Friday, November 14, 2008

A Veteran's Thank You

After celebrating Veteran's Day, we all should have a good idea of how much our veterans have sacrificed to make sure our rights are protected and we are a country where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can exist. Write a letter to a pretend or real veteran, thanking him/her for the sacrifices made. Be sure to specifically tell the veteran what rights you are grateful to have because of his/her efforts.

(this blog must be 100 words)

Here is a poem to inspire you:

It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN , not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN , not the politician,Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN ,who salutes the Flag.

It is the VETERAN,who serves under the Flag, !


Anonymous said...

Dear Gunny,

Thank you for being a great veteran, I thank you so much for defending our country. I would want men to be like you every day. I would love to know what its like to be in the marine fighting for your life. I am very proud that you choose to serve. Seeing all the places in the world letting them know that you are here to save them. People would see you and call them your hero like you are mine. I am so happy that I get to be you granddaughter of a hero.

[ in loving memory of Alan Loper]

Anonymous said...

Dear veteran,

Thank you for serving our country, and protecting us, the people of the United states. I especially thank you for helping us get the freedom of speech, so we can talk without getting in trouble for when we voice our opinion. I also thank you for helping our country get freedom of religion, something that not much other countries have, now we can learn our religion without having to hide or get arrested because of it. It is amazing the courage you showed to help us become the greatest country ever. Once again I will say thank you for helping us get all our rights and protecting us.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob,
Thank you for serving in the army to protect our counrty. It is great to know someone who has been serving in the army for five years. How was it like in the war? Have you or anyone in you group (if you have one) gotten hit? Were you ever a prisoner of war? What were you working as before the war?. Did you have any pets before, during, or after the war? well i have a dog right now. i also have two older siblings and one younger sibling. do you nhave any siblings?thank you very much again for serving our county

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran,

First I would like to thank you for everything that you’ve done for this country. I would also like to thank you for being in the Army and serving under the flag of the United States of America. You have done so much, and I would like to learn more about the Army. I thank you also for supporting the freedom of religion, and speech. So that we are able to do so with freedom. I thank you so much again for all that you have don for all of the citizens of the United States.

Bryka Peterson

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Veteran,

Thank you for serving for the United States of America. It is very nice and brave of you to put yourself into risk for our country. I want all men to do what you do… serve for my country. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done in your time serving in the war. Thank you also for giving us the freedom of speech in the United States of America. It is sad that you have to do some of these things but if you were me you would be glad that I am serving for the U. S. A. Thank you again for serving for my country.

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran,

Thank you for everything you have done. With out you we would not be the country we are today. It would be disaster. We wouldn’t be a free country if it weren’t for you. If you didn’t go to war and fight for our country. Who knows where we would be today. We could all be slaves or some crazy person ruling our country. But thank goodness you went to war so our country is the way it is today. So I liked to thank you for all you did for my country. Thank you so much!
From Kylee

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob,
Thank you for serving in the army to protect our country. We would not have freedom of speech and freedom of religion if Americans like you had not joined the army. Not all countries have freedom of religion, speech and movement. I am glad that I live in a country that have these freedoms. If you had not fought for our country we would not have these freedoms. If you had not fought in the war we could have horrible laws and less freedoms. We would not have freedom of democracy. We might not be able to vote for the leaders we would want to lead our country. We might even be a communist country. Some of us might not be able to go to school. Thank you for serving our country.

Sincerely, Gota Dash

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob,
Thank you for serving in the army to protect our country. We would not have freedom of speech and freedom of religion if Americans like you had not joined the army. Not all countries have freedom of religion, speech and movement. I am glad that I live in a country that have these freedoms. If you had not fought for our country we would not have these freedoms. If you had not fought in the war we could have horrible laws and less freedoms. We would not have freedom of democracy. We might not be able to vote for the leaders we would want to lead our country. We might even be a communist country. Some of us might not be able to go to school. Thank you for serving our country.

Sincerely, Gota Dash

Anonymous said...

Dear, Veteran I thank you so much for defending our country. I thank you for the freedom of speech and freedom of religion and what we can believe in because you fight for that four us. The freedom to vote as well. I thank you so much your sacrifice and your giving of your whole life four our country and for the families that don’t have a Mom or Dad. I really wonder what it feels like to be in the Navy or Army. I bet it was had and I thank you for that because if we didn’t have you are county would be as safe and neither would Wisconsin wouldn’t be as good as it is right now. I thank you veteran and all the veterans.

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran
First of all thank you so much for serving our country. Without you I would not be able to go to church on Sundays and worship God. It must have been hard for you to be away from your family for so long but without your sacifices we wouldn't be the country we are today. I am proud to say that my cousin has enlisted in the Marines and will be serving his country and protecting me and my family. I pray that God will protect all the people who have served and who are serving and will be serving our country.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Thank you for serving in the war and for all you fight for to protect us here in the United States. It must be hard to leave your families and go so far away for so long. Without your sacrifices we would not be able to live a happy, safe and free life here in the United States. It must be very hard watching your best friends die in the war. Without your dedication we wouldn't have the protection that you put up for us. Each day on the news we see some of what you have to go through. We are also reminded of those too who are losing their lives fighting for our great country. Recently I had watched a movie which really made me see what happens in war and combat zones and losing your favorite people. It really made me understand all that our soldiers fight for and do for us. I pray that you will all be returned home safely. We love our country and we love all you sacrafice for us.

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran that is in my head,
Thank you for serving in whatever war you served in. Without you serving in that war that country could have came over here and took over. Then we might not be able to say what we want, worship God, and go to school. My two grandpas, second cousin, and uncle served in the army. And they all survived. Since you are in my head I will not ask you what it was like, even though I want to know, I will also not ask you to write back. Again thank you and have a happy Thanks Giving!

Anonymous said...

Dear United States of America Veteran It is an honor writing to you. It must have been sad and hard fighting in the war. My Grandpa was in the Korean War and he doesn’t like to talk about it. My Grandpa had a poor family and when he was 15 years old his friend asked him to come into the war with him and they got into the war and his buddy got shot and that’s why he doesn’t like to talk about it. His mom picked him up on a helicopter after 1 month in the service. You gave our country freedom. So you should be honored. You did a good deed to our country. You probably went through a lot and probably saw a lot

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran,
Thank you for serving in the war when the United States of America was in conflict. You even if you never thought about it played a crucial role in defending our freedom. You may not share your thoughts about the war now or the war you served in just take a moment to reconcile your experience. If you had a bad experience in the war I and all Americans want you to know that you are not alone and we support you. We all appreciate what you did for our country and freedom. We surely support the troops over in Iraq right now and we support you too. Lastly I want you to know that just because you are not serving now, you are not loved. We love what you have done and we thank you.

Adrianna C.

Anonymous said...

Dear Paul:
Thank you for serving our country. I am really proud of you for protecting our country. We need people like you who are brave enough to fight for our rights. What you sacrificed cannot be expressed in words. We truly appreciate your efforts.
I know it was especially hard on your mom and family. She worried all the time about your safety. Yet she was so proud of your services.
Your mom told us how you help protect and stabilize cities over there. She said that you were in the dangerous parts where there was a lot of gun fire.
I am glad you made it home safely and I will never forget what you did.
Thanks for serving America.

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran,

Thank you for fighting for our country so that we may continue to live here with all the freedoms and advantages that we have available to us. I am grateful to you for the risks that you take and the sacrifices that you make, may God Bless you and all who serve with you. Your bravery helps to keep us safe so that we can continue to grow in our families without the same fear as other countries. You give us the right to make our own choices on many things. Children, like myself, have the chose to go to a school like mine and learn about religion and our Savior. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for serving our country it is a blessing that you are here on this earth to go into some place far away and just going out and fighting and helping our country.
God blesses you and we are praying and hoping that you will come back safely and if you do not, I hope you know where you’re going.
I hope you will kill off the enemy and save the United States of America.
Have faith and care for the solders that are wounded and save a couple lives today.

Thank you so much for serving and God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for serving our country it is a blessing that you are here on this earth to go into some place far away and just going out and fighting and helping our country.
God blesses you and we are praying and hoping that you will come back safely and if you do not, I hope you know where you’re going.
I hope you will kill off the enemy and save the United States of America.
Have faith and care for the solders that are wounded and save a couple lives today.

Thank you so much for serving and God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran,
Thank you so much for serving our country. I really appreciate all the work you did to save the life of others. I'm glad we have people like you who are brave enough to go to war and risk their life for others rights and freedom. Again thank you so much for serving our country
Gods blessings

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Veteran,
Thank you so much for severing my country. It must have been very hard to see your friends get wounded or die in combat. My grandpa was in WWII and he was in the Navy on an ammunition ship named the USS Moanalua. He survived the war but died later from a heart attack when I was not even one years old. Thank you for letting us have all the rights that we have today. God bless you for all the sacrifices and risks you took for my country. I’m glad that people like you are brave enough to do the things that you do.

Sincerely, Billy.

Anonymous said...

Dear, Bobby Veteran
I have to say thanks to you for serving our country. Your dedication has helped us stay a country with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You’ve helped make this country stay the way it was when the delegates sighed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I’m happy for what you did for us. I’m sorry for you that you got shot in the leg and now in a wheel chair. I’m grateful for what you did as an army soldier in Germany for the USA. You have been a wonderful role model for the kids of the 21st century.
May God bless America and all the people in it!

Anonymous said...

Dear all Veterans.

I’m so thankful you served in our wars. I think that if it wasn’t for you we would only be 49 states. Not including Hawaii. We would not be free. We wouldn’t have our own rights. I think if it wasn’t for you guys there would be the opposite of World Peace. I am so thankful that you decided to risk your lives for our country. I am so glad you decided to protect our county, and other countries. I am so glad you helped to make world peace. Thank you so so much.

Stick Boy.

Anonymous said...

dear veteran,
thank you for serving for our countrie and risking your life for us. you have inspired others to fight for our contry. im happy you have choosen to fight for america and other countrys. we wouldnt have hawii if you didnt fight for us. without you we wouldnt have a countrie of life, liberity, and the pursiut of happiness. we wouldnt have freedom of speech and wouldnt be the america we are today. im sorry for you that you had to see your friends die. im glad you survived the war.
with all due respect, elizabeth

Anonymous said...

hello anyone there

Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran,
I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for serving the FREE country that we are all proud to call our home. I’d especially like to thank you for risking your life in your service to America. I’d also like to thank you for dealing with the terrible conditions that you were in. America just wouldn’t be the same today if it weren’t for the heroic men and women like you who had the guts to go into war while the rest of us are inside our nice, comfortable, homes with delicious home cooked meals. I thank you.

Anonymous said...

100 words on the dot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yo people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!reyitryriytrty!old mc donald had a farm

Anonymous said...

hi mini sunshine

Anonymous said...

Dear Simon,

Thank you for serving our country and protecting us against enemies. Without veterans we could have been ruled by Hitler and might still have concentration camps. Without veterans we could have been attacked by terrorists again. Thank you for helping us be free and safe. Thank you for helping other people around the world. Thank you for protecting out right to pursue happiness and for protecting our right for the freedom of speech. Thank you for risking your life to protect citizens. Thank you for all the sacrifices you make, especially being away from your family. Thank you for saving lots of lives.


Anonymous said...

Dear Veteran

I would like to thank you for serving & protecting our country from aal are enemies. Without you we could have been controlled by hitler, & would be attacked by terrorists. If that happen I would spazz out like crazy and scream " It's the end of the world". I am so glad that we are safe because he risked his life & made sacrifices for us I am thankful. Thank you for saving our lives.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for all the thing you did in the war. If it wasn't oor you I would not be talking to you right now. I Know it is hard to not see your family at the holydays. If it wasn't for people like you people like hilter would be all over the place. Only God Knows were I'd be right now if you weren't in the war. Ihope you don't havot see enerything like that again. So once again thankyou for all your hard work you did do.

your Freind Zack.