Friday, December 14, 2007

New Rules

Imagine you are stranded on a tropical island with your classmates. You have no supervision, no rules, no leader, no McDonald's etc... How would you choose a leader? What jobs would you need? What rules would you have? What if someone broke the rules?


Anonymous said...

HI MISS MILLER! If that happened, I would choose a leader by a 3-day competition. On the first day, whoever could gather the most food would win. On the second day, whoever could build a shelter the fastest would win. And on the third day, whoever showed the most courage in the face of peril would win. I think the jobs would be the leader(of course), who would make sure that everything would be running smoothly, the shelter builders, who would build the houses, the gatherers, who would gather nuts, breeies, fruits, ect., the hunters, who would hunt wild dogs, fish, birds, and other sea life, and finally, the homers, who stay home and cook, clean, make fishing rods and spears, and other stuff like that. The only rules would be that you have to do WHATEVER the leader says, and you can't abandon your responsibilities. If you break eather on of those rules, you will be tossed into the ocean to die! This is what life would be like if that happened.

Anonymous said...

If I were stranded on an island I would choose a leader by making them answer questions in front of everybody. The questions would be regular questions from different school subjects, different situations, what groups have you been a leader of, and what rules you would have. The jobs we would need would be a doctor, hunters, cooks, builders, inventors (to invent a way out), farmers, bible readers (if we didn’t have Bibles we would just recite verses that we new or sing songs), sewers, and cleaners. The rules I would have are the basic American rules, but no fighting, hurting, and everyone must have a job or do something to help the city. The main rule is you must go to church every Sunday and worship God. If you broke the rules you would be tied to a tree and stay there for a very long time. If there weren’t any tree’s we would bound them to the ground. We could also tie them to a stake and put a ring of fire around them to scare them, but just to scare them not to burn them.

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on a tropical island and we had to choose a leader I would probably have a voting by the other classmates on who should be our next leader. First we would have every person say why they think they should be a leader and have them give reasons why they should be a leader. After we are done hearing everyone’s speeches we would write who they think should be a leader and put their name in a box. After everyone votes we would count the votes and see who was voted leader. The rules would probably be similar to the rules that we already have. We would need other jobs for other things so we would probably have people who were a few votes short of being leader fill those jobs. If someone broke the rules they would get disciplined in similar ways that we discipline people.

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on an Island and we would have to pick some jobs, leaders,and rules it would be pretty hard! To pick leaders, I would suggest having every other week a new leader. People who aren't leaders, all have jobs. Every other week they get a new job. The leaders would make the rules and decide who will be at a certain job. If people break these rules, it's up to the leader to make there decsion on what shall happen to them. For some special jobs would be to collect food for all of our classmates. Everything would be very interesting. I doubt everyone will follow the leaders rules because there is no supervision. Everything would be plain awkward.

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on a tropical island, and we had to pick a leader..I would probably take turns having leaders like alphabetical order or something, but all the girls would obviously go first:-). We would need people doing jobs like gathering food, making shelter, and important survival things like that. We probably wouldn’t have that many rules except “no fighting” and “working together in order to get all things done that need to be”. If people broke the rules, they would not get punished very badly like people would get punished if they break the law. I think it would be fun to have no supervision and we could lots of parties and things like that, but parents or guardians are always nice to have around when you’re in trouble and to take care of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Miller,
to chose my leader I would chose the bravest,strongest in leadership type person. to do this I would have a competition requiring two callenges. 1. they would have to get as many votes as posible from the class. 2.they will have to face peril the longest. for jobs we would have a leader, a construction team(to build churchs), a minister and a law maker. the rules would be, pushing anyone of the island together out others. If someone broke the rules, they would be put in detention for a week. this is what would happen on an island with no parents or teachers but, it is good to have them because you need comfort and love.

Anonymous said...

I would choose a leader by making them answer a bunch of questions like, If you were leader what would you do if someone broke the law? Or, If you were a leader what would happen if you were to die who would take reign? And then they would have to do a triathalan sorta thingy magig. They would have to run, swim, and bike ride.
Whoever won would be The leader.
If a person broke the law on the top level they would go to jail for about 5 weeks. If it was a middle level crime they would go to jail for 5 days. If it was a lower level crime they would go to dtention for 3 days at 3:oo am. This Island wouldn't be complete because there would be no parents to comfort you if you were hurt or sick. NOTHING WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT PARENTS!

Anonymous said...

I'd choose a leader by waiting a couple of days and see which person on the island did the most work and who ever did the most work gets to be the leader. They would also have to be smart, nice, capable of planning and building. The jobs would be assigned to who can do things the best to see that I would have tryouts for people who want a specific job. The jobs would be building huts, cleaning up, watching for passing by ships, hunting, and finding uses for the huts. If someone broke a law they would go up in the tree and have to sit on a prickly seat and try and catch birds, After they get 3 birds they go down.

Anonymous said...

I would make a big competition to choose the leader. It would have a course and along it you would have to go through physical and mental challenges. The course would go like this:
1. starting line
2. 3 mile run to first base grab flag and continue on to 3
3. ride horses 1 mile to base 2
4. build shelter and connect flag to it
5. climb a mountain to the top
6. put the puzzle together and grab flag as it drops
7. skii back down the mountain to shelter and clip flag to it
8. run out to the ocean and collect water as fast as you can to fill up the water bin at your site
9. chop down trees for fire wood
10. get food to eat and build a fire to heat it
11. end of day 1- first six to complete all the challenges move on to next round
12. use the food dropped in your campsite to make breakfast
13. hike through the trail to the pond
14. swim down to the bottom of the pond and grab the flag
15. return to camp and clip the flag to your shelter
16. compete in the brain-a-thon
17. end of day 2 rest up and get ready for day 3
18. gather as much food, water, and wood, person to do all this the fastest wins!!!

Once we had the leader we would have to get certain people to do the jobs we would need:
1. hunters
2. builders
3. cooks
4. doctors
5. farmers
6. engineers
7. food preprers
8. musicians
9. etc. etc. etc.

Our rules would be:
1. treat others kindly
2. be fair
3. work hard
4. try to think of ways to get off the island or get attention of other people on other continents
5. don't break the rules
6. etc. etc. etc.

If someone were caught breaking the rules they would probably be sent out to hunt for food because that is the least wanted job(it's dangerous). They could also be chained in the town square for everyone to see that they broke the rules or maybe even be turned into a slave if they broke a the most important rule( don't do anything to endanger the island or the people on it. It could kill us all). If they broke too many rules they could get even worse punishment or more than one.

Anonymous said...

I would make a big competition to choose the leader. It would have a course and along it you would have to go through physical and mental challenges. The course would go like this:
1. starting line
2. 3 mile run to first base grab flag and continue on to 3
3. ride horses 1 mile to base 2
4. build shelter and connect flag to it
5. climb a mountain to the top
6. put the puzzle together and grab flag as it drops
7. skii back down the mountain to shelter and clip flag to it
8. run out to the ocean and collect water as fast as you can to fill up the water bin at your site
9. chop down trees for fire wood
10. get food to eat and build a fire to heat it
11. end of day 1- first six to complete all the challenges move on to next round
12. use the food dropped in your campsite to make breakfast
13. hike through the trail to the pond
14. swim down to the bottom of the pond and grab the flag
15. return to camp and clip the flag to your shelter
16. compete in the brain-a-thon
17. end of day 2 rest up and get ready for day 3
18. gather as much food, water, and wood, person to do all this the fastest wins!!!

Once we had the leader we would have to get certain people to do the jobs we would need:
1. hunters
2. builders
3. cooks
4. doctors
5. farmers
6. engineers
7. food preprers
8. musicians
9. etc. etc. etc.

Our rules would be:
1. treat others kindly
2. be fair
3. work hard
4. try to think of ways to get off the island or get attention of other people on other continents
5. don't break the rules
6. etc. etc. etc.

If someone were caught breaking the rules they would probably be sent out to hunt for food because that is the least wanted job(it's dangerous). They could also be chained in the town square for everyone to see that they broke the rules or maybe even be turned into a slave if they broke a the most important rule( don't do anything to endanger the island or the people on it. It could kill us all). If they broke too many rules they could get even worse punishment or more than one.

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Miller,
If I was stranded on an island with my classmates and we had no help we would elect a leader by taking a vote for all the people who wanted to be elected. After we would start to get some jobs like:
sports players,
police men.

Some of our laws would be:
be kind to other,
work together,
don't do dumd things that could hurt us.
If you broke the se rules you could become a slave or be punished very badly.

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Miller,
If I was stranded on an island with my classmates and we had no help we would elect a leader by taking a vote for all the people who wanted to be elected. After we would start to get some jobs like:
sports players,
police men.

Some of our laws would be:
be kind to other,
work together,
and don’t do dumb things that could hurt us.
If you broke these rules you could become a slave or be punished very badly you could be forced to haul bricks for hundreds of miles of dessert all you would have to drink would be a canteen of hot boiling water.
12/18/2007 7:10 AM

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! I would choose a leader by having everyone swim a mile there and back and first one to finish is the leader. This would test strength, ability to save, bravness and many more. The people who did not make it there and back would just simply die. I would have jobs such as lifeguard, cook,fisherman,maid and more. The rules would be simple. You can do what ever you want because you are the boss of yourself but it is no ones fault but yours if you get hurt. One rule would be be nice and don't steal. If these rules were to be broken the person would be thrown in the water to drown.

Anonymous said...

First of all if I was stranded on an island with my classmates I would not panic and take immediate action. I would try to help others to calm down. Then I would get help in controling the group and give out jobs to people like: building shelter, finding food, getting fire materials and creating tools out of the enviorment. I would like to help with making shelter because I learned how to make shelter well in boy scouts. I also know how to make fires and cook easy meals. I would then have someone look out for ships our planes. Once we finished everything I would make a bonfire and have everyone get together and make a plan and make rules like:NO MAKING FUN OF EACHOTHER, NO COMPLAINING, NO BEING MEAN TO OTHERS, ALWAYS PARTICIPATE, HELP EACHOTHER, REMEMBER GOD IN EVERY SITUATION AND ALWAYS RESPECT OTHERS!!!If somone broke the rules they would have extra chores to do for the days work. With all the things I said I think that would help us prosper through the time on the island.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

first I would choose a leader I would choose a leader by a compition like running 3 miles one mile would be swimming one would be running one would be bouting then we would pick jobs like cooking,hunting,geting water,setting up camp,making a fire then I would make rules some of the rules would be you can not be alone in the woods until 8 you can not be out until 10-11 do not go in the water without a partner if they broke the rules you would have to stay in the tent for 10 houres.

Anonymous said...

First I would choose a leader by seeing who is the most responsible, who knows the wild the best, and somebody that isn't crazy!!!! I think that the leader should pick the rules. I think some rules should be
1. Listen to the leader
2. look for food allot
3. Follow the Ten Commandments
4. Help each other when in need
5. And still have church on Sundays or any other day of the week and trust God to take care of you.

I think we should think of some way to signal somebody after we find enough food to last us for a while and that is what I think I would do.

Anonymous said...

I choose a leader by leting everyone who wants to leader and put them in the wilderness. Then everyone else would spy on them to see who would use their natrual recouces best and see who has the best ablities in wilderness and vote. If I was the leader here sre some rules I would have:
1.Always obey the leader.
2.You may not go to areas of the island that have not explored yet without permission.
3. We would elect a supervisor that would keep everyone in line.
4.If anything was found that looked suspicous run away and then tell the leader.
5. If you see anything that could save all of us SCREAM as loud you can to single all of us

Anonymous said...

This will be fun!! For the leader I would put everyone in a wide open area. Then I would all make them build a sand castle. After that, I would make them build a house out of wood they found on the rest of the island. Then, I would make them dig and dig and dig. They will eventually find that they are making a well. After this, they would all have to make beds for their beds. All of these at the end I would judge. The one with the most points would become our leader. Some rules are: believe in God, don’t swear by Gods name (don’t swear period), remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, honor your father and mother though they are not on this island, don’t murder, don’t steal any thing, don’t lie to the leader, and don’t covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. There is one punishment. You must sit at your bed and pray for 10 minutes. That’s how I would do it.

Anonymous said...

To choose leaders on this island we will have everybody prepare a speech. Then after the speech everybody will vote for the person that they think should run the island. On this island most of the people are fishers because we are surrounded by water. Someother jobs that we will have are doctors, dentist, store workers, and teachers. There are also people who trade the fish that they catch. On this island you may not disobey the ruler. You should always listen to the directions when you get everything that you are useing (other rules are in process of making). If you do not obey the rules you have to go to visit the ruler and the ruler will disside if you have to go to jail or if you are free.

Anonymous said...

To chose who would be the leader the boys and girls would chose the most responsible person so there would be a girl leader and a boy leader. For food all the boys would have to fish hunt and collect berries while the girls tan. Some of the rules would be boys work girls play. Be nice and treat others with respect. Also a demand from the leaders would be for Christmas the girls have to give the boys candy canes.The boys have to give the girls all the money they had. Some of the jobs would be fisher cherrie picker, farmer,and hunter all for the boys. The girls have to do 1 simple thing would be to plan devotions and church things they were the pastors. If anyone broke the rules they would be sentanced to sleeping on a rock. That is what my island would be like.

Anonymous said...

To pick a leader I would try and organize a vote of people who I think are responsible enough to take for of more than 45 other kids’ lives. I would also want a vice leader. I’m
Going to make a list of jobs that would be needed:
1.Chief Builder(in charge of builders)
2.Builders (Make houses and furniture
3.Food Officers (Find edible plants, Cook, Store food, Distribute food evenly .)
4. Brain stormers (come up with ideas for our grade, then they get approved by the president)
5. Organizers (clean and organize things)
6. Wood gatherers (We would need a lot of wood…)
7.Searchers ( Just search and gather things we need.
8. Supervisors (Mostly stronger people that are responsible who could break up fights)
9. Tool makers (Make tools for the builders)
10. Fishers (I hope everyone in our grade would like fish if this happened)
I know I’m missing some jobs and I’ll feel stupid later.
Rule List.
1. No fighting
2. Share what you find
3. Listen to guards and the leader and vice leader
4. Don’t get mad at someone if they make a mistake
5. Respect Others.
6. Leader only: don’t be bossy or full of yourself

If you break rules there would be different levels of punishments.
Level 1: Is just a warning.
Level 2: Doing a little extra work.
Level 3: Doing a lot more work, miss out on special events.
Level 4: Being Locked in a Jail for a period of 30 days, doing the hardest work
Punishment for leader only: If you are unfair people can demand a re-vote

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on a island with my calssmates some rules would be:
1.You have to LOVE the Chicago Bears!!!
2.No fighting,biting,or eating anyone
3.You have to have a job by the age 24 to get $$$
4.You must respect others and be nice to them
5.No name calling.......or else
Jobs would be:
7.Smart person to think of a way off
1.If you don't respect others than you shouldn't be respected so you would have to eat sand
2.If you fight or bit you will have to swim 15 miles
3.If you don't LOVE the Chicago Bears you will not be fed ever again and you will be thrown in the water with sharks
To pick a leader I would do Eniy-miney-money-moe

P.s CHICAGO Bears ROCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on a tropical island with all my classmates, at first it would it would be very chaotic! All the boys would probaly flip out and run around and the girls would break into huddles and ponder on what to do! Our leader would be based on people who volunteered,were pretty athletic and fit,had some survival knownledge,and had good academic scores.We would probaly have to choose the leaders with basic voting and then split into different groups. 5 girls with 5 boys and a guy and girl leader(so not to disclude anyone).You also would be with your friends.
The jobs would be as followed;
Girl Jobs:
Food Instructer & Collecter
Builders Helper
Animal Guide
Location Surveyor
Material Guide
Guy Jobs:
Chief Builder
Hunting Guide
Trail Maker
Hut Construction
Tool Manufacturers
Survival Instructors

There would only be a few rules, since it would practically be Kid Topia!

The punishments are simple. Do it once=Warning. Twice=double warning.
Thrice=You get a red mark on your file and you get extra stove cleaning job.

Anonymous said...

The leader would be someone that can take charge and be fair and doesn't take total control of being leader. We would also have to have jobs to survive there would be:
3.tool builder
we also would have to make a church and school we would also have to make a bowling aley.
The rules would be:
1.You shall have no other gods shall not steal
3.they can not beat any one up.
We well try to survive more than 2 years and maybe someone will come to save use or they might be happy where gone "NO JUST KIDDING".

Anonymous said...

If we were stranded on a tropical island with no teachers…wait a second, no teachers? I need a moment. YES! Its not that we don’t like you guys, it’s just that c’mon, no teachers! But, that could end up in total chaos…Well #1. I would just like to elect myself, but according to the Constitution, we can’t do that so, we would chose one guy leader, and one girl leader…JUST TO MAKE IT FAIR…so we would make a box and draw names, how simple is that? The occupations would be farmer, weapons maker, builder, entertainer, guard, tailor, mill maker, baker, scribe, writer, shoe maker, technology dude, and designer. The rules are; do not steal, you can’t eat cheese past the hour of ten, and you can not carry a weapon within fifty feet away from the main leaders unless you’re a guard. The punishments are you sit the corner of pain and suffering until you say please…What?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Stephanie? I eill never love the Chicago Bears! They don't even deserve to be capitalized! So, I speak for myself and a bunch of other people, we will never be thrown into shark infested water!

Anonymous said...


Dangit! Now you know my code!

Anonymous said...

Well, first off I would have everybody vote for a leader, and it couldn’t be themself. I would work out that everyone could have their own job. There would be numerous people to one job. Some of the jobs would be gardening and after the gardeners got very experienced they would move to farming. Also they would have people that would help the leader, like a government. They would have home builders and we would also have some trusty people to make a money system. We would each start with about $100. If you did not have your own special job you would have to find some way to make money. You would have to pick one or two roommates to live with. The rules would be, no slacking off work, don’t lose your money because you won’t get anymore, and no swearing against God. I you went against the rules you would get money taken away from you.

Anonymous said...

If I were stuck on a tropical island ( with Ben M. Andrew A.W. myself.) The rules would be do the roles that you are assigned to, no beating up anybody, NO argueing otherwise you dont get to play football when you done with your roles. For a football we use the football that we found in the water. Bens role is to find food. Andrews and my role is to find shelter (build) A.Ws role is to find logs to burn.We found a box of matches flowing down the ocean. Once we are done with our roles we try and make (fix) and, or finish a football field.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If i was stuck with everyone on an island and we needed a leader and i had to choose the method by which the leader would be chosen, the candidates would have to pass a series of tests. A few test ideas could be races in building shelters, and hunting\gathering food. The last test would not be based on who finished first, but on the votes of the kids, for the last test would be a question that the candidates must answer as best they can. The question would have something to do with governing the people. As for the consequences of breaking the rules laid down and agreed on by the people, they would probably run somewhere along the lines of being the one to go get food or some other unwanted job.

Anonymous said...

if i was stuck on an island with everybody i would first probubly have to pick a leader. first i would have each person that wants to be a leader tell me what they would do and what the jod means to them to be the leader. the i would take a look at the skills that they have for gathering food and see which one has the best plans for getting food. then i would test their knowledge and see if they could handle the job and see if they are really ready.

then my island would need some houses and different buildings so i would have the strongest people build houses and each person a place to sleep.

these are some different jobs that i would have people doing.
1. building houses
2. cook
3. making clothes
4. food gatherers(farmers)
5. hunters(for meat)
6. Teachers
7. pastors
8. docters
9. lifeguards

we would have some rules to.
1. we follow all of the ten commandments
2. no violence
3. everyone has to go to school
4. you always have to have fun!!
5. girls are not allowed to go into guys villages
6. guys are not allowed to go into girls villages
7. no making fun of people or ignoring them(God put us all on this world to be brothers and sisters in christ. SO BE NICE!!!)

this is what will happen if you break the rules.
1-first warning
2-second warning
3-extra cleaning
4-even MORE cleaning
5-find your own food

this is how my island is run.

Anonymous said...

if I was stranded on an island with my classmates we would choose the leader by playing rock paper scissors.who ever was leader would deside what the rules were. We would need people to go get food. Like coconuts and give them to the leader.the rules would be find your own food and live your own life freely. If you dont live freely you'r thrown into the water with the sharks and drift out to see on a raft. and if the sharks get you we won't care and you will grt your own house and find food for your self.

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on a island I would choose a leader by vote. That leader would be in charge of who had what jobs and what the jobs would be. Hopefully that leader would be me because if I am not the leader of that island this blog is pointless. If I were leader I wouldn't asign jobs I would do the most important thing first like making shelter or getting food then I can worry about assigning jobs. Plus how would you have a doctor none of our classmates are smart enough to be a doctor we probably wouldn't even have medicine. The only rule on my Island would be dont murder and worship God We already are stranded on an island any way. I can barely have today at school any way. The way I see it no school means more fun.

Anonymous said...

If i were stranded on a tropical island with my classmates we would choose a leader by doing that bubblegum thing, " Bubblegum bubblegum in a dish how mant pieces do you get" then the person it lands on says a number and then you pick that person. Then the leader would pick the jobs and lead the people out of this stranded island. Some of the rules would be No Fighting, NO BREAKS NO Eating without premission. The one rule that should always be respected in NO back talk to the leader. If you broke the rules You were thru in the ocean.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

IF I EVER EVEN TRIED TO LIVE ON A long lost island I would tell every one to fend for themselves!%)
JUST KIDDING= I would for real have every one be a leader of certain things that they are capable of doing and what they are good at! For the food thing there would be huge forage parties and we would make storage areas so that we could keep things organized. After that We would start to make houses and toys weapons and walls to keep us protected from canibals are any thing else that could kill us. To get organised we would have scouts to go and see were we can go our to know were better living areas we could use. ( IF I KNEW WE WERE GOING THERE I WOULD BRING GUNS AND ALOT OF FOOD.) We also would try to build boats and ships if we could but that would be pretty hard.

Anonymous said...

I second Joeys cmment about the bears. notice bears is not capitalized.

Anonymous said...

I spelt comment wrong.DANG IT.

Anonymous said...

By choosing a leader I would have a big race up to the Mountainfor thier physical strength and whoever gets up ther first would have to make a shelterfor thier mental strength and run back down and write a bible verse.
the jobs I would pick were archutecture,builders,explorers,hunters,farmers,cooks,house builders,and tailors.
My rules would be:

They would have to survive on the other side of the islandwith nothing but a bandanna(the badanna was used forblind-folding them so they don't know where they are


Anonymous said...

To choose a leader we would have a iron man. We would need hunters, doctors, solders, fireman, policeman, and a judge. The rules we would have would be:
1. No T.V.
2. No Killing
3. No being over weight
If someone broke the rules they would have to fight a wild animal and only get a spear and sheild.

Anonymous said...

To choose a leader we would have a iron man. We would need hunters, doctors, solders, fireman, policeman, and a judge. The rules we would have would be:
1. No T.V.
2. No Killing
3. No being over weight
If someone broke the rules they would have to fight a wild animal and only get a spear and sheild.