of boring because you wouldn't be able to travel to China or any of those cool places. Having no transportation would highly affect the U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

If there were no cars, buses, trains, boats or planes, we would be really fit and healthy. We would have to walk or run and do many other things to get to places.It would be amazing! But we'd run into problems like shipping products, and mail services. Our food and clothes supply would decline because of certain things we mail, and trade. It would be very sad to some people. Some would lose their job according to it being too far to walk unless you were a super person that could walk 9,000,000 miles. Some would just get new jobs at a closer place. How would you even get to visit Florida? Or California? It’s kinda sad and happy at the same time!

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk to me I would first ask Pilot (my dog) how life living as a dog would be because all that my dog ever does is sleep, eat and go outside. I would ask him why he likes those disgusting treats that smell HORRIBLE! The next animal I would ask a question to would be a deer. I would ask it if any of its relatives have ever been shot by a hunter or killed when they went up on the road. I would also ask it if it is scared of people or hunters. Another animal I would talk to would be a cat. I would ask the cat if it ever does anything but eat and sleep. I would ask the cat if it ever gets scared when it tries to jump from one high place to another. Those are my questions that I would ask animals if they could talk!

Anonymous said...

If there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes I would always late for school but then again I could ride a bike or a motorcycle with my dad. I think I could still get around with all the other motorized things. One thing that would be nice is that we wouldn't have to pay gas money anymore. I don't think we would have many overweight people because they would still have to walk to some places and they couldn't just go in a car somewhere. People wouldn’t be able to travel to many places because there aren't any planes or boats to get over a sea or something. So in conclusion I think we could still be able to get around pretty easy.

Anonymous said...

If there were no cars,buses,trains,boats and planes it would really change my life. It would be hard for my mom to go to the store to buy groceries because you can only hold so many bags at one time. It would be almost impossible to go to basketball or baseball games because it would take a very long time to get there. We could probably never go back to Florida which would be awful because I enjoy going on vacations there. I probably still could be on the basketball and baseball team but it just would take a much longer time to get there.

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk I would ask them many questions to ask them. Like is it hard to get food? Do you like it in captive? Is it hot in summer with all that fur and is it cold in winter? I would ask the dog next door. Why did sleep all the time? Why do dogs like to be petted? Why do you bark at every thing? Why do you chase bunnies? I would ask the bunnies under are deck. Why do you eat are bushes and why do you not eat the apples that we put in the trap but you eat the carrots? This is a few questions I would ask.

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk, I would ask them how life was and what their kind of food tastes like? What is your favorite kind of food? What do you like to do? What things are you responsible about? I would see if they liked the way they lived and what they felt like. I would ask them what they thought about humans. I would ask if they could do anything, what would they do. If you were giant for one day, what would you destroy? How many days are in a year for them? How fast are they? If they could change into any animal, what would they change into? These are some of the many questions I would ask animals if they could talk.

Anonymous said...

If there where no transportation in the world i would be pretty sad. Because im a NERD in any thing that has to do with building or somthing that has a battery in it like a R.C. Airplane! It would chance my life in away i can not even immagine because i would probly have to walk to school and ride my bike every where i go including my soccer games. My parents would get to work late and my sister would flip out and screem so loud everyone would then need hearing aids because there would be no point on bragging that she gets here driver's license before me.

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk I would ask them if they had a house to live in. If they had an address. I would also want to know if they had a first name, a last name, or even a middle name. I would ask them if they have to go to school. Also do their parents have to go to work. If so what do they do in school do they get lots of homework? What kind of jobs do their parents have to do? Do they believe in any god? What do they do for fun? The End!

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk, I would ask the cats why they get so interested in little things that move. I would ask the fish what they do other than swim and sleep. I would want to know what the world looks like from a bird’s view. I would ask the dogs in my neighborhood if they really like dog food or if they would rather eat people food. I bet the animals would want to know why we eat meals at the table. They might ask why we stare at TVs and books and what they do. They would also ask why they have to go to the vet. These are only some of things I would talk about with the animals if they could talk.

Anonymous said...

If I could talk with an alligator I would ask why they like to eat raw meat from gazelles and other animals?
I would also ask If they would rather eat their meat raw or cooked? I would ask if they really do eat people? It would be very cooooooooooool If you could really talk to an alligator. If I could ask him if he gets sick If he stays out in the sun too long?
That's what I would ask an alligator. I would also ask how life is living with crocodiles as your cousins. I'd say could you please stop eating people in Africa.

Anonymous said...

If there weren't any cars, buses, trains or airplanes life would go back to the way it was 100 years ago. That would be cool I think. I could ride horses everywhere. Or, even better, an ATV. But if there weren't any ATV's, I could ride my bike.Or I would skateboard,ride skooters or skates or a moterized skooter. My life would be different because, I would have to leave earlier for school and any other place I would go. But I would also be getting lots of exercise. Which is a good thing. I would not miss the traffic or busy roads. It would be quieter.

Anonymous said...

If there were no cars, buses, trains, boats or planes I would be so tired out because I would have to walk or ride my bike every where I went. I wouldn’t be able to go to far places like our cottage. Most of the time I would be stuck at home during winter or when it is raining out. I would be bored out of my mind. There would be no long vacations. On the bright side nobody would have to pay for gas. Only if I used a lawnmower it would be a little faster and I wouldn’t be so tired.

Anonymous said...

If there were no cars buses trains boats or planes I would not go anywhere because then I would have to walk. I would have such sore feet and legs. On the bright side I would loose a lot of weight and not get fat at all. I would be very mad if there was no cars or planes to go on vacation in, and I would be extremely board during Christmas break. I would need somthing really fun or I would go nuts trying to find somthing to do. If there was no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes I would not know what to do.

Anonymous said...

If there were no cars, buses, trains, or airplanes, I would bike or walk everywhere. It would be kind of fun getting lots of fresh air everyday. At the same time it would get really boring, because you can barely go farther than50 miles, in less you want your feet to hurt a lot. Everyone would be very, very bored. There would not be traffic with cars, but with people. I do not think that it would be a good experience. I am very thankful to the people that invented cars, trains, airplanes, and all these other automobiles. So, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

If there weren’t any cars, buses, boats, trains or planes it would be really hard to get around. I would probably always be late for all of my sports games and practices. I am on a basketball team that last year we went to the Wisconsin dells for a tournament I probably wouldn’t be able to do that. All of the sports would probably be more local than they are now. I also wouldn’t be able to go camping or to go to archery every Saturday. If you had to go somewhere in the winter time it would be really cold if you had to walk everywhere instead of being in a nice warm car.

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk I ask them if they saw anything odd. Then I would ask them if they have ever stolen something. I would also ask them if they came from another planet. It would be strange talking to an animal too. Also I wonder what they would sound like? I would ask my dog, or all dogs, what is the deal about circling around a spot so many times before you actually go to lie down? It would be so great if only they could answer all my questions. Every time I take my dog for a ride in the car she barks at the bridges or trucks and motorcycles. It would be helpful to know where she lived before we found her.

Anonymous said...

the one above is me nash

Anonymous said...

Life would be so much different without cars and that kind of stuff. We wouldn't be able to go to different countries for vacations or anything. The world would be so much cleaner though without all of the exhaust. Nobody in the world would be lazy because they would have to walk everywhere. Think about it, no traffic, accidents, wrecks, high prices of gas, the world would be great. I would like it this way. Instead of cars driving on the roads there would be a ton of people walking or riding bikes. People wouldn't have to worry about icy roads in winter at all. the world would be nice this way.

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk I would probably be very scared. I would ask them if they had to go to the bathroom or if they were hungry of if they wanted to play or anything like that. I would be very fun because then you could know what they wanted to do. You could also know if they think that they are the masters or are we the masters? You could ask them a lot of questions like do you miss your mom do you know who your father is. The one thing that I would like to hear the most is there voice I wonder if it would be a cute little girl voice or a old low voice? That would be so cool!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If animals could talk, I would ask them all kinds of questions like. what color do you guys see in, or what does it feel like to hjave fur all over your body. I think we would all be doomed if animals could talk, because they would be smart and about anyone of those animals could kill us. So thats why I think god created animals like animals