Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Memories

Christmas is less than two weeks away! Share some of your favorite Christmas memories or traditions from years past.


Anonymous said...

One of my Christmas memories was when my family had a real Christmas tree, and it was just Bree and I at home. Bree was on the computer, and I was putting ornaments on the tree, when all of a sudden the tree started to fall. I yelled for Bree, but she wasn’t fast enough, or just didn’t hear what I was saying and the tree fell into the living room. The tree was too heavy for Bree or I to lift it up and put the tree back into place, so Bree called her boyfriend, and him and his dad put it back up. One other memory still including a Christmas tree was when my dad got a tree that was taller than the sealing, and so he cut the tree and took the bottom half for in out house. (Tree was real.)

Anonymous said...

I have a Christmas memory that I know I will NEVER forget. Okay so we were at my mom’s side of the family’s Christmas party and because of the humongous amount of us we always go to a country club. So we were at this party and my brother and a few of my other cousins decided to go outside to cool off when this oriental old lady walks up with her children who were about 16 or so. Then the old lady says, “Are you boys causing mischief?” in a Chinese, old- ladyish voice. Then my brother her down and said, “mom stop what are you doing?!” But the old lady just kept throwing them! So replied something like, “No we’re just hanging out.” Then suddenly this crazy old lady starts chucking snowballs at my brother and cousins! Then like any other embarrassed 16 year olds would do they tried calming at this point my brother and cousins were already inside but talk about an interesting Christmas party!!!!! So that is one of my funniest Christmas memories that like I said I will never forget!

Anonymous said...

Every year me and my family go to Florida to visit my Grandma around Christmas time. And my favorite memories of Christmas was last year. It was the best Christmas ever!!!! I got to go on a cruise ship for a week. It was so fun! We went to Porta Rica, Bahamas,Dominican Republic(we got are own private island), and St. Thomas. And after all of that I got to go to my Uncles wedding. We were the only kids there besides my cousin so my uncle bought eight bottles of sparkling juice that looks like champange and we drank all of them. We had stomach aches after but it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

One of my Christmas memories was last year when I saw my cousins when they came up form Georgia. I don’t see them very much and wish I could see them more often. Even though I don’t, I still think of them a lot. Anyways, they were up here and I didn’t know what he liked to play so I asked him and he said that he wanted to play vroom vroom. I didn’t know how to play so I just followed along. It turned out that he wanted to play with the buttons in my grandpas truck. Although this doesn’t sound very exciting, I wrote about it because I don’t get to see them very often.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of family traditions. Some of my family traditions are:
We always decorate the first week in December,
we set up a Christmas village,
we write a newsletter highlighting the past year,
we share pictures, make cookies
and gingerbread-houses
we travel around the neighborhoods and look at lights and displays.
We also prepare packages, letters and cards to send to family all over the U.S.
These people live in New York, California, Oregon, Michigan, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Wisconsin.
I also travel to California during this time. In California I usually go to a Sharks game!!!!!! Go Sharks!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

One memory I will never forget was when my whole family cousins, aunts , grandma, gran ... well you get the point, the presents were all around the tree I was tring to see which ones were mine but I was told not to. When it was FINALLY time to open the presents I opened a rectangular one and to my suprise was my very own first wait for it ... AN AMERICAN GIRL DOLL!!!!!! I was so happy that is a Christmas story I will never forget. A Christmas tradition we have is going to my Grandma and Grandpas house on christmas eve.

Anonymous said...

One Christmas I’ll never forget is 2 years ago when the Cielaks were over. (At this point we had Ramius). So everyone was in the kitchen and my cousin Jack, (he is the same age as me) climbed in the big dog cage to cuddle with Ramius. So quickly I shut the dog cage! It was so funny watching Jack trying to get out. Even Ramius was howling. While he was trying to get free, Summer was climbing into Sasha’s cage to get her food bowl. Well, of course what any great big sister would do, I shut the cage on her. Watching the two of them trying to get out was hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

I have lots of Christmas traditions I’ll tell you some of them .On Christmas day we go to my Aunts house have dinner and hang with my cousins and celebrate. Then on Christmas Eve we go to church and then have dinner and open presents. We always put lights outside and put up are village. We always put are Christmas tree up after thanksgiving on that weekend. As I got older my mom put presents under the tree before its Christmas Eve and its fun trying to guest them all. But I can never can guest them. That’s some of my traditions.

Anonymous said...

Open presents make ornaments together
Tell Christmas stories spread Christmas joy
Meet Santa
Gift exchange
Stay up late
Eat a lot
Stay together as a family
Find the Christmas pickle
My birthday [Dec. 28]
My uncle comes home
Watch Christmas movies
Eat great food
Listen to Christmas music
Read about the birth of Jesus
Give gifts and receive gifts
Play outside
Go sledding
Play with my dog\Sofie
Make Christmas cards
Spend time together
Get Christmas tree
Decorate tree
Go to great grandmas
See whole family
Make snowman
Snowball fight
Hot chocolate
Go to church
Christmas eve get together
Sleep in

Anonymous said...

My family always has ham for dinner with mashed potatoes for Christmas dinner. We always decorate the tree and set it up together the day after deer hunting. We always go to my Grandpas house on Christmas morning after we open our presents from Santa. We always go to church on Christmas morning. My67 sister every year sits on Santa’s lap every year. I like ham and potatoes but not haring. My mom decorates his tree. We don’t carol because only my mom and my sister like to sing. We always go give new toys to charity places. We always watch the movie a Christmas story.

Anonymous said...

sup dudies

Anonymous said...

Christmas is always very exciting at our house. On the 23rd, I go to my aunt’s house. We watch the Christmas story movie. On Christmas Eve, we go to our Grandma’s house. There we wait for my parents to come so we can open presents. My Grandma wraps and wraps and wraps a small gift. We pass it around and take one layer off at a time. It goes around about 100 times. The last one to open the last layer gets to keep the gift. It is fun because everyone thinks they have the last layer. Then we sit around and play cards……I can’t wait until Christmas……

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas traditions:

• Going to church on Christmas Eve for the candle light service.

• Opening 1 present, on Christmas Eve.

• Going to Candy Cane Lane.

• Going to Grandpa Dwight & Grandma Lois’s for Christmas in Nebraska.

• Stopping for birthday cake ice cream at the blue bunny factory on the way to Nebraska for Christmas.

• Playing bingo at my grandparent’s house.

• Spending time with my brother Christopher and my sister Andrea.

• Eating pickled herring with my grandpa Dwight.

• Playing games and watching movies with all of my cousins.

• Going to my Uncle Scotts farm and seeing all of the cows and the dog he has.

Anonymous said...

One of my Christmas memories was when my grandma and Grandpa set up a scavenger hunt for me and my little brother Connor. So they gave us a clue to start out with and then we found another clue and another. All the clues led to this special present for me and Connor. So on the last clue we were looking for the present and when we got to the present we found a WII. I was so happy because I was not expecting it because my grandma told me that she couldn’t find one because they were all sold out. So that was one of the many Christmas memory that I had.

Anonymous said...

Some of my favorite Christmas memories and traditions are:
1. Decorating the Christmas tree and the house.
2. Having my cousins come over.
3. Opening the presents!
4. Giving presents.
5. Getting the Christmas tree.
6. Eating the Christmas dinner
7. Making and sending Christmas cards
8. The nice church on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
9. Eating the Christmas food.
10. Being together as a family.
11. Going to my Aunt’s house to eat Christmas dinner.
12. Listening to Christmas music.
13. Playing Christmas music on my saxophone.
14. Watching Christmas movies.
15. Reading Christmas books.
16. Staying up late.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was two years ago when I was in Indiana and I was at my grandma’s and grandpa’s house. And they are the ones who get me the most presents. They had only gotten me three presents, a DVD, .22 shells, and .410 shells but the only thing was that I did not have a gun to shoot them out of. I had not even noticed that they had not got me much because I was having so much fun watching other people open their gifts. My grandpa then said “Sorry we did not get you much but we were saving money to buy you something big.” He then went into his room and pulled out a big box. Once I had opened it I found out it was a .410 .22 combo! I thanked them so much. And that is one of my favorite Christmas moments.

Anonymous said...

my favorite christmas memmory was deffinetly when we got our first dog. he was wrapped up like a normal present in a tiny box. my parents said the present was for me and my sisters to share. we all opened it together and he was curled up sleeping. he was sooo small! you could pick him up with cupped hands! we wanted to name him somthing really wierd for a dog. it was between steave, and roger. i personaly wanted the name steave for him. after 2 days, we fannale decided on steave. my parents payed extra for him to be extra small but now he's huge for a chiwawa. every one says hes the biggest chiwawa the have ever seen. we all love him very much! he was the best christmas present in the world!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As I think of some of my favorite memories of Christmas, I remember when I was really little and Santa brought to me this awesome John Deere gator, that I loved to ride, I think I used it for 3 or 4 years, and my Mom finally parted with it this Fall, it sure was a great present. I also remember waking up to one Christmas morning when my parents bought Lindsay & I kayaks, so we could kayak down Cedar Creek and kayak in the lake up north. But last Christmas was totally awesome, we spent Christmas up north at our cottage which is right by my grandma’s house, and do you know that Santa even found me up there. It was a beautiful winter scene and we played lots of games and spent time outside in the snow, it was a Christmas I think I will always remember.

Anonymous said...

I don’t really have any interesting or funny Christmas memories but I do have lots of traditions. Every year we have three Christmas parties. One with my moms side of the family another one with my dads side of the family and the third one with just me, my sister, my mom and my dad. We also go and cut down our own tree. We always count the rings to see how old the tree is. The day after we cut it down and bring it in we decorate it. We always get a short needled tree like balsam fir.

Anonymous said...

Here are some of my family’s Christmas celebrations
1. We get one real Christmas tree and get one fake Christmas tree.
2. We put the real Christmas tree in the family room and the fake tree in the living room.
3. We decorate the fake Christmas tree as soon as we put it up.
4. We decorate the real Christmas tree about a week after we get it.
5. We bake and decorate sprites and Gingerbread cookies a week before Christmas.
6. My Grandparents (mom side) come over on Christmas day.
7. Everyone sits in different corners of the family room.
8. Christine and I hand out the presents.
9. We open one present at a time in a clockwise order.
10. My family and my cousins (Dad’s side) alternate on going to whose house.
11. There is no set date of this it changes through time.
12. Christmas morning is when we open gifts from our family.
13. We always have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

One of my Christmas memories were when we went to my Grandma house for her last Christmas that she could be in her house Christmas. She got sick and we could not spend Christmas there. But the last Christmas was fun cause all we did was play cards watch movies. My uncle and I play card tricks on my dad and my brother. After dinner we would open parents and play with them after that we play cards or what ever. After that we would watch movies and TV. It was funny when we saw my grandma walking around and drinking all the legth over beer wine. That was my best memoir

Anonymous said...

I don't really have any good memories from Christmas, but we have a lot of traditions. The first thing we do on Christmas morning is try to wake up our dad. None of the kids in our family are allowed to go down until dad wakes up, we have a stairway that looks over our tree so it is annoying seeing all those presents that need opening but we can't. To wake our dad up, we put all our alarm clocks in his room and jumped on his bed. When he finally wakes up, we read a Christmas book and open our presents. After that we go to church. Then we go to our Mom's side of the family for a party and the next day to my dad's side. Those our pretty much my family traditions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A couple of my favorite Christmas memories where when I got my playstation 2 and a couple games with It to and the next day I had to get it out rite away and play it.That war 4 years ago cause before that I just had a stupid playstation 1 that had horrible graphics and borring games,and a nother funny memmory was when I was about 4 or 5 years old And this guy dressed up as santa came to my grandma and grandpas house and me and my sister wanted to go outside and see the reindeer and his sleaih but my grandma said that we didnt need to. tyce mentzel

Anonymous said...

A couple of my favorite Christmas memories where when I got my playstation 2 and a couple games with It to and the next day I had to get it out rite away and play it. That war 4 years ago cause before that I just had a stupid playstation 1 that had horrible graphics and borring games, and another funny memory was when I was about 4 or 5 years old And this guy dressed up as santa came to my grandma and grandpas house and me and my sister wanted to go outside and see the reindeer and his sleaih but my grandma said that we didnt need to.

Anonymous said...

We have an advent calendar ( that my great grandma made) to count the days until Christmas. We also light candles for advent. In 4-h we make cards and go caroling at Lasata. On Christmas Eve we go to church. My favorite thing to do on Christmas day is wake Andy up around 8:30 a.m. He usually gets up right away. Timmy goes and wakes up Steph. She gets up after Andy most of the time. After we open up presents we eat breakfast. We play with what we got for Christmas. During lunch/supper we sing happy birthday to Jesus and read a Christmas story. After lunch/supper we watch movies/play games/read/talk.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of things I like to do around Christmas. Most of my memories include:
1. putting up our tree
2. buying all of the food for our party, especially cookies
3. inviting my Nana, my uncle Joe, my cousin Marieh, and sometimes my uncle Joe's girlfriend and her son Jason
4. preparing the food - This year my mom and I made little barbecued weinies and making lasagna.
5. preparing for the party by cleaning up the house including my room.
6. getting presents and opening them - One of my favorite presents ever was when I got my Game Boy like four or five years ago. I really wanted it back then.
7. playing video games - This year we played my new racing game.

I remember that the last 6 Christmas's I wanted a baby brother and now I am going to get one. My mom is due April 10th. So it looks like I'll be getting a baby brother for Easter instead of Christmas.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Christmas memories is when we have a party in a hall that we rent. Once we get there we start to set up snacks and a table with presents. Then people start to arrive. My family has some kids my age to play with. We all talk and hang out until we start to eat. After we eat we open presents and play with them. Then the fun happens. We have a piƱata that is shaped like a Christmas tree. We pull the strings and dive for the candy. That is one of the best days of the year besides Christmas.

Bryks said...

hey Adrianna!

covert #19 said...

YO YO YO! its your pal #19! HIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
mAGIC 8 ball

Hannah said...


covert # 19 said...


Hannah said...

well if we tell everyone this then we can message without face book and crap

covert #19 said...

I love this beat1

covert#19 said...

SO TRuE Hannah!

Bryks said...

Hey Hannah and Adrianna U peeps Bored?

hannah said...

that be pretty aweosome!!!!!!!!

covert #19 said...

TTYL y' all Love you all gnite stay in skool and dont do drugs!