Friday, September 09, 2005


I know that I am grateful to God for all of the amazing friends He has blessed me with. They make me laugh and support me when I need it! What are the things that you value the most in a good friend?


Anonymous said...

A good thing to look for in friends is that they really are friends not just saying it. They should stick up for
You. They may make you feel better when you are sad. They should never make fun of you. They could help you make the right choices. They probably have a lot of the same interests as you .you should treat them with respect as well as they should. They could help you with you homework if you are having a problem. A good example of this is two of my friends Emily and Lindsey. We are best friends.

Anonymous said...

first of all, friends are very important to have. i think a good friend would have to be someone you trust,make the right choices, and care about you. also, i think most friendships are based on honesty. you should be honest with each other and always tell the truth, otherwise your friendship could break up,and i know that nobody would want that to happen. you should NOT hog your best friend. you should let him/her play with others and not only you. you should also give your friend space. that is what i think good friends should be. THE END

Anonymous said...

Friends are very important to me. They stick up for me when people pick on me. They make me laugh alot and are very funny. My friends also play with me and like what I like. More importantly the are nice to me. If I get hurt they ask me if I am okay. Sometimes my friends are a bit annoying but usually stop when I ask them to. Sometimes my friends get me to try new things like football and I end up liking it. We always try to sit together at lunch so we can talk about what we will do at recess. I think friends are very important.

Anonymous said...

I value friends who enjoy interesting activities and like to laugh often. I value friends who dont get upset about small things or think i am a slave when they need it i like friends with a good imagination and that will play with me at recess. its nice when they enjoy they same tv shows and when we enjoy simalar video games. i also like having friends i can plasy with on the web friendas are entertaining kind thoughtful companions not some one who holds your stuff or does your homework overall i like friends i can relate to.

100 words

Anonymous said...

Some things about my friends I like about them are that they will always be there for me in my hard times, weather I am happy, sad, mad, or angry I know thy have my back. I know I can trust them to keep my secrets and never tell me lies. I know that I can talk to them about boys, other girls, and anything else I need to talk to them about. I can trust them to help me make good decisions as well as making good decisions for themselves. We will help each other go though good times and also bad times and as we go along we will help each other build more Godly and christen like.

Anonymous said...

I think my friends are great because they help me out in many ways. When I am having a bad day they will try to make it better by playing with me or talking to me or helping me in pretty much any way possible. I feel like my friends should win an award for being so nice. They let me come over to their house and they come to my house to play games and other fun activities. The thing I like to do at recess with my friends is play horses,dogs, or any other animnal. We can use our imagination and can agree on many things. We play different parts almost everyday.

Anonymous said...

Friends are a good thing in life where you are always loved and then you don't feel alone and feel like you are the only one who dosen't have friend and you are left alone and you feel left out on things.

Anonymous said...

I Thank God for giving a such greatful friends and family that care about us. You may have some people that you dont really like but you can still be nice to them you just dont have to really hang out with them. Also you probably have some friends that are very loving, caring, dont care what other people say, they might defend you, and many other things! All I have to say if "THANK YOU GOD!!!"