Friday, May 08, 2009

Advice to Future 6th Graders

What advice would you give to the current 5th graders for 6th grade? What are some important things they need to be prepared for? (Keep your suggestions positive and don't badmouth anyone)


Moe said...

I would tell the fifth graders to come to each class prepared, in the beginning of the year the teachers will be nice and lit you get your things if you forget them but by the end of the year if you forget something you won’t be able to go back and get it. I would also tell them once they get their schedules to figure out when to go to your locker to get things and when you don’t have to. I would tell them to be ready for in between classes to get there stuff and go into their next class and not just stand by your locker and talk, you shouldn’t be late for class, the teachers expect you to arrive on time. Don’t say the “C” Word or really any bad words around teachers or your friends. I would tell them that 6th grade was fun and that I bet that they would really like it too.

Hidden MIckey said...

Dear all future 6th graders,
Here are a few tips on how to be a good middle-schooler.
1) Be organized; keep your locker and binders clean and neat. The people with the cleanest lockers will always be able to find their stuff and get to class on time!
2) do your homework, you might get a home work pass every now and then but use them wisely. You don’t want to get missing homework stamps because if you don’t get them signed you get a demerit.
3) Get nice shelves for your locker, mine have collapsed and that isn’t very convenient.
4) Demerits aren’t scary; teachers don’t give them out just for fun. Only if you swear, fight, are tardy to class or are breaking any rules repeatedly. So basically if you are a good kid in 5th grade you will probably never receive a demerit. Also, just because demerits aren’t that scary, doesn’t mean that you should go out and break all the rules to try your teacher’s patience.
5) ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS bring your supplies to class, teachers will be nice the first couple of times then it all goes downhill for you if you keep forgetting your supplies.

Miss Miller's favorite 7th grade student!!! said...

i use a binder with the accordion folder things and then instead of getting binders i get 3 ring folders so i dont have to go to my locker after every hour because it can be out of the way. The only problem i have with that is when you put something in the folder you have to take everything out to get it in. Also, if you have book covers, make them all different because otherwise you will come to class with the wrong book. Last but not least, STAY ORGANIZED!!! if you aren't organized it wont be easy to find homework and other things and you will get homework stamps and not get rewarded at the end of the quarter. If you dont get any homework stamps or demerits you get to go somewhere fun, like this quarter we are going to go to a movie at the Rivoli and last month we got to see a bucks game. STAY ORGANIZED AND DONT GET HOMEWORK STAMPS/ DEMERITS!!!!!

Hannah said...

Some advice I would give to the 5th graders is that don't get get demarts or home work stamps cause if you don't you get any then you can do fun stuff. Also get your projects done eary and don't procrastinate cause then it's hard to get a good grade. Also study really hard for tests cause some tests are harder than others and when you prepare yourself for a test always keep your notes in one notebook so you don't always have to look for them. And one last huge thing is that never be disorganized because Miss Miller does not like disorganized binders. Thats the advice I have for the 5th graders.

Soccer Lover! (KYLEE) said...

Some advice I would give for future sixth graders (fifth graders) is to make sure to keep all your note organized because you will need them for your test! Another thing I would tell the fifth graders is try not to get Home work stamps because then at the end of the quarter you will not be able to the fun activity! Also try not to get any demerits! Try to study hard before a test and not just study right before you take the test! That would be the advice I would give the future sixth graders (fifth graders).

gota dash said...

I would tell them to be prepared for lots of homework and of the missing homework stamp rule. Get either a three ring binder or a big folder so you can keep notes in it. About the blog for Miss Miller, it has to be at least 100 words. Look every day in your assignment note and get the long-term projects done quickly and not the night before it is due. There will be demerits and if you get five you will have a detention. But the teachers are nice. The lockers are not a big deal to worry about and the locker combo is easy to memorize. You should have a Christ like attitude to your fellow students and teachers.

mosses21 said...

This is the advice I would give to upcoming and future 6th graders at FIL Do not be mean, use your manners, play nice, respect teacher’s authority, speak nicely, AND ALWAYS BE ON TIME. Make sure you pay attention ( don’t be a Josh L). Try to stick to the dress code. Keep everything you say positive and try in middle school to be the best. More Tips: don’t be a hot head, respect what the teacher is teaching you, try to not drive the teachers bonkers! This is what I would give a future or upcoming 6th grader, (use it well).

moby said...

For my advice I would tell them they need to use binders or folders because being organized is not an option if you want to get good grades. And you should always do your homework and study hard for tests and also listen. You should also pay respect to all teachers. If you need help don’t guess but ask for help. And always listen. You will have very fun gym classes. And work as hard as you do in other classes. If someone is picking on you you should just ignore them. All your teachers are nice and have a good year

Striker said...

I would tell future sixth graders and current fifth graders to always come prepared because after a couple of times, they don’t allow you to run to your locker and get something that you forgot. Also, sixth grade might seem hard in the beginning and it will be hard to memorize your schedule, but after the first quarter it should be getting easier to memorize your schedule. Also, work hard and try to make honor roll. Sixth grade is pretty fun and it will go by in almost no time. This is some of what I would tell future sixth graders.

moni said...

Here are some tips on how to be prepared
1.Keep a clean locker.It is so much easier if you just grab what you need and go instead of digging through your locker to try to find your supplies.
2.Do your homework on time.That way you avoid missimg homework stamps.(If you don't get any homeworh stamps the whole quarter you get to do something fun!!!!)
3.Try not to get demerits.If your good and don't get in trouble then your ok. But if your the type who doesn't mind getting in trouble midle school is different than elementary you get in more trouble.
4.Do not stress over lockers and there combo. It's not as hard as it seems. After the first week you got your locker com. down and can open easily.
5.Always be prepared.sometimes the teachers will lend you a pencil or paper but after a while they won't and you have to start remembering or else your not prepared and you don't want that.

cookie said...

Hello 5th graders, welcome to 6th grade!! 6th grade is so exciting and fun, and all the teachers are fun, especially Miss Miller and Mr. E, he’s “wicked/awesome”! You’re now on the other side of the school and you’ll be getting your very own locker, which is kinda fun, but you have to keep it neat and tidy because there’s not a lot of space, so if it’s not tidy, you may have an avalanche when you open the door! Don’t be afraid of it, it’s really just like 5th grade but a little tougher. Just remember, if you don’t listen to your teacher you may get a demerit, and those you don’t want!! So, welcome and have fun!

luv acting! said...

The advice that I would have for a future sixth grader would be, First make sure you stay VERY organized. Start by having a clean locker and binders/folders where you can find everything easily. Then make sure you fill out your assignment notebook every day. You are not required all year to have it filled out but it really helps you avoid missing homework stamps and helps you know when a big project is coming up so you're not waiting until the last minute. You should also be a leader while in middle school because you will do much better if you do what is right alone, than if you do what is wrong with a large group. One of the most important things in middle school is stay on task in class, pay attention in class (you never know when there'll be a pop quiz), and Follow instructions. If you do all these things you will avoid demerits and you will succeed.

luv acting! said...

p.s. Another key thing is to avoid using bad language.

Yoshi said...

Here are my top 5 tips to 5th graders going to 6th Grade
1. Get organized. You will need to put your papers for a certain class in one place and papers in a different class somewhere else.
2. Watch your language. You are now in 6th grade, you know better not to say some things.
3. Get homework done. You don’t stay in for recess if you don’t have homework done, you get a homework stamp instead, which your parents have to sign, plus you have to get it done too.
4. Use in class time wisely. You will have more homework in Middle School so remember, if you do more in school, less you have to do at home
5. Respect teachers, classmates, and other parents. In other words, don’t goof off, say nice things, show brotherly love, and most important show God’s love.

Small fry said...

My advice to the future sixth graders is be organized, in the beginning of the year the teachers will let you go back to your locker to get something that you forgot but by the second month of school teacher’s will expect you to be on time and have all of your things for class. Get your homework done or you’ll get a missing homework stamp which your parents will have to sign and you have to get it done to. Use in class time wisely, you’ll be getting a lot of homework in middle school so the more that you have done the better

tycenator 3000 said...

Here are some tips how to be good as a sixth grader.

number 1:Always be prepared and have a good attitude teachers like that.
number 2:Keep your locker clean cause it makes it easier and quicker to find stuff.
number 3:dont swear around teachers they will give you a demarit for sure.
number 4:Git your homework in on time or else they give you a homework stamp and if you dont git it sighned you get a demarit.
number 5:Always remember to bring all your stuff to your classes.
number six: dont screw around durring class because sometime it leads to a demerit but sometimes the teachers let it go.
number seven:Most of the teachers can be nice all of the time if you dont goof off or be bad they will stay happy all of the time.

Streak said...

Here is some advice I would give a new 6th grader would be: do not get bad grades, do not tease others, try and turn to turn in all of your home work, do not cheat, steal, or lie to your teachers, do not say bad stuff about others, try to get on the honor role, be kind to one another and share, study hard, never leave anyone out always include other classmates, treat your teacher with respect and kindness, fallow the rules, pay attention and don’t fool around in class and always read the bible and pray. And always remember to put Christ first.

fofa said...

The most important thing is to keep your locker and binder clean I know this from personal experience I always lose my stuff. Study. Don’t say bad words. Remember your locker combo and your class schedule.
Sign up for lunch every day. Remember to do your Blog! Be respectful to teachers and class mates. Don’t get too many demerits. Do what the teachers say. Do stuff the best you can. Don’t goof around in the hall.
If you can still chew gum don’t put it on the trays in lunch and throw the gum and the rappers away. Middle school is fun so have fun.


If I had to give advice to future sixth graders, I would first tell them to try to stay organized. If you are organized, you will be able to get to class earlier and you won't have any late assignments. Another thing is to always do your assignment notebook. Not only does it give you homework passes, you will know your assignments, and won't forget them at school. You also should not get in trouble because when your gone talking to the principal, you will miss assignments. I would also bring lots of pencils because you won't be able to take notes if you forget them. You always should have a three ring binder because the teachers hole punch stuff and then it is really easy to find stuff and note lose it. The last thing you should remember is try to have fun.

Met said...

Good luck, stay serious and committed to getting good grades and being a good Christian. Respect authority and know when to back down or rise up. Be nice to the upper classmen and make sure you let someone know if they give you a hard time. Enjoy it! please, I feel that the time went too fast and I regret a lot of decisions I made. Also appreciate the teachers completely, it's very hard to get better then what they are. Also I'm glad I still bothered to remember this blog address, I like dropping by and seeing how FIL is doing. Enjoy your days there.

-Zach Z. current 9th grader at LWHS

Met said...

Oh one more thing to keep in mind... This IS the internet, anything that you put on the internet stays there, regardless of the "deletion" of content. Just be careful on what you post, here and on other sites, especially on other sites.

That's funny the word verification for this post is apmet.

elmo said...

If I had to give advice to feature sixth graders I would tell them to always do their homework. And to always respect their teachers. Also come prepared to every single class because in the beginning they might let you go to your locker but later on they will not. Another thing I would tell them is to try to keep their lock as clean as possible (unlike mine) because then you will be able to just get your stuff and go that way you won’t waste time digging through your stuff. Something else is that you only have three minutes to get to your classes, which doesn’t sound like a lot of time but it actually is.

bobbyjack said...

If I had to give advice to the future 6th graders I tell them to always keep your lockers clean as you can and whatever papers you get save them so for test coming up you can have them. Have folders or binders for each subject not one of them for all it .If you get no missing homework stapes you get to do fun things. Also do not goof off during class or you will get yelled at and that could turn into a demit. Bring all of your supplies to class the teachers don’t let go back to your locker. GOOD LUCK 6th graders. Well 5th graders right now.

Sunshine said...

advice i would give to future 6th graders is to get homework in on time. you need to get it straight in 5th grade while you can. you'll really need to work hard on it in 6th grade because if you have missing homework, you get a homework stamp and if you don't get it signed, you'll get in huge trouble. also keeping your locker clean makes a huge difference. never throw away something you think you don't need!!!!! (unless it is graded) you may end up needing it again. oh yeah! and all ways make sure your blog is at least 100 words! thanks for listning! Elizabeth

s said...

This is my advice for future sixth graders,
1. Always be organized, or else you’ll get a lot of late homework stamps.
2. Keep all papers, because you’ll never know there might be a test about what you learned throughout the year.
3. Always listen to what the teacher says, he/she could give you good info.
4. Stay in for recess if you have late work, don’t try to finish it during class.
5. Don’t goof off in the middle school you get in big trouble for goofing off.
I think that this is really good information for sixth graders

Stick boy said...

This is my advice for future sixth graders,
1. Always be organized, or else you’ll get a lot of late homework stamps.
2. Keep all papers, because you’ll never know there might be a test about what you learned throughout the year.
3. Always listen to what the teacher says, he/she could give you good info.
4. Stay in for recess if you have late work, don’t try to finish it during class.
5. Don’t goof off in the middle school you get in big trouble for goofing off.
I think that this is really good information for sixth graders

nemo said...

If I had to give advice to the 6th grade I would say that they you should always get your homework done otherwise it will be late and you will get a bad grade and if you get bad grade you will half to redo the 6th grade then everyone will laugh at you and make fun of you and then your life will be ruined and you might lose a lot of your good friend.

Anonymous said...

Okay, for girls-- I made a huge mistake by liking a boy and ruining the chance for us to ever become friends. After liking him for 2 years, we will never be able to become friends. It's awkward:( So don't make that mistake. My heart was broken and now I regret it terribly. Please, don't make the same mistake.
For boys-- If a girl likes you, don't be mean to her, if you don't like her, so what, but you don't have to treat her like crap. And if you like a girl just because she's pretty, get to know her<33
Hope it helps:)

Anonymous said...

So this is to help everyone out there that's nervous to start middle school or u just many questions and thought unanswered! Well i had that problem when i was about to start 7th grade first year of middle school in my town. Some key things to remember are always stay organized make spots for everything it will help a lot. So what I do is use a accordion folder which i think helps alot each pocket holds my notebook and folder for tht class. This way you dnt have to worry about forgetting a book in your locker plus it can hold alot without taking tht much space up and easy to carry from and too school!

Madye Advice said...

Dear all future 6th Graders,
This is the advice I would give to upcoming and future 6th graders at SVMS Do not be mean, use your manners, play nice, respect teacher’s authority, speak nicely, AND ALWAYS BE ON TIME. Make sure you pay attention . Try to stick to the dress code. Keep everything you say positive and try in middle school to be the best. More Tips: don’t be a hot head, respect what the teacher is teaching you, try to not drive the teachers bonkers! Here are some tips on how to be prepared
1.Keep a clean locker. It is so much easier if you just grab what you need and go instead of digging through your locker to try to find your supplies.
2. Do your homework on time. That way you avoid missing homework asignments.
3. Try not to get silent luches. If your good and don't get in trouble then your ok. But if your the type who doesn't mind getting in trouble midle school is different than elementary you get in more trouble.
4. Do not stress over lockers and the combinations. It's not as hard as it seems. After the first week you will be able to get your locker combination down and you can open it easily. Always be prepared sometimes the teachers will lend you a pencil or paper but after a while they won't and you have to start remembering or else your not prepared and you don't want that.
Use this advice that I am giving you and you will have no trouble at SVMS at all I promise.

Madye Brizendine 6th Grader

Madye Advice said...

Madye Advice said...
Dear all future 6th Graders,
This is the advice I would give to upcoming and future 6th graders at SVMS Do not be mean, use your manners, play nice, respect teacher’s authority, speak nicely, AND ALWAYS BE ON TIME. Make sure you pay attention . Try to stick to the dress code. Keep everything you say positive and try in middle school to be the best. More Tips: don’t be a hot head, respect what the teacher is teaching you, try to not drive the teachers bonkers! Here are some tips on how to be prepared
1.Keep a clean locker. It is so much easier if you just grab what you need and go instead of digging through your locker to try to find your supplies.
2. Do your homework on time. That way you avoid missing homework asignments.
3. Try not to get silent luches. If your good and don't get in trouble then your ok. But if your the type who doesn't mind getting in trouble midle school is different than elementary you get in more trouble.
4. Do not stress over lockers and the combinations. It's not as hard as it seems. After the first week you will be able to get your locker combination down and you can open it easily. Always be prepared sometimes the teachers will lend you a pencil or paper but after a while they won't and you have to start remembering or else your not prepared and you don't want that.
Use this advice that I am giving you and you will have no trouble at SVMS at all I promise.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing an essay for future 6th graders and i really found your information helpful! Thanks! and i did not just copy and paste it -_-..... THANKS AGAIN!! TOODLES!!

Anonymous said...

What I will say is nothing

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is be yourself and come prepared for every class and expect anything and everything

Anonymous said...

Ok i don't go here, but what these people are saying is so true